Greetings to the Awake. This is the Jungian mystic here again...

Greetings to the Awake. This is the Jungian mystic here again. Once again I am offering assistance with the Deep Mysteries for those who are on the path. If you don't know what the Deep Mysteries are or you think this has something to do with the supernatural, this thread isn't for you. Just assume I'm some LARPing middle schooler and move on.

A reminder to the Awake that we participate in threads here because the churn of the sleepers keeps us hidden in the noise, and therefore free to share the sacred truths, but that it means you'll need the discipline to ignore shit-posting.

Enter freely and of your own Will.

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Other urls found in this thread:

How do you reach this level of autism?
Asking for a friend.

Deep insight. A fortunate few are born with it; most must achieve that level of openness through hard work.


That seal. Do you read the lesser key?

Yes, it contains some effective NLP, so it's of use for auto-suggestion. As a mystic rather than a magickian I'm more interested in applying NLP to unlock my own mind rather than others, of course, so it's of lesser importance to me than others, but yes, I'm initiated.

I should add that one of the beenfits of the Jungian approach -- the psychological model of magick -- is the ability to use a variety of different paradigms to produce a kind of parallax. Each paradigm is a map which provides slightly different perspectives, and through comparison can reveal hidden truths.

No questions?

I'll bite. What is your first name?

I keep myself as anonymous as possible. The knowledge I share in these threads is considered proprietary and secret by the societies which create Archons, and they are not forgiving to those who share it.

What ever happened with the, I dunno, life threatening thing of a few weeks ago? Or maybe it was more or less than that, my sense for the passage of time is completely shot.

It's ongoing. I spent a week in the hospital recovering, and survived the next 30 days, which was the critical period. I'm not out of the woods yet, but things are getting better.

Why even share it then? What benefit do you have for helping others learn?

You're not awake, fucking liar.

Get a life and stop lying to people, you piece of shit

You're scum

That's good, or maybe. Since I have no idea what the problem is, I guess I can't really have any feelings on whether surviving 40 days is a big deal, or if relapse (or what have you) could come at any moment.
There's something oddly fascinating about these threads, even though I'm too atheistic even for run of the mill Platonism (that is, mathematical science). I don't really know what it is, maybe it's the apparently total commitment to something so odd. Like total commitments to mathematical or mind/body dualism are so ordinary that I'm bored of them.

Those who see the bars of the cage and choose to leave the Panopticon feel very alone, and with good reason. Few realize they were born into chains, and fewer still have the courage to leave them. To help those who wake, secret masters and bodhisattvas pass unseen among the sleepers.

When I needed help, those who were farther along the path offered me help and steered me away from the fnords and other dangers. Now I pass on their kindness to others who Wake, as I hope they will in their turn pass on mine some day.

You wouldn't even recognize a boddhisvatta if he hit you straight across the face. Best to stfu.

As you've probably seen me explain many times, in the Aristotlian model there are three ways of obtaining knowledge: empiricism (science), rationalism (philosophy), and revelation (mysticism). The benefit of mysticism is that it's experiential. It can't be taught, it can't be explained, it can't be seen or measured; the only way to use it is to do it yourself. That both its strength and its weakness. You needn't have faith in anything, you need only go and find it for yourself.

My goal with these threads isn't to give people truth, but to provide people with the tools to go and find it for themselves.

Lie some more.

Well at least its not porn. Bump.

Sleeper has such a hard on for awakening he can't help but prematurely claim it. Can always count on retards to be retarded.

All three are epistemologies, and all three get weird when you realize that, before one can talk about knowledge, one must talk about the richness of perception. Because its richness is the very thing that deceives philosophers: we have a body and a world ready-made before our eyes, and it's from this immediate and obvious meaning in the perceptual horizon that we begin philosophy. And so your two choices, when presented with whatness, with "objects" with prepackaged identity, are to either assume the identity comes from the universe itself (and thereby become religious), or to assume that whatness is a very strong and very peculiar kind of optical illusion (and thereby become more atheistic than most scientists could imagine).
So I guess I'm always a bit fascinated when people who choose the well-traveled path are willing to follow it all the way. That is to say, most people are really half-assed in their religious beliefs.

I've really been getting into Laing lately, and his Hegelian perspective that we are not really perceptual creatures, but actually exist in the perception of others perceiving us perceiving them. That is, regardless of each other's internalized identity, our "real" (that is, ontological) identity is found only when we see ourselves as we believe others see us.

> This is the Jungian mystic here again.

How many times do you need to be exposed as a LARPing faggot before you stop creating these threads. You're no mystic. No mystic ever calls himself mystic or tries to wake anyone up. You're playing a stupid little Ego game. Grow up. If you don't wake up on your own, you don't deserve it. Just like it happened to you. Someone revealed you a truth you didn't earn yourself. So now you go online to play mystic. You're not waking anyone up, you're just spreading your faggotry to other potential, pretentious cunts, like yourself.

