David Peter Reimer (born Bruce Peter Reimer; 22 August 1965 – 4 May 2004) was a Canadian man born male but reassigned...

>David Peter Reimer (born Bruce Peter Reimer; 22 August 1965 – 4 May 2004) was a Canadian man born male but reassigned as a girl and raised female following medical advice and intervention after his penis was severely injured during a botched circumcision in infancy.

>The psychologist John Money oversaw the case and reported the reassignment as successful and as evidence that gender identity is primarily learned. The academic sexologist Milton Diamond later reported that Reimer's realization he was not a girl crystallized between the ages of 9 and 11 years and he transitioned to living as a male at age 15. Well known in medical circles for years anonymously as the "John/Joan" case, Reimer later went public with his story to help discourage similar medical practices. He died by suicide after suffering years of severe depression, financial instability, and a troubled marriage.

Daily reminder there are two genders,

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I remembered see the case in a Dross video. You shouldn't use a family tragedy like a argument... It doesn't feel okay : L

What a fag


Just read his Wikipedia synopsis goddamn what an awful life to have

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OP is still gayer than that fag

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You'll never be a woman.

I read about his case a while ago, and there is still no stronger evidence against the absurd “gender is a social construct” assertion.

That Money fucker tested that theory decades ago, and managed to disprove it in the most brutal way possible.

Most people’s physical and internal genders match; when a person is forced into an identity which does not, their life will be hell.

>Canadian man
Never knew this, but it figures.

By the way, fun fact: John Money considered his experiment a success anyway, and most gender studies professors consider him to be a trailblazer in their field.

>most people's
this guy was a male but because the jews cut off his dick they thought it would be a better idea (it was not) to force him into being a girl

trans people, on the other hand, have genders that don't match their appearance and sex change actually helps them. But it takes careful examinations to be sure this is the case, and it sure as hell isn't physical only

>trans people, on the other hand, have genders that don't match their appearance and sex change actually helps them
Then why does the 40% suicide rate persist? Face it, tarnssexuality, in all cases is both indicative of a mental illness, and absolutely disgusting.

Because circumcision.

because trans people have it hard either way, similar with gays

they don't kill themselves because they regret the sex change

>because trans people have it hard either way, similar with gays
In what fashion?

That 40% suicide rate isn't seen outside of serious mental illness, not even in times of the utmost extreme duress.

Examples of groups that commit(ed) suicide less frequently than transsexuals:

Sex slaves (including child sex slaves)

Prisoners of War (any conflict)

Citizens placed in internment camps (including in Nazi Germany)

Starving families

People under hostile occupation by a warring country (Any war)

Kidnapped persons kept in torture/sex dungeons

List goes on.

And if you're telling me that Transsexuals are more persecuted than fucking Vietnamese POWs or Jews in Nazi Germany then you're a fucking moron.

I love you op

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Hello retard. Someone will correct you on this because you are flamboyantly outrageously wrong.
As I recall not even tortured asian prisoners or slavery era slaves have anything close to 40% suicide.

Maybe killing yourself woild bring much needed perspective to your views

how exactly do you think sex slaves, prisoners and jews are able to commit suicide you dingdong?

they are literally guarded to not be able to kill themselves

also if you are a prisoner, your thought is mostly on how to escape. For a bullied (trans) kid, there seems to be nowhere to escape to. This is some basic psychology.

>Then why does the 40% suicide rate persist?
Because if your entire existence was people telling you that you don't exist or that your feelings about yourself are wrong, but they're not, and then you do what you can to feel comfortable and people still act like you're bringing about the end times. It might make. it has to insert yourself properly into society, which is pretty crucial for a happy and healthy lifestyle.

There's a lot of things effecting them beyond being born in the wrong body, society doesn't really do a lot to help them and largely just makes things worse.

End the thread. We've found it.
The biggest dumbest gorilla nigger in the jungle.

It's a mental illness, get over yourselves. And you can commit suicide by biting off your tongue, not a thing they can do about it and you'll die in minutes.

