About to end it all tonight Sup Forums. Literally going to become a hero. Remember me by this post

About to end it all tonight Sup Forums. Literally going to become a hero. Remember me by this post.

>3 years ago, senior year
>hottest redhead girl in the world sits right in front of me
>most massive ass on a white girl possible
>literally on the last day of school I go and smack it as I’m leaving like the hormone driven idiot i fucking was
>get charged with sexual assault
>live in small Kentucky town so literally everyone knows me now
>Can’t fucking get a job
>parents dont even look at me
>cant even move, nowhere to go, no friends

And so, my life is ruined before it even began. So tonight, I’m going to be remembered a hero. Talk to me before it happens, and the link to the fb stream is in here: /y5PSQ9

See y’all on the other side frens

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don't, ok?

lol that's pretty funny but just smoke weed and eat some kfc
don't kill yourself there's only blackness lol

is that your reason for wanting to an hero? if you wait until you can then move elsewhere you can start over.

its an hero retard

It's definitely not.

if you kys, you get a free pass to Hell. So you know, don't.

If you kill yourself, the girl you sexually assaulted might finally feel like she got justice, and she might not kill herself because she will no longer fear having to see her attacker everyday.

If you kill yourself, you'd essentially be saving a life!

It's the only decent and heroic move you have left to restore your family's honor.

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I'm just gonna assume ur trying to bait and leave, hope ur last sight on this earth is ur feet turning purple as u swing from the rafters, good riddance

bwhahaha, nice shop, fucking saved.

You must be the black kid on probation for being black in a small town that posts every week like clockwork

The "h" isn't silent in "hero"

>you must be the black kid


>parents dont even look at me

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>smacked a girls bum
>family won't speak to me

this is more fucked up and stupid sounding then the suicide part. OP i don't believe your story, how could anyone be that sensitive?

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If you're gonna go out, figure out a way to do it with style. You only get one death, so make it count.

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What made you spank it? Normally guys would "accidentally" feel her ass as you're passing through a narrow pathway.

You went for the critical damage strong attack instead of the silent sneak attack. Tsk tsk tsk. Now you're a sexual assaulter.

Plus user there are some times in everyone loves that seem like the sky is raining on you. It has hidden the sun for so long that you can't even think there is one behind the clouds for you. But it is there. It cannot rain forever. The clouds will eventually go away and the sun will appear and brighten your life. You just have to be strong. Everyone makes mistakes, especially people your age. It doesn't define you and people that don't get that are better of your life. You are too young to give up. You cane change your life to the way you want it to be. Just be strong and patient, and try to achieve what you want. You should move out and away from that environment. Life won't be easy but it isn't for anyone. You can prove all the people that doubt you wrong. Just don't give up yet. I believe in you user. A random person on the internet. So do you really think someone irl can't? Don't give up user. You got so much left to live. People to meet and love and be loved by. One incident doesn't define you, and neither do 10 or 20. You are young. Use all of this time you, as a young person, have and do something. I believe in you. I really do. I'm not meeting around or anything and don't listen to any miserable asshole on this site that tells you you should do it. You can change because you are conscious of what you did. You know of the consequences it had. You can change. I believe in you user. I believe in you.

Diiigiiits confirm that cosplay IS consent. Happy hunting.

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You could just get a job somewhere else and then move there. However I am confused on what you mean by become a hero. I assume killing someone in power.

Kek you must be ugly or some shit. Grills dgaf if you smack their asses. Reminds me of something that happened to me a few years ago
> Be at party
> Hoe starts twerking upside down against a wall
> Someone's taking a video, but I don't know it at the time
> See that ass, and it's like a magnet to my hand
> By the time I figured out what was happening, I had already smacked it
> Later see the video
> I'm not on the frame
> Only my hand is when I smack the ass
> Video is basically just a grill twerking and then an unidentified hand smacks her ass
> Hand is only in frame for a split second, striking like a cobra, then immediately retreating out of frame again.

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post vid

Also, OP, if you've already been charged, and everyone thinks you're a piece of shit, why not just go all out and rape her?

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second thread about people killing themselves in 1st page. Don't do it man.

Because that's not what heroes do.

Don't have it. Even if I did, I wouldn't go to the trouble of uploading it. It's on vine, tho, so if you search every video that's ever been posted on vine, you're bound to find it.

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Newfag detected

Maybe dont be a fucking dumbass and slap random girls asses user?

>Even if I did, I wouldn't go to the trouble of uploading it

God conservatives are retarded. I can’t believe you idiots think this way.

Pretty sure some of them do. Didn't some guy on Watchmen rape a chink during the Vietnamese war? Be like that guy from Watchmen.

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These are both my posts and they are both tragically underrated. Thinking about doing an and hero ...

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Might as well commit as many sins as possible and go down there as a legend.

Came to post this

First time here?

> It's an hero here, bro.

Become a tranny first so you can up the suicide statistic

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kek. pic saved

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So your life is ruined just because a tiny slip up you made when you were a teenager? And oh, he slapped my ass boo-hoo!
We should target that cunt and have her raped and killed.

Don't an hero yet. Kill her first.

What's ur KIK op? Maybe I can help

Just move to a different state, doesn't matter if you are absolutely piss poor broke. As long as you are always striving for success somewhere else you will be more happy than your current situation. Also fuck your family and whatever friends you had, you don't need them if they were willing to disown you after you smacked some girl on the ass.