We can’t be alone. Will we ever make contact?

We can’t be alone. Will we ever make contact?

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Not in our lifetime

of course “We” can’t be alone, that would be a paradox, op you silly niggerfaggot, oh you :)

read about Fermi paradox

We can be alone. We might never make contact. Life is pointless.

But there is a 0.000000000000001% chance there is a hot sexy alien girl who just teleported in right behind you! Oh mama, everything's gonna be just fine!

why read about it when theres cool ass videos made about it on youtube

You left out a few zeros user.

On the one hand, people should read more, but on the other hand...there really are some cool youtube videos about the subject that can go into deep dives that are easily book equivalent. Check out Isaac Arthur's channel for a prime example

My old high school was actually named after the fermi paradox. Enrico Fermi High

With Saturn?

It all depends on how long will we exist as a civilization. We can't foresee the future tech discoveries, saying we can't go faster than light is like saying we can't have heavier than air flying things back in 1800s. Today's 'scientists' think they have everything figured out but that's bs.

The question is if we won't destroy ourselves/be destroyed by natural processes before we develop enough.

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Agree with you user.

we have a better chance of contacting aliens than i do of contacting a virginia with my benis

Maybe. They're probably too far away. When people think of aliens they assume intelligent beings, but I think it would be more likely that if we do find life it would be a sea creature. Like a fish or something.

Unless we end up existing and advancing for billions of years to come; yet, find FTL is still unattainable. Seems equally as possible. Also, I'm not the guy you responded to

Seriously? You'd think sea creature before you'd think of bacteria or other single cell organisms?

why is this post still up??!! Fake cp is still cp!! MODS MODS MODS

Shut up faggot

Soo...he was behind of that..?

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Fermi paradox is simply an equation that's variables are mostly unknown rendering it pointless for practical purposes. So it is more of a thought experiment than anything else.

The best we can manage is 40 years to the edge of the solar system. It's hundreds of times farther to the next nearest sun, which by all accounts is pretty plain.

The distances are too vast

There is no 'pop over to the nearest civilisation for a chat

No matter how advanced.

This user is correct. You can plug in values to make the result a near certainty or a near impossibility. Over time it does seem to imply that the probabilities of life existing seem greater than the year before. In the last two decades scientists have found at least 50 new moons in our own solar system, mostly around Jupiter and Saturn. New planets are being found in the galaxy every day. Over 4000 planets in over 3000 solar systems in the same two decades. Fermi/Drake is still just a thought experiment but which values to plug in seem to be fine tuning themselves as science marches on.

>The best we can manage is 40 years to the edge of the solar system. It's hundreds of times farther to the next nearest sun, which by all accounts is pretty plain.
>The distances are too vast
>There is no 'pop over to the nearest civilisation for a chat
True, true, true
>No matter how advanced.
Whoa nigga. That's just crazy talk. Four hundred years ago there was no possible way for the most intelligent, rational and hopeful human to conceive of a way for humans to step foot on the moon. Yet here we are today only a few hundred years later. What we *think* we know versus what we actually know are two completely different things. 10,000 years of advancements in technology, biological evolution and general progress is utterly unfathomable.

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>What we *think* we know
That any object with mass cannot exceed the speed of light and by relativity, any kind of space craft will do well to hit a small fraction of it.... making interstellar travel a pipe dream. Even light takes thousands of years to travel between stars.
>versus what we actually know
That any object with mass cannot exceed the speed of light and by relativity, any kind of space craft will do well to hit a small fraction of it.... making interstellar travel a pipe dream. Even light takes thousands of years to travel between stars.

I get it, that's what we know. The real question is what do we not know? There could be dozens, even millions of ways around that. The universe expansion itself will outpace the speed of light eventually, so it'll happen. Einstein himself when delving into special relativity discussed tachyonic particles, neutrinos and the very idea of outpacing light. Warp bubbles, bending space are theories that could bypass it. Recreating mass so no mass travels, a literal bootstrap radio wave of pure instruction building whatever at the destination... Ye have little faith.

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Cosmic speed limit is base level fundamental physics. Like how 1 plus 1 does not equal 5, ever, ever, ever. We are not studying hard because one day we may work out how 1+1=5, same with the cosmic speed limit. Particles with mass cannot move faster than light. Best you accept it and move on with better things to waste your thoughts on. It cannot happen.

There is no warp drive or beam me up Scotty. That is sci-fi.

We can be alone.
We are a figment of Our own imaginary imagination.
G, Odd

>comparing an imaginary perfect system to infinite complexity of nature

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Yes. The live on Saturn. Great picture choice


You are the retarded one for not understanding what they're saying

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But there might be ripples/warps In space/time. Your theory of relativity is not a limit to OPs assertion

If they do exist they will hijack all your shit and take your moon and make you their slaves.

why can't we be alone? we are the universe reaching consciousness. consciousness creates reality. the universe cannot really exist unless it is a universe with consciousness. there only needs to happen once. a second is not necessary so it may well not be.

