Hey Sup Forums what are your assumptions of me based on my appearance?

hey Sup Forums what are your assumptions of me based on my appearance?

Attached: DSC_0454.jpg (472x630, 26K)

That you're a faggot who deeply needs others validation to feel whole.

You either:
Have a cat
Hate whites

You work out but skip cardio sometimes

That you take it in the butt.

That your native tongue is bomb wire

Bulky, low self confidence, probably pretty smart, low agility.

Attached: 1551686412097.jpg (480x480, 20K)

Middle class middle eastern (Americanized)

Possibly Lebanese

Ugh this thread again

Mvm, thats a hotel room, immigrant, leave.

You already posted this shit

The fact that you made this post does not say good things about you.

>trying to look buffed
>mudslime subhumam

Durka durrrka durka da durkaa al Allah durkka , durrrka , explode

Either kurdish, or turkish, some kind of turkmen dna.

You look like you're a little bit dumb, you're not gonna be a doctor or engineer, you are somewhat religious but not really and you have siblings that hate you.

tell me i'm wrong faggot.

Deeply depressed and antisocial, and do weights and gym often to try to pick up girls completely unsuccessfully, and stay inside all other times because of how unsocial you are. The dead look in your eyes, plus how ungodly pale you are kinda point towards that

i'm already an electrical engineer dude

id assume jewish butt with a hint of mongol/afghani (cuz u got dat pashtun look lol)

sad faggot whose last thread 404'd.

I stand by what I said. No self-esteem, hiding the fact that you're fat.
Make an effort with your life. Get your shit together.
Even wannabe MMA fighters have passion on their faces. You look like your catchphrase is "idk I'm kinda out of it"

You look like you have a BO of old pepperoni pizza and spend most of your time fapping to Muslim/hijab porn

I'd guess you're from somewhere in the vecinity of halab or gazieinteb. Maybe kurdish.