I took this pic of my eye, do you see anything wrong with it?

I took this pic of my eye, do you see anything wrong with it?

Attached: 20191114_110444.jpg (4032x2268, 1.57M)

It's attached to a faggot.

What if it wasn't?

its beutiful, kinda want to lick it

full of doodoo butter.

Fuck off

Dark spot in the Iris. Probably cancer. Enjoy your glass eye.

oh come on, at least I'm bumping your gay eye thread. Even though it's full of poop and attached to a faggot.


It’s not master race.

how did you take the pic?

Its brown


With a macro lens


has a cut in it
also they're not blue or green

Nothin wrong with it but your iris is kinda ugly.

Im seeing a shadow of a penis

shit color eyes

>Brown eyes
why not kys to improve the gene pool?

post yours

This is mine.

Attached: 1.png (378x306, 150K)

Extremely cool photo!

I don't see anything wrong other than the rift in the iris .. witch i think is natural