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Yeah, and I tend to find the more interesting issues to be things like, what you see is based on what you know and believe. This is most obvious with figure embeddings (for a silly example, once you find Waldo, he always jumps out at you), but is just as true with, for you, sacred symbols, or for scientists, phenomena they've been trained by graduate school to notice (like, I dunno, angular momentum).
As I said, there are two roads you can walk when you find a ready-made world.

You retardation came from hard work? Better ask for your money back then.

The true way is not like this at all.

From a Taoist perspective, this tendency to create dichotomy is actually how we hide the reality of the thing-in-itself from ourselves. You can see in this thread, for example, how just by being here I create a countervailing Archonic presence to oppose me, seemingly confirming the duality nature of ourselves and the Universe. But the truth is that we create the dichotomy ourselves to manufacture schema, constructing a whole Schopenhauer-like representational Universe not to explain anything but to deliberately hide it out of fear of our own destructtion.

"Oh, people call me out on my bs, must be archons lol"

Ur... retarded...

Jungian mystic, what is one thing you want to know?

What is your question?
Pretend I can answer any.

>I'm initiated
into what?

What is the Blue Room?

Post physique

then we talk philosophy

It's a 3 dimensional space, seemingly the walls are blue.

Ask me a real question, something you NEED to know.

Please don't joke, try.

How can you claim awakening when you are still busy unlocking your mind?

Fucking liar. Too fucking idiotic to even understand this.

I'm not. I recently had a medical emergency and was facing imminent death. The Anima invited me to take an elevator down to meet someone, and I ended up in a place called the Blue Room. I don't know why it was called that, since it was all filligreed wrought iron floating in black void.

It had a great iron throne on which a huge, beefy, shirtless demon sat. He had smooth skin where his eyes should be, but he had iron peacock feathers growing from the back of his head in a crown, and each one had an eye on it with which he stared at me.

Neither of us spoke, and I got the feeling I was being measured or judged in some way.

I've been trying to understand the experience. I have the feeling if I knew why it was called the Blue Room I might be able to make sense of it.

Hey OP, how do I get to the Pink Room?

You've certainly attracted a weird strain of shitposting, as though it really matters the extent to which one is or is not a mystic. On the other hand, the big advantage to losing the sense for meaning is that nihilism becomes incoherent. Since I assume this is what your dichotomy-manufacturer is hiding from, the unfortunate implications of having fabricated the spiritual (or the ideal, if you prefer, but you probably don't).
Though it's just as likely that I don't follow, just as you may not follow the deep significance of perception being an interplay of the world and one's beliefs about it (and the tendency that point has to destroy spirituality).

Because for whatever reason your mind decided to call it the Blue Room.
It's feedback from your memories. Most of inner journeys are like that, the Blue Room could have easily been called the tower of copper, and the beefy shirtless demon could have been a horse with prism glass legs and one long eye stretching from it's forehead down to it's nose.

You could have been judged, or just you learned very well how to hide inside.

Ask me something you need to know, Jungian mystic, I am here. I am willing to answer, this is the 3rd time I offer.

Because it's a representation of you and you value intellect mostly. Intellect is associated with the colour blue

Holy fuck can you mediocre faggots stop swinging your dicks around over who's more enlightened, awoken or whatever bullshit flavour of the month mysterious sounding word you use

You've "awoken" by transcending the limitations of your ego and the self, then you hop onto Sup Forums to tell people how fucking enlightened you are, so you can pat your ego. Is it clear to you that this is what motivated you to be here, respond, and if so, do you comprehend how retarded that is?

You cover it all up in this vague undefined and mysterious wording and allure to make it clear to people that you're too fucking wise and enlightened to make an attempt to communicate information to other people without sounding like an autistic sperg.

You latch onto terminology that has been used before and is documented, because the status you think you gain from mentioning it gives you a rush; being perceived as the type of person who operates using these pre-established concepts is a thrill to you.

It's not relevant to you that the retarded shit you spew will not help anybody because it's disjointed and lacks real substance. That's not why you make posts like this or respond to them saying "im moar enlightened than u". You're just so fucking in love with yourself and with this shiny toy that automatically makes you better than others (being "awoken") you write vague mysterious shit to expand this cult of personality you have for yourself. "I'm truly enlightened, and an authority on the matter, that's why I can teach people how to wake, or that's why I can correct people who aren't as awaken as me".

Being "awoke" is something you're currently using to jerk off your ego on Sup Forums. Creating an identity for yourself because it makes you feel validated by it, and adding more bullshit to culture.

become better or consider suicide please.

