Tfw smoking 25 cigarettes a day

>tfw smoking 25 cigarettes a day

Anyone managed to quit smoking? How did you do it?

>Inb4 "I just quit cold turkey cuz im not a pussy"

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You want to suck dick.

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Champix for 6 weeks

dick and also tobacco smoke

I used to smoke atleast a pack a day a few years back.

When I wanted to quit, it was when vaping started to become the big thing, so I decided to take advantage of it.

I bought a vape from this local vape shop that's still open, and basically over the course of two years I vaped, but every few months I decreased the amount of nicotine in the juice.

>inb4 "lmao vape fag"

Went from smoking to vaping. Did it during winter so I was less inclined to want to be outside. Went from 5%-3% then eventually just stopped as I didn’t crave it as much.

Quit once.
If you quit 50 times it becomes hopeless.

Keep trying it’s hard but you learn about quitting a little every time you try also Alan Carr doesn’t hurt

Literally did this exact same thing. Almost to 0 nic. Vaping very well may have saved my life in the long run.

just vape and then quit that. theres 2 addictions wrapped in 1 with cigarettes. not only do you get addicted to the nicotine but you also get addicted to all the other shitty chemicals in cigarettes. I remember the first day i started vaping I was vaping ALOT and having withdrawals. Then 1 or 2 days later the withdrawals went away. I suspect that I was withdrawing from all the other gay chemicals in cigarettes the first day. After that it's probably alot easier to drop nicotine but im just guessing.

what? it's a little late for that, dawg.

you're saying because i didn't get it right the first time it subsequently becomes impossible?
I don't think you know what you're talking about.

Okay, can you recommend a vape? There's like 400 kinds

actually this

vaping may have its faggots but it's a thousand percent better then smoking any cigarette. i dont understand why the us government is trying to ban vaping products and not cigarettes or alcohol

Agreed, started smoking the shitist cigs, so after a week of not smoking I eventually broke down and smoked one (rough day) it tasted/smelt horrible and I didn’t get past two puffs.

Not the same dude your asking but I have the Zero by Vaporesso. It's small and discreet but also gives you what I would consider a decent hit. Pods last way longer then any other pod system I've tried. Battery life is meh but it takes less then 20 mins to charge back to full.

I just did a Juul from the locale gas station, order the knock off Pods online pods online.

Well I think it’s because more kids are vaping now, I get why they removed the flavors.

just stay away from smok. i use a vandy vape x but that requires like bending mesh coils and dicking around with cotton. I dunno if you want something more simple for your first one. maybe try a Vaporesso swag II or something. they use pre made coils. I get my juice from vape wild. they are pretty cheap and the murica flavor is pretty good.

Im not but im addicted to meth, shit will destroy me butt fuck its so good... Idk hiw to stop

>Meth addict
Bruh get instant help dude

I know.. i went to a meeting twice but all it did was left me even more depressed after listnimg to those normies.. dk what should i do next

Quit smoking 7 years ago. Was a pack a day. Mayo Clinic had a quit smoking study that was chantix +zyban or placebo. I was a zyban user with chantix and I quit. I wanted to quit and if you don’t want to quit don’t waste the time. Also pick up new hobbies while you are quitting

Probably meth, take your mind off of it for a while and you’ll come up with something tmrw.

Smoked 50 years at about a pack and a half or two a day. Was walking down the driveway to buy another pack from the corner store and the body said, "Nope. Ain't happening. Go back in the house." I did. It's been nine years now...ytou can do it.

I quit with copenhagen winter green. Threw some dip in the morning cause i loved my first smoke, one more in the evening after work. Did that for a couple months and then stopped that it was was easy. Dont smoke and dont chew anymore i was a pack a day smoker.

switched to vaping for a few months, dragging down the nicotine level. So when it came time to try again to quit the withdrawls were hyper manageable by comparisson

mmm well i dont know your living situation
but could i suggest weed?
dont know if your for or against it but weed really does help to quit
i mean for me i stopped cigs and starting smoking weed

I live alone. Smoke weed also.

Yeah, I guess I could smoke more weed.

I quit cold turkey. I'm not going to shame anyone who picks it up again using this method. Especially if they were/are a heavy smoker. It sucks. But I feel it's been the only method that has been effective for me.

OP is a cigarette nigger

Try the patch or chantix

The only reason I don't still smoke is because of vaping, and the only reason i don't still vape is because I looked like a faggot. Baby steps

Cold turkey because it wasnt that hard to quit


Smoke 25 a day for a week. Next week, smoke 24 a day. On the third week, smoke 23 days.

