The California high school shooter just died of his injuries about an hour ago

The California high school shooter just died of his injuries about an hour ago.

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What happened? A school shooting.


He shot himself in the head with a .45 yesterday morning after he murdered 2 other people and died just now in the hospital.

Poor little guy

Oh thanks

RIP faggot

Good. Now he can suck daddy's cock in hell, forever. Fuck Trump

And nothing of value was lost

That's why you can't trust gooks. The whole thing started over a chess game.


Little dick anger.

Just to think if things had been different that coulda been me.
Rest in peace faggot. May god be merciful on you.

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On the plus side at least it wasn't a white guy

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And nothing of value was lost.

and nothing of value was lost

Wow there was a shooting today? I did not even hear about that until now.


Yes. Nothing of value was lost.

It was yesterday morning

He made a bad move with one of his bishops and went full ninja gaiden

God bless him. rip

He only killed californians, a true hero.

Hell of a way to celebrate his birthday.

Sleep well, sweer prince

>Shot himself in the head, dies a day later.
He couldn't even get that right.

2:1 k/d? pfft, bet this faggot didn't even have a manifesto


Bruh, he's clearly mexican or asian.

Also 13-50


White and Japanese.

Actually kind of a sad story. Imagine your mom not knowing you were planning a murder/suicide and having to be there in the room when you die. Damn this winter got me feeling feelings like a little bitch.



Where is the video. News said it was recorded


You think that’s amusing?

LMAO, hope that actual retard sack of crusty sperm burns in hell forever, glad he never reproduced

What a fucking noob. 2 kills on survival? Lol

Glad that that little retard bitch boy could never reproduce and raise his offspring. Seems like he was a lump of smelly cum.

Who cares

Couldn't even get double digits. No wonder he killed himself.

No, clearly user thinks 2 is pathetic

Angry jap lol

This means nothing to you fags, but when I first saw a pic of this kid I got this “deja vu” thing like I’ve seen his pic before. Maybe because he’s asian, I don’t know. No tinfoil shit, but comps can create these “fake people” now.

He was half white. So not suicide, obviously it was the white side that shot the Japanese side because racism.

This just goes to show how life is meaningless outside of our own interpersonal relationships. Good can die just as easily as bad. There is no real order in the universe, actual order decreases by the milliseconds.

This guy was in pain. He chose to transpose that pain by inflicting it upon others. He wasn't meant to make it, not all of us are. It's a shame he had to take the lives of others in the process of his own suffering. As his victims, all he sees is black now. That's all you see when you're dead and gone. But I feel for him, the victims, and their families. Nobody deserved this. We are all just a consequence of a universe trying to understand itself.

>As his victims, all he sees is black now. That's all you see when you're dead and gone
You don’t know that lol.

>He chose to transpose that pain by inflicting it upon others.
The 'others' were most likely the people who inflicted that pain upon him in the first place. That's usually how these things work.

Japs are yellow

Anyone one got the vid?

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I'm Californian myself and I one up this

nobody cares snowflake

Heyy! nice Elon Musky...

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did he beat chos high score?

Fuck off god fag.

Nobody does. There are different stages to death. Clinical death is the cessation of blood circulation and breathing. Many have experienced this, with tales to follow, but can be revived. Brain death is irreversible. If neuronal activity ceases for any length of time, you are dead. There is no coming back. Nobody comes back after this and give any account. Science has not progressed far enough to explain anything.

I feel as though humanity has been around long enough to make a valid assumption that once our consciousness ceases, we cease entirely. People develop religions and theories based on what "evidence" we have of life after death (which as you mentioned, is none). Because most of us can't cope with just nothing, just black. We can't live a vivid live of meaning and consciousness, then just think of black nothingness. But that's the most plausible happening. There is nothing more realistic than that. People with NDEs are not brain dead. They still have activity and can recount.

It couldn't have been you. You're too much of a faggot to do anything.

>>did he beat chos high score?

Short answer = No.

Of course. If he were the guy these types of girls wanted and didn't oppress, this wouldn't have been in issue. My middle/highschool years were fucking terrible. I was an emotional, lonely, poor ass POS. I had access to guns, small town, weird quiet kid persona, all that shit. I was in pain, I was a "nice guy", I wasn't "ugly", nor was this guy. I never fucking once thought about shit like this. I was in pain, I dealt with it. I dealt with it a hell of a lot better than I do now. Regardless of those who made him feel as he did, they didn't deserve anything like this.

Good. Two dead anchor babies. Now deport the fucking beaner parents.

>Regardless of those who made him feel as he did, they didn't deserve anything like this.
I'm not saying they deserved it. You shouldn't be saying they didn't. We don't know what happened to provoke the shooting. They may very well have deserved it.

Hope he died slow. Fucking faggot .

What could any young girl(s) do that that age to deserve death? Eye for an eye. I doubt they took his eye. Unless they were strapping him down every night and raping him with a big strap-on, or getting other dudes to rape him in the ass and some other seriously out-of-this-world fucked up shit..Not only do I believe normal chicks even have the capacity to or hardly conceive of actions degenerate enough to deserve death, but someone so emotionally unstable/fragile that is wiling to do something like this, they would never be able to make it through seriously emotionally damaging shit. People suffer for years. Go through fucked up shit for years. He couldn't handle it. I feel for shit pain, but his victims still didn't deserve it.

from all that ive seen, the only commonality between the shooter and victims is that they attended the same high school. no relationship or past history that has been reported as of yet

why are white people so violent?

it was also his birthday the day he did the shooting. what if he lost it cuz no one said happy birthday to him?

I finally looked into this. A website called torswatch selling a watch for $0.00 WTF? I've never heard of that website or watch. Anyone know anything else?


What a pile of shit.

>muh stopping power

.45 fags BTFO

I hope you realize it's a scam.