Help me cure my gout, Sup Forums!

Help me cure my gout, Sup Forums!

I've had this ache in my foot for a week now. I've been drinking water and laying down taking it easy, and it shows no signs of improvement. I'm fucking sick of it. I'm not going to the doctor - don't suggest it.

How can I just get these fucking uric acid crystals out of my toe?? As fast and painlessly as possible, and without permanent damage unless it would be a truly better solution than anything else.

Here's what I have available to me (excluding most common household items, as well as drugs I have at my disposal that would not possibly be of aid):

>lots of needles
>phosphoric acid
>potassium hydroxide
>air compressor with pneumatic hammer, high psi air gun, (cringing but.. palm nailer)
>boldenone undecyclenate eth suspension
>nandrolone deconoate eth suspension
>shitload of isopropanol
>butane torch?
>idk uh tankless water heater, bathtub, can i just melt this shit out with a long hot bath or some shit?



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Hot water on the gout and eat red cherries/cherry juice.

I've been drinking tart black cherry juice all week - 2 bottles down, 1 left. Should I just down the whole thing at once and stick my foot in hot water for a bit? With enough heroin it could be very hot if that would help!

Goutfag here. If you have a way to getting your hands on colcrys without a prescription, you're good to go. Had gout on and off for 20 years now, it's the only thing that ever helped. Pop 2 or 3 of those and you'll be walking around tomorrow.

Not sure why you don't go to an urgent care place, though. $20 co-pay, in and out.

For future reference, I rarely drink anymore and I cut back on fast food, haven't had an attack for a couple of years now. Otherwise haven't really changed my lifestyle, those 2 things were apparently the culprits, at least for me.

Prednisone for a week, then get on allopurinol 300mg every day. That's all there is, basically
It's cheap. Use a web MD. You can permanently damage your joints if you don't.

I went to the doctor before and all he gave me were ibuprofen and vicoden. I have excellent insurance but it was a waste of time. Wtf is colcrys??

I've had gout once before when I was a heavy drinker. I don't know what triggered it this time, I went out for a drink one night, only had two drinks. Looking back, I didn't piss the whole night. I must have been very dehydrated. Fuck.

Is that anything like Boldenone Undecylenate?

cut it off

Can't you read user? I said "without permanent damage unless it would be a truly better solution than anything else." It's my big fuckin toe man!!

stop smoking

If actual medicine is out of the question you can take a lot of ibuprofen for a few days. About 3 with each meal. That breaks up the acid.

Does that really have anything to do with it? I thought gout was caused by dehydration + too much purine. Which can be caused by heavy drinking. Or meth/heroin usage.

I've been doing that. 5 days now! 4 ibuprofen 3 times a day

Sure trade gout for a stomach ulcer. Good thinking user!

>9 ibuprofen a day a few days
>stomach ulcer
user... have you tried drugs before?

google it, nigger, I'm not a fucking doctor. that's what a doctor gave me, though, when I had the gout and I've used it ever since. works like a charm.

Cum on your foot, rub it in. Cum has anti-inflammatory properties.

eat better and cut back on alcohol

Yea man taking too much ibuprofen gave me a stomach ulcer. It can also damage your kidneys. Its totally a thing.

Did you take a very large amount at once? Or a sort of large amount on a long-term basis? I don't think that would happen from 9 pills a day for a few days.

I used to get really bad gout attacks. cut way back on alcohol, drink 8 oz tart cherry juice daily, and lost weight. that has been very effective for me. when I used to get very stubborn attacks that would last for weeks I would get desperate and drink a baking soda and water solution 4 times a day and I swear that worked like a charm. now as with all things gout if you look online you'll read all sorts of contradictory information but I do believe it did work for me and quite quickly too. try it if you don't have bad high blood pressure. I too refuse to see a doctor and never saw one for your even though I've had extreme attacks in all of my joints up to both elbows.

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It's not an ulcer, it just inflamed your stomach lining. Real ulcers don't tend to heal on their own, and they're caused by bacteria.

It may not look like much but ive had this painful bump in my knuckle for months, with varying intensity. Not sure if gout or arthritis or what . Hurts to squeeze it or make a tight fist, and feels somewhere between sharp and dull pain. How can you tell if something is gout?

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probably another form of arthritis.

You should probably get that checked. Looks like cancer.

Allopurinol you dumb fuck

yeah i lost weight and cut back on drinking. i guess i forgot about the whole gout issue and lost my discipline for a bit. i'm sure your baking soda thing works, but i'm looking for an overnight solution - something experimental. hot pic btw!

the only way to be sure is to inject a needle and withdraw a sample for testing. Gout is a type of arthritis caused by the buildup of uric acid crystals. But it could be some other type of arthritis, gout typically forms on your big toe.

Can I synthesize it from the ingredients I listed? Is that something commonly sold on the street or black markets?