It will take you just under 6 months to quit with this realistic timeline

23 per day* and keep dropping each week

I stopped smoking cigs by smoking weed. but honestly weed now evolved into THC vape pens and idk.....vicious cycle?

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Started taking exercise more serious. Now i just smoke occasionally when I drink (which is also much less often because both get in the way of my progress). Basically traded one unhealthy addiction for a healthier one.

I used nicotine gum as directed. 6 weeks and I was dine. Don’t smoke while gum is in your mouth, nasty head rush. Also mix it with a piece of regular gum for better flavor.
Kept it in my drawer at work and my boss grabbed a piece. She got dizzy and had to go home. Also, i’d smoked for 20 years.

You need to get away from your supplier/drug buddies for awhile, gather yourself and learn some self control.

Clean up, enlist? I met a few ex meth heads in the service. Still wouldn't trust them with money... but hey they were doing better than before.

This is how I did it, but make sure you don't carry more than you should smoke a day.

Also could switch to something you hate smoking too, jager helped me actually detox from the booze issue I had

Ignore this guy, smoke is perfectly fine unless you're a hobbyist. They're cheap, work well, and you can buy the coils anywhere.
Get a smoke kit for $50 and a few different varieties of juice and you're good to go

Do not fucking order cheap juice. Popcorn lung will follow.

Literally just have an average amount of willpower.

Wow guy, you should be a professional addictions councilor, holy shit


Roll your own cigs and slowly replace the tobacco with weed

psilocybe cubensis helps cure addiction

You're dumb.

I quit many times before I finally stopped smoking. I'd stop for a few days/weeks and then start up again, over and over. But I finally managed to stop for good. My last cig was 15+ years ago.

How do you avoid the smell of marijhuana infesting your home?

Did you get any mood disturbance from the Chantix and Bupropion? Specifically irritability, anger, insomnia?

Trick is association. You want to associate smoking with something gross and sickening. Ironically this is what I did.
>Bought a pack of Newport 100’s
>packed the 20 cigs into a circle and palmed with my fist.
>lit all the cigs, and forced myself to smoke them all at the same time

First there was horrible nausea, then I vomited and dry heaved for 15-20 minutes. This was enough to change my brain into associating cigarettes as completely negative as I hate nausea, vomiting, and dry heaving.

Used to be a pack a day smoker for four years, chewed three years, haven’t had a chew or smoke since I was 26; 36 now, and the thought of a cigarette still nauseating.

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Just four years? Fag. I've been smoking for 17 years.

Alright; at least I’m a fag who quit.

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Move to a place where cigs cost $20/pack.

Most normal people can't afford to spend $600+ a month to smoke.

Yo that"s chuch and shit i will try that

Nevermind. $12.85 is the highest in the US.

I get my smokes for $6 a pack currently

can't post anymore, captchas too hard

It's not the normies it's you you're diseased get help before you're dead. Weed 4 life

Not everyone on the internet lives in the US, retard.

Had to quit while in jail cold turkey wasnt bad just slept all day.
Picked up the habit again after getting out and i quit cold turkey again its been 2 weeks since my last spirit.

I remember paying $1.25 for a pack. That was 20 years ago though.

ok, retard. so how much do cigs cost across the world?

I'll let you do the research.

started dipping to quit smoking, started vaping to quit dipping, quit vaping cause i looked like a faggot

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>chronic masturbater

that's a random ass name drop. what made you think of Alan Carr and why?

I went to a vape shop and asked for something that had a tight draw and was mouth-to-lung instead of just a direct hookah hit. Basically wanted to feel like i was smoking a cigarette. Tried out some different flavors, bought a bunch of them. Went with this highest nicotine.

I solely called my vape a mouth fedora and made my friends and family call it that as well. This sped up the process of quitting the mouth fedora.

I still occasionally jump back on the smoking wagon for a couple stressful weeks during the year. Easier to kick though.

Smoke cigars until you can work your way to e-cigs/vapes. You're close to hopeless if you smoke 25 cigarettes a day. You need professional help no doubt and probably medication.

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There are 2 components to quitting
>the concious quitting
We are animals of habit. Smoking is a habit. You must observe what brought you into smoking, if that motivagion is eliminated you can stop easialy. If you change your habits to accomodate change precisly to get away from cigs i suggest a breath and endurence based sport routine, say boxing. By putting the sport above craving you can just trade and stop faster and quit for good along the road

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Best way to quit.