Hi pls photoshop me to look more attractive

Hi pls photoshop me to look more attractive

Attached: Screenshot_20191116-145856_Kiwi Browser.jpg (720x713, 241K)

no lol kys

ILM doesn't even have that tech.

>no lol kys
Stop mansplaining you misogynist

I cannot photoshop you going to the gym, having a sense of self respect and self worth. I cannot photoshop you being happy or loving yourself. I cannot photoshop you eating a well balanced and nutritious meal and making good choices that would improve your life in general. That is something you have to do.

Attached: D13B6378-7267-401C-94F6-1B7D6C934B57.jpg (1242x346, 236K)

Stop fat shaming me

Stop bleeding on my foot feminist.

I was offering a bit of advice on how to improve your quality of life. You are honestly not that big. I’ve seen land whales and ham planets. You can easily fix yourself. I mean heck you can just be happy with the way God made you...or you can BS on Sup Forums and be in the same situation. The choice is yours user.

I have 24k followers on my Twitter who the fuck ru sit down and bask in the glory of my social justice @deepsealioness

You are a racist sexist white male fat shaming me

Attached: Make me more attractive.png (720x713, 866K)

While I am indeed a white male and I have come to accept race realism and I see women as in a whole different level than men I assure you I was being helpful. It’s almost as if you didn’t want any help. Just the quick fix of photoshop and a chance to flex your SJW muscles. You do you. Good luck in all your endeavors.

Fuck you sexist pig

Oy! Love. If you want our help you have to abide by the rules. Show Rita with time stamp. Then we’ll listen to what you have to say. Surely you are a strong woman. Surely you are not afraid to show us those lovely tats? Right love?

Attached: DDAA5D63-7C89-4D28-94F8-791C83F746CB.png (625x605, 51K)

That is sexist i dont have to show you my tits for anything dont call me love you white male cuck

We have rules. You don’t go by the rules neither do we. Maybe one of these white knights will help you. Bye love.

My tits are not subject to your rules

You are cordially invited to GTFO
Do Not Bump

Fuck off you micro penis wielding basement dwelling wanker

If she's real she has to be the biggest dumb bitch ever

Why are you calling me a dumb bitch my twitter friend told me that you guys have no life and do photoshop really well