Like I said - no doctors. I won't go unless I'm about to die. Which will almost certainly be due to my poor choices of lifestyle.

I went to the hospital after puking blood. They also found blood in my stool. It was determined that I had a stomach ulcer. They stuck a camera tube down my throat. it was due to taking ibuprofen every night at my lunch break, i worked at an Amazon warehouse. So please shut the fuck up because you have no idea what you're talking about.

Sup Forums - Random
The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

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I am a doctor.
It is cancer. You'll die in 3 month. Sorry

Change the doctor because he's utter shit. You need allopurinol or febuxostat and colchicine for immediate relief.

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he told me that you had to take those things for life or some shit. it was a patient first.

Head down to your local hardware store and buy pic related. Some of them will come with a manual but if not just ask the dude behind the counter. Gout removal is pretty straightforward.

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Hundreds of thousands of people take opioids like vicodin for life, even if they don't need to. You definitely don't take colchicine for life, because it's too toxic and simply not needed, it resolves a problem not prevents it. You take it during a gout attack, not before or after.

that's lvlplastic.


No no no the ibuprofen doesn't do jack shit for a full blown flare up. Op for future reference, and listen carefully, when you feel even the slightest of a twinge/onset of a gout attack THATS when you take ibuprofen like a mad man to prevent a full blown flare up.

If your cherry juice has sugar in like most fruit juices its only going to make things worse.

Drink lots of water and get your hands on a diuretic (makes you pee). This next part might seem counter intuitive, but drink a little hard liquor like whiskey. Don't get stupid drunk but get feeling good and you will be pissing all over the place. Dont forget to chug and chug water after your done with the liquor. Repeat as neccessary.

My final thought is an idea i had a while back... would some sort of strong vibrating device worn or placed on the toe or foot or wherever help break up the crystals? I mean like powerful micro vibrations if that makes sense.

I eat lots and lots of cherries. And went to the doctor and was prescribed gout medicine.

Why would you want to get rid of this? Jam a wire coathanger in there and you got yourself a fuckin crystal radio mannn

you need a prednisone injection. and allopurinol and colchine to control it going forward.

You got a lot of good ideas user. I have cherry juice but I don't think sugar hurts - it's tart and low on sugar anyways. I'll chug that shit, drink a beer, take a caffeine pill (caffeine is a diuretic), then draw a hot bath. with my foot in the bath, i will use my percussive massager to send microvibrations through my foot, forcing bloodflow and breaking up the crystals. at the same time, i will forcibly bend my toe around to break that shit outta there. lots of heroin for that part probably. good idea or no?

Might I suggest amputation at the neck.

You need to push a large gauge needle in to the joint and drain the urea out. That will help.

ohoho! very clever!

Try this

Take heroin then do twice the amount of meth

Uhh i have no clue about the heroin part and what role that might play on helping or not helping gout. But DO NOT DRINK BEER. First of all alcohol is a known "no no" when it comes to gout... but BEER is, for whatever reason, known to be absolutely forbidden for gout. It can cause a flare on its own and make flare ups worse.

I believe you had it but taking nine ibuprofen a day for a few days isn't going to do that.

Op, go to a competent dr.

the heroin will make the forced movements of my ligament painless as I force the uric acid crystals to be freed. and as for beer.. you're right it's very high in purine. but i don't have any other diuretics besides caffeine. i just snorted a bunch of 2-fdck though and everything is kinda sideways. i would recommend everyone to try this drug at least once.

Crack it open like a rock geode!

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>Op, go to a competent dr.
No. I have health insurance with no deductible, but only because my work provides it for free. Fuck that shit! I will not receive healthcare from a doctor approved by a warmongering, injudicious government!

May god be with user. Once during a gout attack on my ankle joint i 100% was content with just not having that foot anymore. Gout pain is 10/10 on par with broken limbs. If i get a gout attack it is full blown there for about 2 weeks before it starts getting better. I would be ok with death during those 2 weeks. If you ever get one in your knee you'll learn to shit standing up. Get some baby wipes.

Maybe if you had enough drugs you would have cut it off. Hope that doesn't happen to me!

I dont go to the hospital because of panic attacks. As soon as they try to take/monitor my blood pressure or temperature my nervous system blitzes out and skin goes pale amd my lips turn blue. Its just way to fucking invasive to me for them to monitor my vitals. Its a literal fear. Is there a name for this fear? Like "something-phobia"?



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The Gout on your feet is best treated by drinking a lot of alcohol. The more alcohol content the better for curing Gout. Alcohol cures Gout.

I had an ex like this - but she went to the doctor quite often. She didn't have a latin word for it, unfortunately. She said it was from an incident when she was younger where her mother walked away while she was having her blood pressure measured, and apparently the cuff went too tight around her arm and they had to shut it off. Could have been made up. Sorry you read this, but I chose the words very carefully so I hope you enjoyed it!