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You wouldn't have accurate numbers on those people anyway, so of course you don't. Nice false comparison tho.
None of those are the same groups of people effected by the same things. White premiddle age men are alsp real high on the KYS list, doesn't mean their problems are any less or more real than transexuals

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If you had an even infinitesimally small understanding of suicide you'd know why what you said is beyond reasonably retarded.

so we should shoot all the sperg people like you? have you considered that transitioning may be a kind of a cure?

what the fuck is your point.

When you say real high we are talking 20-30x lower.

Why not post the stats? Emotional argumentation is absolutely for women and degenerats like you I suppose.

No, it's proof that gender can't be learned and that you are born the way you feel.

Never before in the history of circumcision was a penis so destroyed that it would be better to cut it off completely. Anyone who doesn't realize that this (((doctor))) purposefully mutilated this boy in order to perform this disgusting experiment is stupid as a fucking rock.

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>how exactly do you think sex slaves, prisoners and jews are able to commit suicide you dingdong?

Jam a fork into your throat, refuse to eat, try to escape and get shot, throw yourself off of one of the buildings in camp, bite off your own tongue and choke yourself, choke yourself on your own shit, volunteer to clean something and drink your cleaning supplies.

Besides that, even the instances of people who reported "wanting to die" in these scenarios are still under 40% because the human will to live is pretty God damn strong unless YOU HAVE A SERIOUS MENTAL DEFECT.

>For a bullied (trans) kid, there seems to be nowhere to escape to
What about sex slaves indoctrinated to believe that this IS their life and there is no other home? What about Jews whose entire fucking country wanted them dead? What baout prisoners of war whose entire country now belongs to the enemy, where if they are spotted, will be taken back into their prison and punished? People can fucking break in these situations without wanting to die, and trying to legitimately fucking equate "oh society will never accept me because I wanna dress like a girl" to "I've spent the last two years having my nails ripped out, being beaten every day, and having a car battery hooked up to my nipples" is fucking dumb.

>There's a lot of things effecting them beyond being born in the wrong body, society doesn't really do a lot to help them and largely just makes things worse.
Bullshit, they have marches, holidays, adn fucking laws based around them. There are many places that they are absolutely celebrated. Also
>Spending your entire life being told that your existence is wrong
Holocaust babies, my friend. Children raised up being beaten and raped by their parents. Children born to people in occupied territories and getting the shit kicked out of them by the occupying faction every time they step outside.

Do YOU have fucking brain damage?

It's mutilating yourself and taking physiological damaging hormones is not a cure you fuckwit.

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I had to take a "social science inquiry" course in college and I used this case as an example why simply "reassigning" a gender doesnt provide desired results. I was shunned as if I delivered the plague to the campus

I'm ok with it, it takes them out of the gene pool and half of them end up doing porn to pay for their operations. Win/win.

No it isn't

Totally normal, functioning cunt, not a mutilated inside out penis at all. Can't self lubricate, can't stay open on its own, can't give birth out of it. Still an xy chromosome, totally not a mutilated degenerate man.

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You know, thats a good way to look at it

Actually kind of supports trannies, saying that gender identity isn’t entirely socially constructed means trannies are right about transitioning if the really don’t feel like they gender they were raised.

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How can anyone who has taken the Hippocratic oath do that in good conscience?

>Actually kind of supports trannies
That 40% suicide rate doesn't exist in mentally healthy individuals user, and you're an idiot and a faggot if you don't realize there's something wrong with these people.

Depression and anxiety are at a higher rate than ever in recorded history... do WE LIVE IN A SOCIETY worse off than any point in recorded history? You’re the retard, retard.

If these degenerates weren't actually fucking things up for the rest of us, trying to force us to play into their delusions by threat of exile, or getting fired, invading multiple different forms of media, movies books, games etc. Trying to get it to where our tax dollars pay for their bullshit. Trying to shill this shit to children, trying to force their children to do the same miserable shit, college safe spaces. They're fucking degenerates and should be treated as such.

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There are other types of dysphoria besides gender dysphoria. Some people feel that their limbs don't belong to them. They sometimes try to cut off their own arms or legs. Do you support that too?