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The Anima has always manifested for me as Christina Applegate, but last year she vanished and was replaced by Marlene Dietrich. She is much less forgiving and pleasant than she used to be, and is less tolerant of my foolishness.

Marlene recently introduced me to the Animus, who took the form of Superman -- the Silver Age comic book version, and he said it was time that we talked. Does this shift in my inner court have anything to do with my health emergency? My intuition tells me that vast forces are at work inside me, and it makes me wonder: is a new phase of my life is beginning, or whether this is a preparation for the end of it?

Crack is one heck of a drug

Interesting. Where is that from?

>holy fuck you people are annoying with your pseudo enlightenment
>posts his own long wall of dicks

Hoho! What do you think of Bashar? Just heard of him was gunna pay to stream the event but now I might just try to watch the library of videos first and I'm sure tomorrow's will be available.

How about adressing a liar who intend to mislead people?

If someone claims to be enlightened when they're not, why not say something about it?

I correct other people too, not just enlightened ones. My ego has nothing to gain from it, literally, there's just not much else to do.

I admire people like you who can break down what people are doing and put it in words so simply.

What's your background? Are you a therapist, psychologist, or just some aspy with a weird talent that I admire?

Hey buddy, I have practical, proven ways to alter reality. lol

My ego is gargantuan, I don't deny it. I use it.
I am here, and there. And I am able to swing my dick around because I've been to hell and back to discover these things, I didn't read in books, I wasn't "initiated"


Ehem, sorry, I also have a temper issue. Back to the topic, so yeah. I am not trying to "sound woke". I am aware.

I was unfamiliar, but I've always found it more interesting to look inside than outside, so I may not be the one to ask. Do you practice any form of manifesting? Having these archetypes translated through your own identity makes the knowledge they impart easier to grasp, I've found.

Hey folks, Jungian mystic here. Just a reminder to ignore the shit-posting. It's the price we pay for having cover for our discussions here.


hey mystic, I have a question
my anima, when I was young used to take me to a spaceship, she was so loving

one day she stopped
how do i summon her again?
i kinda miss her
but she feels kinda.. asleep?

You clearly don't know anything, do ya?
What OP saw was not random, but its hidden under several layers of symbolism, which only OP can really figure out what they mean. But my guess is OP, it was called the blue room because of the peacock feathers as eyes and what they represented - vision and clarity, just like a clear blue sky or clear blue water, the vision and clarity that the demon had, although he had to give in his human eyes, to see beyond. You have to give in your human eyes to see beyond, and whats looking at you from beyond will always appear like its measuring or judging you, testing you even.... Did you had that feeling OP, like he was testing you? Challenging you?

Says the absolute shitposter

Why not come back when you have "unlocked your mind"? Lol

It's because you associated strength with symbols.
I hope you get better health user, what is the emergency?

I keep seeing the number 72 sometimes in sequence does this mean anything?

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Yes, it means you are fixating on a number. Nothing more.

3 is the scariest of all numbers.

What was your relationship like with your mother? One of the things Jung warned about is that the Anima tends to take a form based initially on your mother, as she is your unconscious pattern for the archetypal Female. If your relationship was distant or abusive, the Anima can take one of her darker forms.

The other thing which may be happening is, you may have lost the knack for remembering your dreams. It's possible you're still in contact with the Anima, but simply not able to carry the memory out into the conscious, waking world. Do you keep a dream journal?

You could possibly interpret it as challenging, but the intuitive feeling I had was more of an impartial judging. I didn't get any sense of menace, more of a distant impartiality, like I was being closely scrutinized, but by some force which had little interest in me as a person.

my relationship with mom was loving at first, then around puberty she became someone who was always condescending

as for dream journal, haven't in years.

does the anima love me? or ...luring me?
what is going on?

Ayye so by manifesting like I dont manifest the entity inside of me no. I'm ver good at material manifesting like speaking things into being.

One particular archetype, if I say beelzebub like from the bible..what would you say about working with him? Be careful? All paths lead to god? Maybe sam aur convinced him go go to white lodge succsfully and all energy is upwards and no such thing as good and bad to god? But to us there is.

Stfu u worthless cokies.yall stink to hunger for easy and magnificient power and yall sick megalomaniac freaks.

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> The benefit of mysticism is that it's experiential. > It can't be taught, it can't be explained, it can't be seen or measured

This is a contradiction. A very blatant, and basic contradiction.

You wasted so much effort there. I've been saying this shit in the last 3-4 threads he made, and he just ignores it. The faggots who choose to participate in his "look at me I'm woke" or "teach me how to be awoke" circlejerk also completely ignore it. It's OK tho, he can always blame it on the Archons, The Fallen ones, The Bogdanoffs or whatever dumb shit he chose to roleplay with.

