Gifs r geeeey~ g/fur

Gifs r geeeey~ g/fur

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hecc ye

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cute bump

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very gae

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pic related

luckily I have a boyfriend to get me like this now, but he's out of town seeing some family rn and I miss him and his dick :(

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Slow night it appears.

Furries of Sup Forums, what made you into furries?

For me it was ever since I hit puberty I thought that irl girls were weird, I got into pornography but then I realized that I paid much more attention to dicks then the vaginias. I then got into gay porn and then I heard about rule 34 and started masturbating to sly cooper, star fox and undertale porn and soon enough I became a full blown gay furry.

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I don't know if I would describe myself as a furry, rather just interested in the porn.


>b-but its not random
/bant/ - International/RANDOM

>b-but its slow
thats why you should get in there and start posting!

>b-but its weeb infested
theyre like 5 or smth, just dont give a fuck about these 5 people, its THAT easy!

>b-but the porn fags should fuck off
yes they should, but the movements weve started didnt work and mods are still faggots, /bant/ is the best alternative we got. Unless you actually enjoy constantly looking at porn

If you post gore you get bonus points

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I still believe that anyone with a furry fetish is a furry because the label is applied to the fetish itself regardless

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I don't really remember, my autobiographical memory is pretty shit. I am pretty sure I got started by looking at shota and sonic the hedgehog R34 when I was like 12 or 13. Then I found gay furry porn on sites like yaoihaven and eventually Sup Forums

I would not consider myself a furry, just a degenerate fag who likes gfur porn among other things

Yeah same, I’m exclusively into furry porn but I don’t have a fursona or anything nor I’m interested in fursuiting, I’m not even aroused by being a furry I just want to have gay sex with them in human form.

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How are you today

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I could agree with that. But there's such a terrible stigma attached to it all, I try to avoid most of the community altogether.

I'm feeling pretty damn good after snorting caffeine an hour ago because I really needed a fix after not having any drugs for a while because I'm a degenerate.

How are you doing, furend?

Of course, that's why we're here and not FA where the truly awful furries are

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check em bois

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Doing okay

Also snorting caffeine?

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Holy quads mean we all have to do a line of caffeine now.

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Yo buddy

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Yep, 200mg of pure caffeine in capsules, broken open for maximum efficiency. Even just taking them in their regular form is objectively healthier and safer than any energy drink. It's great for playing music or video games. I don't condone it though because it's legit addicting if one abuses it the way I do, but it's been months since I've had anything but weed.

Let's all get high and have a big gay furry orgy

Ayy, what's going on user?

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ah okay then

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Oh boi, I'll be bouncing off the walls.

More like bouncing on DICK lmao

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Life has been good recently, I have been working out and putting on muscle, I’m a black belt in karate and recently started Krav Maga classes.

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Yeh it'll increase my confidence and ego.

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Honestly it started with the games I played as a kid. Ratchet and Clank, Sly Cooper, etc. Some part of me wanted to BE the main characters so badly. Just thinking about being non-human, cute, and covered in fur was something I really wanted. Then eventually I stumbled upon SFW furry stuff by accident as 7 or 8 year old that found his way onto Deviant Art after hearing about it on some Albinoblacksheep cartoon. At first it was just because I loved the idea of different types of intelligent species derived from animals existing amongst one another.

Then I discovered the porn.

I was definitely confident that I was more attracted to guys once I started hitting puberty, and I didn't live in a bible thumping household, so I saw no huge issue with it. The gfur just combined two things I really liked: men and anthropomorphic characters. I don't feel like my sexuality was ever molded by the porn, just reaffirmed.

I currently have a boyfriend that I've been dating for the past 6 or so months, and while he doesn't get the furry thing, he recognizes that it's harmless.

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Lol, I also liked the Penguins from Penguins of Madagascar and Peppa Pig when I was 6-8, although it never became sexual

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Me too user, me too.

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That's awesome dude! Martial arts is great for building muscle and learning discipline.

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Drugs are so god damn good for playing instruments. I just screw around playing scales and end up making something cool as fuck. I really wish I had others to play with.

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Well this thread is fucking dead

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Same, all my friends moved away, and anyone else I know doesn't play an instrument.

do you have an audio interface for your computer? we can jam online

I only had one friend who played music, but he's a narcissistic cunt who just played random bullshit on my keyboard rather than having any soul or feeling to it. I just stopped talking to him earlier this year, but sometimes I think about calling him and hanging out with him and his cousin because that's how we met back in high school. Other than that I've never had any musician friends.

Yeah but I have no idea how to work it. I downloaded FL Studio and haven't bothered to learn about it.

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I want a raindeer slut to swallow my cock so fucking bad

Same dude. I just want anyone to really, I don't care who.

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I’m just really in the mood for reindeer guess maybe that it’s getting close to Christmas mood

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hai boysss

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>tfw a nigger doctor from the ghetto mutilated me as a baby and ruined both my dick and life
kill me

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No love for me then :,(

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gfur server

oooh poor you

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I was circumcised as a baby, but then the skin actually grew back, uncircumcising me.

I am like the anti jew.

I'm going to Jew your foreskin and sew it onto my dick

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Where are the gifs lazy Sup Forumsoys

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you literally just plug a microphone or instrument into it

Yeah sure, let's trade places.

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Or just makes doms feel bad and have gender dysphoria because they've lost 80% of their sensitivity. My dick would be like 7" if the skin weren't so tight that I couldn't get a full erection because of a horrible scar, so I lose like half an inch in length and girth because of it. God I fucking hate both Jews and doctors.

You wouldn't want to, I promise

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How about you let me use mine on you cutie

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God I wanna fill Reggie so fucking bad

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God I wanna fuck a reindeer slut so bad tonight

makes you feel jealous huh? embrace that feeling. it'll turn you into a good-as-fuck dom.

pretty much the only route a circed boi can go down if he wants to be dom. teach those mean ol' intact boys a lesson. ;)

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I'm sure he'd love to fulfill that request

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Jealous? No. It makes me not want to meet anyone because nobody wants a disgusting, scarred dick that can't even get fully hard.

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mmmn... you're turning me on, user

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whatever weirdo

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what's it like to be uncut, Sup Forumsros? :3

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God this shit has my cock leaking

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God damn

Eh, fine, I guess.

Post dick

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Yeah, you tell him.

Better than you will ever know, snip.

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Considering the original connotations of circumsition as a sign that you're one of the chosen people, you could see that as god specifically telling you to go fuck yourself.
So you know, nothing matters!
Bang boys! Do drugs!

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