Its not my theory of relativity.

I'm personally convinced (without a shred of evidence) that the universe is positively teeming with life.... and peppered with civilisation. Just we will never meet because physics.

Any planet needs to be safe from impacts inorder for it's advanced species to exist long enough to develop space travel.

we are alone in the sense that there are no other alien beings like us. we are the single most important thing in the universe that has ever been or will be. the message has been there for thousands of years. you have no other proposal. why do you not accept it?

Wasn’t trying to contribute E=mc^2 to you. My point is,There are likely many ways to get around the perceived limits to traveling great distances through space, and I agree with you on the topic of vast amounts of life in the universe. In fact, if the universe is infinitely large, and some scientists think it may be, the laws of probability say that you and I are having this exact exchange in a different galaxy right now. Let that soak it.

You sound awful lot like a religious person. We're talking science here.

There is no way to defeat the cosmic speed limit. There is no thought experiment or angle to explore.

Because a wookie in Star Wars did it, thousands of bright scientific minds are going to waste a career over FTL in the coming centuries. They would be better placed thinking about things that might improve humanity rather than pissing into the wind on something that is impossible on first principles.

>single most important thing in the universe
Religious bullshit indeed, and the same ego-driven bullshit that destroys the very planet we live on

Bullshit. There are a lot of theories around wormholes and black holes. The door to travel is wide open.

I'm a professional scientist. There is no conflict between science and religion. in some ways they are hte same thing. in other ways they are different. both are based on faith to a degree
Scientistic faggots are as bad a religious nutjobs. probably worse because at least the religious nutjobs can have a bit of humility sometimes

kys then. help the planet. you don;t believe a word you're saying.

>professional scientist
Kek. Those two words used together guarantee you are nothing of the sort

i am. but what would you know?

>I'm a professional scientist. There is no conflict between science and religion. in some ways they are hte same thing.

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Nope. Black holes are not doorways to FTL travel, except for edgelord wankfest versions of science. They are just places where enormous collections of matter causes the force of gravity to overcome the nuclear force and the matter compressed to an ultra high density that we don't fully understand... nor potentially ever will.

Worm holes are plain science fiction.

As is FTL travel

All credible science points to photons / unbound electrons being the fastest things there is, and anything with mass being a good bit slower than them.

Why would I need to when you religious fucks are killing yourselves and everyone else every chance you get? Religion is cancer

hubris. scientism is not science

>Religion is cancer
nice to see the open enquiring mind of a scientist.
feminism is cancer. religion has much of value to offer as does science.

We no very little about the cosmos and you pretending to have answers that put things in a cute little box is a joke

>The underlying cause of virtually every war in history
Pick one

We know lots about the cosmos.

Suggesting mysterious potential is fallacious, and the realm of sci-fi.

Woo woo is not a valid hypothesis

>underlying cause of virtually every war in history
nonsense. but many things of value can also cause destruction. it doesn't make the thing itself bad. any power can be wielded for good or evil.

with no religion, we have no science. they are similar in that they are both attempts to explain a complex world and the modern western scientific tradition arises directly from the western religious tradition.


Having an “open mind” with religion doesn’t lead anyone to facts or truths because there is nothing scientific about religion. With religion, knowledge is based on faith, trust, and conjecture, which is the exact opposite of science.

>facts or truths
lol. you have no idea how science works ion practice.
even in principle, science is also based on faith.

i am not attacking science. it is wonderful. I just don;t worship it like a silly acolyte

>Suggesting mysterious potential is fallacious,

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Haha. We don’t even know how many species are in our own oceans. There are plenty of theoretical physicists who believe in the possibility of life on other plants and deep space travel, but keep living in your little cozy box of that makes you more comfortable.

Science is NOT based on faith. Have you ever heard of the scientific method? Faith is not part of the process.

How is there any equivalency between the creatures in the ocean and the ability of matter to travel faster than light?

You seem committed to your sci-fi cause even though it flies in the face of actual science. I suggest it is you who have given it little thought beyond watching star trek thinking 'wow, that's cool'

the scientific method is a post hoc inaccurate description invented by Kant as justification for his specific views. have you heard of any other analysis of scientific thought?

the entire endeavour of science is based uponan idea that the universe is explainable. tgell me how does one know that? it is an article of faithj. furthermore that observation may be used to theorise an explanation of the universe. anb article of absolute faith. it goes on and on from there. tell me, does randomness exist? because its existence is unprovable and the entire branches of mathematics rest upon assuming it exists.