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About a month and a half ago, I ended up in the back of an ambulance, facing imminent death. I was told if I'd gone to sleep, I just wouldn't have woken up. I spent a week in hospital, during which time I had the experience with the Blue Room and the demon. It was a strong enough calling that it came while I was awake rather than waiting for me to go to sleep.

When the Anima invited me into the elevator, going down into the darkness, I knew that I might very well be going to my own death. It's why the experience was so intense and has remained with me since.

Maybe I shouldn't post this guys number lol but hes tryna bring back molock

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>hidden under several layers of symbolism
symbolism is the excuse people use to draw illogical conclusions from meaningless "evidence". I can stub my toe and claim that this was a sign for whatever the fuck. With that kind of logic you are completely lost.

gotta love that sigil on the side

What is the actual medical emergency, you haven't answered my question.

This is referred to by Jung as synchronicity. If you were to flip a coin 100 times and it came up heads all 100 times, it would be very significant and meaningful to you, but to the Universe it's no more meaningful than if it came up 50 heads and 50 tails. We see dozens, even hundreds of "coincidences" every day without noticing; when we do notice one, it's because the patttern-recognition machinery in the unconscious is attempting to draw your attention to something.

In this case, the number 72 has numerological significance: (36 + 36) = (9 + 9 + 9 +9) = (3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3). Three is the number of Will, of forcing the Universe to conform to your desires. It's a very male number, and is probably signalling an intense need you're feeling to accomplish something in particular requiring struggle or sacrifice.

So instead of watching bashar I could channel him myself? In another thread you said channeling too much can burn out your neuro pathways and replace them with the entities pathways leading to 'posession' or loss of identity. Should we try to absorb knowledge from as many helpers as we can or focus on one?

Remember that all of this is a form of applied psychology, and that what we're really trying to do is hack the brain using methods developed by mystics, wise women, shamans, and medicine men over millennia. Keeping a dream journal is a way of reprogramming the way the brain stores dream memory from short term to long term memory. The first thing you need to do is start keeping a dream journal to make sure you're remembering your dreams. Then you can start trying to manifest the Anima to find out from her what's going on.

The Anima's role in the psyche is being a sort of psychopomp between the conscious and the unconscious, so she's very important and why as a Jungian she's the first archetype we manifest for our court.

thank you for this post
i will dive into what you said for the next few days

seig fuking heil!!!!! Larping!!! lol

The Tree of Death has much wisdom and power for those with the strength and courage to travel the Qlippoths, but be sure you understand that the male path is one of conflict and sacrifice. It's all about transactions, like Odin leaving his eye at Mimisbrunnr in exchange for wisdom.

As a mystic I prefer the female path, the path wei wu wei and receptivity. It's ultimately more powerful than the male, but its power is more subtle.

What you are saying is incorrect. Language, dreams and the subconscious all operate on symbolic relations between seemingly unrelated or meaningless things. Stubing you toe has no meaning in real life, but in a dream it almost certainly means something, otherwise you wouldn't be dreaming it. Dreams are not randomly generated, they are just represented in a very archaic sort of mix between words and images, a telepatic, synesthesia similar, meta-language, that we all speak. Thats why dreams fundamentaly have the same symbolic meaning in every continent, culture, tribe and language.Its because dreams are much older than language and human conscience as we know it.

To quote Zen master D.T. Suzuki, "To point at the moon a finger is needed, but woe to those who take the finger for the moon." Revelation can't be taught; but it's possible to point, to provide tools for people to find their own revelation.

I try to reveal as little as possible about myself here, as the Archonic organizations are not forgiving to those who reveal what they regard as their secrets.

Can't i just get like 30 vaccines at the same time in order to achieve the level of desired autism?

Yes, you could manifest him yourself, although your version will of course likely have a strong element of your own identity in him. The closer you get to the primal archetype the more powerful it becomes, but also the more dangerous. Jung, for example, believed Hitler had manifested a very pure Shadow, so that those to whom he spoke literally heard him from the *inside*, like a schizophrenic voice, since he spoke with the voice of the Shadow. Doing this is what drove him to madness and ultimately death. I think it's likely that Heath Ledger also paid the ultimate price for channelling the Trickster a little too well.

It's why it's always a better idea to do your manifesting in dreams, where there is built-in machinery for unmaking thoughtforms when they're done.

Is trying to figure out if traps are gay considered one of the deep mysteries you speak of?

Everyone yearns to manifest the Rebis, though few have the strength and patience to do so, which is why we have sex instead, to symbolically and temporarily create a simulacrum of the Rebis. A "trap" is a similar attempt to construct a simulacrum of the Rebis.

So is that a yess or a no??

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Oh hey there 0000100 mean anything to you?

Not especially. Apparently it's the designation of a satellite called Apollo11, though. And it's the number four in binary, a number associated with stability and satisfaction.

Oh well have a good day!

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