Mental illness is an illness. It is illogical. It is not a revelation of some hidden truth. People who hear voices aren't actually hearing voices. People with multiple personality disorder aren't really several people in one body. People who think they are Jesus aren't really Jesus. People who think they are the wrong gender are not really the wrong gender. It is a mental illness and listening to the mentally ill is stupid. Just as stupid as falling to your knees and praying to a guy who tells you he is the son of god, living on the street.

>Then why does the 40% suicide rate persist?
I personally know maybe 20 trannies, both MtF and FtM, and yet far fewer than 8 have killed themselves. Currently the number is 0.

everything in fucking life is more difficult being trans - finding a partner, finding housing, a job, etc. not to mention living in constant fear of violence. are you fucking stupid or just retarded? this is common sense shit you faggot.

The fact that they are currently mutilating preteen children because their mentally ill mothers dress them up in dresses and tell them they are girls fully justifies any means necessary to cut this cancer from society.

Good for you? Your magically pulling 20 degenerate friends out of your ass somehow defeats actual statistics how? Plus, nigger, I doubt you even have 20 friends total, unless you're trying to pretend online friends count.

Nothing in what you just pasted argues against the idea of there only being two genders.

How many have died of old age? If that number is also 0 than you simply don't understand how statistics work.

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>40% of all trannies
>n-no, not THOSE trannies! The other ones! The ones that support my argument!

And thus we have demonstrated how statistics is the only branch of math that is invented, and why it is subjective based on its sample group.

Read this, you fucking faggot

>raised as female
The doc made his brother dry hump him

i dont care what adults do with their bodies but forcing that on a child is wrong

It's true, though.
David Reimer lived as a girl, then as a boy. Nothing in between. He lived an entirely gender binary life.
Tacking, "Daily reminder there are two genders," onto the end of that post was basically unrelated to the text that preceded it.

That says more about your retarded values than wherever this conversation is going

Any of them try to yet? Have serious depression and anxiety, showing signs of being suicidal? Constantly need help and "support?"

It'll happen. Don't worry.

You are the one who cherry picked the samples. You did not disprove statistics, you proved your own stupidity. Statistics are not made up, it is rigorously proven.

Well the other option was to wait for him to get to puberty and say "Sorry dickless! We fucked that up for ya. Enjoy never being a real man."

Yes Sup Forumsrother, you're correct. I've had two tranny Co workers, and I've called them both what they are to their faces and they've both tried to nigger me into getting fired and failed. I treat these people like shit wherever and whenever possible. As anyone in their right fucking mind should.

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Yeah, 20 is a valid sample size

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I did not cherry pick samples, they are firsthand experiences. You quote a number with no source. Statistics as a branch of math is invented and yours in this case is very invented.

You failed out of middle school, didn't you?

I'm going to take your reaction images and lack of arguments as an admission of defeat and move on.
Have a nice day, user.

People have almost burned to death in car accidents, therefore you don't deserve insulin for your type 1 diabetes. Quit eating nothing but sugar and get over it.




Took me like, two minutes on Google

Wow, you're a fucking moron. Take your w-weeb shit elsewhere, you'll never be a kawaii jap girl. The point is, nationwide statistics are different than your associations. If your made up friends were real, statistically a few of them are likely to kill themselves eventually.

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Statistics is not any more "invented" than multiplication. It is just as valid. You can't disprove the factual statement that 40% of trannies kill themselves by saying that specifically your friends that are trannies haven't. That is illogical.

On top of that, they simply haven't killed themselves YET.

On top of that the suicidality is not the problem, it is the solution. The problem is realizing that everything you believed is bullshit.

That's a false fucking equivalency if I've ever heard one.

We're talking about suicide rates after being exposed to extreme levels of prejudice and unfair treatments. All of my examples fall completely in line with that, and it is the core of our current argument.

Suffering a physical wound and having a disease are two incredibly different things that have nothing to do with each other.

You're trying to contrive shit to make me look bad because you don't want to face the facts. In NO OTHER CIRCUMSTANCE besides EGREGIOUS MENTAL UNWELLNESS, such as extreme schizophrenia is a 40 motherfucking percent suicide rate reported. Mistreatment of transsexual persons is not the problem, MENTAL UNWELLNESS is the problem

You Goddamn paste eating fucking mongoloid piece-of-shit retarded faggot. Go join the 40%.

not even in the 100%, faggot. I just don't hate them.

