I'm thankful for Donalt J. Trump's genrous tax cuts for the middle class. I got $76...

I'm thankful for Donalt J. Trump's genrous tax cuts for the middle class. I got $76.23 of my hard earned taxpayer dollerts back from the govenment's greedy hands this year thanks to his genrous tax cuts for the middle classes. WOW! THats a lot of money! Thank's Trump! Unlike obummer's socialist dictatorship, I'm no longer forced to give 100% of my hard earned tax dollerts to the wasteful government so they can spend it all on obummercare. The only thing I'm not thankful for is that now I've got too decied what I'm going to do with all these hard earned tax payer dollerts that are flowing out of my pockets in Trump's booming economy. I know! I thkin I'll treat myself to a fancy stake dinnert, mmm.... tasty staek! I knew voting for the Republicans would be good choice for the midlle class, just like how ketchup was a good choice to have on my well done stetakes. Don'tt forget to thanks Dondald Tump for the delicius meal by voting for him in 2020, AND I still have money left over! What are you going to do with all the extra taxpayer money that's back in your pockets?

Attached: steak.jpg (1280x720, 117K)

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>What are you going to do with all the extra taxpayer money that's back in your pockets?
Thnaks for asking! I'm going to use all my taxpayer dollerts and donate them to the Trump campaign in 2020, he needsr all the suppourt he can get before the Democarts steals the next election form us.

I fucked you dad with chapped lips and a runny nose

Your mom ugly cried when she left the lens cap on the camcorder. Its fucking amature hour over there

Fuck Lemony Snicket, what a serious of unfortunate events you fuckin been through you ugly fuck.

How many taxpayer dollerts did you folks get back from the greedy govenment thanks to Trumps genrous tax cuts? and what will you spents it on?

>I saved $6,000 on my federal return last year.
Eat a dick, poorfag.

WOW $6,000, htat can by 20 steak dinnerts, remember to thank Tump for his genrousity by voting for him in 2020!

All the same person you cock gobbling shitlord

Nigga what? 20 steak dinners cost you 6gs?

I always have my stsaek well done and with ketchup, then with thhe money left over, I don'taet it to the Trump 2020 campaign so he can defeat the Democarst

Oh okay i get it you terrible at everything.

I don't like clifton,. she tried stealing the 2016 elecction and she eats children.

I owed the state of colorado $1 so the federal and stae gov cab suck my 9" giant cumshotting dick

OP doesn't even realize he's not middle class.

THas because the loony lefties in colomado's govenment keep raising the taxes, VOTE THEM OUT!!!

I paid about 3K more in taxes, but still prefer that to having a Democrat president.

...at the fundraiser dinner, yes.

>>got bought off for six grand and it proud of it

You could offer me 60 grand and I’d still shoot myself before voting Republican.

What do you have against the Republicans? Please don't tell me you fell for the whole sham impeachment hearings.

Fuck off
There are like 15 Democrat threads going on right now

Fucking ban the shills, Mods.


oh ya such a sham, dumpster never had anyone in his campaign federally indicted

It doesn't matter what low level employees of his campaign did, to impeach the president, it needs to be something THE PRESIDENT did!

It sounds liike your bitter about Trumps booming economy, wich is the greatest economy in history. The dow jones went above 25000 THREE TIMES druring his presdidency, yet Democarts keep saying the economy will crash. cnn.com/2019/01/30/politics/trump-tweets-stock-market/index.html

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