Forget this guy for a second, If you could only vote for a democrat running at the moment who would it be?

Forget this guy for a second, If you could only vote for a democrat running at the moment who would it be?

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no one, they're all tainted in one way or another

I'm from the future, from 2021. Bernie has won and already turned back the ONLY thing Trump accomplished, his executive orders. Transgendered people are protected now and free to live how god intended. Everyone has free healthcare. Free college coming soon. Bernie's VP, Elizabeth Warren, destroyed the southern concentration camps with the use of the US Army and has opened the borders for all freedom loving people to become American, just by entering the country, as the founding fathers said it should be.

Trump went on trial after his impeachment, and Bernie fast tracked his court hearings. Trump was found guilty of child molestation on 49 counts and 24 counts of rape. Proof of his collusion with China, Ukraine, Iran, and Russia came to light. His family turned on him during the trials and testified against him to save themselves. He hung himself in the same jail cell he had Epstein killed in.

Everyone is happy now. Anyone can smoke weed, cigarettes have been outlawed, and soda can only come in 12oz or less. We're the healthiest country. After we cut the military budget in half we used the other half to fully fund education everywhere, including the urban schools. The highest paid profession is now teacher and we are on the fast track to #1 in all education fields. Any Trump supporter was forgiven, only after they turned in their assault weapons to be destroyed, but not to be allowed to vote or own guns for the next 10 years for the damage done to the country. We are now running on 100% renewable energy, the climate crisis is in check, and Bernie even defeated ISIS in 30 days.

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yang for the memes

Libtard fantasy thread after 3 days of nothing burger.

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their line up is the weakest its ever been, all of them have a serious flaw, they're the D crew at best

Yang. All of them besides him and the white billionaire that nobody cares about are dogshit candidates.

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Maybe Tulsi, but only because she seems like the least social justiy.
She has no chance of winning though. None of the dems have a chance of winning actually. They're all fucking crazy. Most of them are pandering to illegals who can't vote and young millennials who don't work or vote anyways.
I'd say Trump has a 95% chance even if he does get impeached.

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>Transgendered people are protected now and free to live how god intended
when were they not protected under the same laws that protect all of us? do they require special treatment? in which case they're not equals to us

Senator Sanders!

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ironic since the dems are against any spending on space programs and only care about welfare for the chimps in the hood

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Wheres the extortion? Show one tiny piece of evidence. I'll wait.

cringe gang is horrible on immigration so hes a big no for me


she did warn us, she was right

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That would require one of them to not be a subhuman piece of shit. So far, no dice. On the other hand, if the 2016 election would have been between Trump and Sanders, I'd have had to vote Sanders. I knew neither of them would get anything done, but Sanders just isn't as big a drama queen as Trump.

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You've got that backwards, socialism is great at impoverishing countries

Bernie/Warren 2020

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Mainstream mental illness!

they're all pretty cucked on immigration besides Biden and Im not fond of him at all, so none really.

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Yang or Gabbard. They're the only two who don't come off as a hard left, radical authoritarian willing to drive tanks over children in the name of healthcare for illegals and transgender supremacy.

>No argument
only in the time of actual ww2 boomers were trans not given fair treatment, get over it you are either equals or you think you are better while we think you're lesser

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We would like a word

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name one dem for space advancement?

None.The closest one to even remotely decent, has been labeled a Russian spy... You people are all crazy and need to be purged.


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Good call. Derp

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Bernie Sanders

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But cigarettes make me happy

Does it matter, most of Sup Forums is too young to vote

The new quid pro quo definition.

Great job lemming.

They're bad for you, smoke weed instead

Norway has 330,000,000 people and is expected to play world cop, even though we get shit for it right up until the point where something breaks out then we get get shit for not stepping in sooner

Lazy, over entitled, old bitch took the nomination from Bernie because "it was her time" and "muh vagina" but then sat on her wrinkly ass and expected the media to drag her across the finish line while she did nothing to inspire her own campaign.

The sooner the Democrats are done with the Clintons the better!



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To answer OP, Yang.

does bernie have a meme team now, cause these are bad

Pepe is on our side comrades

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kek you know nothing of memetics

look mom i posted again

so epic

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We're tearing down the walls of memetics and memenomics

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Bloomberg is pro-cop. That's the only good point that a Dem candidate has now.
>>inb4 Jew


Time travelers have internal implants that explode if we knowingly try to reveal future outcomes to anyone while traveling. If you were a time traveler claiming to speak the truth, you're either a liar or you dug out your implant.

Choose to reveal yourself carefully moving forward if you're not lying, we are watching, but also are vitally aware of dimensional cross over pollution that needs to be treated as waste in order to preserve the present time line.

doesn't that fly in the face of gays? are trans more important then gays now? where is the rainbow flag bigot?

this! he is a faker

So you agree that you're out numbered and Trump will be reelected after impeachment goes to utter shit.

I'm a very serious lawyer who owns his own law firm and has 20 employees. I will vote for either Sanders or Warren in the primary depending on who is polling better when they come to my state.

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>moment who would it be?


All Democrats are known corrupt pieces of shit.

Notice in Future with Bernie, it is still a white dude in charge of the Plantation.

Oh yeah, we would all be better off under Drunk Dyke.

>depending on who is polling better when they come to my state.
so you admit you're a bias retard that doesn't have any understanding or care as long as orange man bad

Why? You do understand that they will raise your taxes? And your employees.

Andrew Yang.

He's the only Democrat who seems to have a functioning brain and actually attempts to run his belief systems based on real world examples and experience.

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yeah ok, shillbergyang is a puppet saying what polls best

Can't believe I'm about to defend some slant eyed yellow fucking commie, but I don't think that's the case.

Some of the interviews I've seen with him he's seemed surprisingly bland and matter-of-fact. Definitely uncharacteristic compared to the other Democrat candidates who are hardcore sensationalists who will say the most emotionally charged asinine shit to get a rise out of their voter base.

Not saying I agree with the dude or even like him, but he's been the only Democrat who seems even remotely capable of having a nuanced conversation about complex issues.

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>we cut the military budget in half
you are begging for a military coup

>Definitely uncharacteristic compared to the other Democrat candidates
right because he is following polls and not pushing the dem script but that is no better because it makes him a yes man willing to say whatever it takes to win and unable to take a stance which is not leadership materiel


The smartest of the bunch by far. Won’t die of natural causes in office like Bernie, Biden and Warren just might.

Who's unironically best for the country? Yang.

Who'd I'd actually vote for? Biden. Cookie cutter neoliberal with policy positions that closely mimic Trumps. Also correctly views women as objects.

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