Imagine wasting your pathetic life caring about stuff like this.

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Pic related can't be real. It's not real, right?

And what do you care about?

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>not even in the 100%,
What are you even talking about?

That is ignorant. You are just reinforcing their victim status which they use to foist this bullshit on society. What you should be doing is not talking to them at all and instead organize all the non faggot sheep to start pushing back on their propaganda in your local school, and library, and keep track of which children's shows your kids should not be watching.

how does mental illnesses occur and is there a way to prevent them? pretty curious

That is something we will never figure out so long as the patients are running the asylum. They have deemed their mental illness to be reality and everyone who doesn't agree to be the problem. Clown. World.

>how does mental illnesses occur
it just do
>and is there a way to prevent them?
no, once a brain rots you gotta throw it out. mentally unstable people should kill themselves tbh, therapy and meds do jack shit. once your mind is gone, it's gone

>Never before in the history
Actually, this was unfortunately common.

damn, thats pretty sad

>Actually kind of supports trannies
Saying they are only two genders isn't against trans people.

>i dont care what adults do
Even if they want to cut off there leg because they feel like it's not theirs?

>Many transgender young people experience family rejection, bullying and harassment, or feel unsafe for simply being who they are - all of which can be added risk factors for suicide.
>lifetime suicide attempts
It doesn't say anything about transition not helping. All it says is that a lot of trans people attempt suicide probably because of how much shit they face in life

of course you wouldn't understand what I'm saying. no one ever fucking does. everything I say is meaningless gibberish.

I am not trans. I also don't actively deny their existence. Is that so hard to understand?

Nigga look like Vincent Dooley

An infection that leads to amputation is nothing like what was done to this boy. It is unbelievable to claim that it was an accident.

>because of how much shit they face in life
Take into account that 1) this is all self reported. If you know dick about anything, then you'll probably know that someone who is mentally unwell can have a twisted perception and see things as "prejudiced," "Rejection," a "Personal attack," etc... when it really isn't.

2) Do some research yourself and I'm sure you'll find that the 40% suicide rate exists. I found a study about a year or so ago but I don't remember it and I can't be arsed to try and find it to help win a gay internet argument

3) That suicide rate still isn't reported at all outside of serious mental problems. May I direct you here

>of course you wouldn't understand what I'm saying. no one ever fucking does
You need to vent or something user?

>I am not trans. I also don't actively deny their existence. Is that so hard to understand?
No, but it's not related to the argument. The point of what I said was to go fucking kill yourself, not that you are a tranny. I don't care if you're straight, gay, trans, a polymorphic demiurge that's into pet play, or what ever, the point is that you're a fucking moron.

No one is denying that trans people exist. They exist just as much as schizophrenics. There is absolutely nothing noble or good about acceptance of their absolutely bat shit crazy claims. You are an enabler at best.

I did a lot of research. And I found out that if a trans person is not getting kicked out of home, the suicide attempt chance plummets to 4% or something. Having supportive parents and access to hrt also lowers suicidality. But of course, you can just claim studies all lie. Confirming your biases feels so much better, right?

>I did a lot of research
In 15 minutes? That's not a lot of research, that's skimming a couple articles at best.

>suicide attempt chance plummets to 4% or something
>Or something
What the fuck do you mean "Or something?" did you or did you not read the fucking study?
Also, source me on this, because I have never, NEVER found a study that said anything like that

>Having supportive parents and access to hrt also lowers suicidality.
I've read at least half a dozen studies that say otherwise, pal.

>But of course, you can just claim studies all lie
I can claim that some studies are wrong, or biased, and that the overwhelming majority say something different.

>Confirming your biases feels so much better, right?
>I did 15 minutes of study time and found one thing that says something different than what every other study on this topic has found
>Haha I really showed that bigot I'll tell him about how biased he is hahaa

> source me on this

As if an unlucky parent should carry his deranged derailed hellspawn without lifting a finger.
Fuck you.

Yeah, parents should care about their kids. Why else would you become a parent?

>trannies are just mentally ill attention seeking narcissists with high suicide rates

Yeah, everyone knows this already, OP.