As I'm sure you are perfectly aware, speaking as you do, general relativity and quantum physics have not been fully unified. Meaning that your statements presented as unequivocal objective fact are still being tested and expanded upon. We will find ways to travel to other parts of our galaxy. Slowly at first, then faster and faster. Incrementally learning along the way. Based on what we know right now, you are absolutely correct but-
>It cannot happen.
See, that's where your assertion breaks down. You're always good up until that point, at which point you are wrong. You are the guy who said it's physically impossible to fly around the Earth, you are the guy who said man will never go to the moon, you are the guy who keeps saying it can't be done when in fact, later it is done. You are that guy.

I hope you don't float away when you finally leave your house... given the flimsy nature of science and therefore the theory of gravity.

What about a gelatinous entity that shape shifts into people you know or knew. Oh wait now I remember


They haven't been unified, correct. But each holds true and must. Hence the problem.

And matter cannot travel faster than light, and any potential unification will not change this.

My point is we don’t know everything about the physical world around us. Science is evolving. We don’t have all the answers. We don’t know about antimatter or dark matter. We don’t even fully understand the human immune system. Science evolves and changes through time. You’re talking in absolutes which is absolutely ridiculous

They don't really want to make contact.

nice side step to refuse to engage with the problem

does randomness exist in the real world ad how would you know? is a good question for a scientistic person to ponder gain some realisation and insight into just how faith based science is.

as for the scientific method. become a scientist and in a few years you will realise how utterly wrong that description is.
maybe start with Kuhn's work for one alternative analysis to Kant.

Right, but first principles tend to hold true while the subtleties are worked out around them.

There is no hidden world where matter travels faster than light that we are waiting to uncover.

Why do you keep referencing philosophers in a scientific discussion?

Fuck off space niggers, we're full

I am not the one who brought up the scientific method - Kant's work. Kuhn is also work son the philosophy OF SCIENCE and gives one of the more robust alternative views. how can you speak of science when you know nothing about what it is?

>we can't be alone
Given that life exists even at underwater lava vents, where temps reach far beyond boiling point with no oxygen present i.e. to saturation of noxious gas mixtures in the immediate vicinity - it's pretty obvious life exists all over the universe. Hell, there's likely subterranean basic organism life on Mars given how much liquid waters been seen surfacing across the planet by the Mars Observer probes orbiting the planet over the past decade. If you're talking about human - like species, that would likely be a bit more rare, but no doubt civilizations exist across our very own galaxy.

>Will we ever make contact?
Not in your lifetime, unless a more advanced species decides to interact with us. Given we fight amongst ourselves over minor political differences and who's imaginary sky daddy "God" is better - why would they bother to communicate with humans?

>first principles hold true
Really? Like the benefits of blood letting or the consensus view that the sun revolvs around the earth. Please, user. You must be joking.

>matter cannot travel faster than light
That is a limitation, yes. The laws of physics don't change, until you get into quantum levels then they do change. My point is that "matter cannot travel faster than light" is not the only way to do things. There's an entire universe of ways to workaround that, we've just got to figure it out. There are invariably people that say "It can't be done!" who are proven wrong every day by people who say "here hold my beer let's try it this way".

>>first principles
>blood letting
Wow. If you think blood letting is a proven underlying principle of the universe then we are done. Good day sir.

>>Will we ever make contact?
>Not in your lifetime, unless a more advanced species decides to interact with us. Given we fight amongst ourselves over minor political differences and who's imaginary sky daddy "God" is better - why would they bother to communicate with humans?
This I can agree with. Contact on a "greetings earthling! take me to your leader" will never happen. Contact can also mean "We don't usually talk to inferior species but listen up parasites: we are taking your resources, stay out of the way or die." That one seems plausible. Of course, just blending in and observing our species as science or pure curiosity, that seems plausible too.

>no doubt civilizations exist across our very own galaxy.
different user, but this claim is based on no evidence. in fact it is counter to any evidence there is. if human-like life existed, where are all the radio signals, probes, anything to show they exist?

Well. It was the "science" of the time. Just like our "science" is ours... much of ours to be falsified in the future.

>My point is that "matter cannot travel faster than light" is not the only way to do things.
Except it really is user.

Its a solidly proven constraint on the universe with no work around. Even quantum mechanics and the highly dubious string theories will not get you there

Ours is proven

It’s was a scientifically accepted method of dealing with ailments and the comment relates to your insistence that we essentially know everything about physics and can rule out any possible of long distance space travel. You’re flat wrong. Science evolves.

until it isn't

Black science guy and bill jew nye say aliens dont exist

>all of our science is 100% true through all of eternity!
I can't believe you're actually that stupid user so I know you're trolling!

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Totally This. “Ours is proven”. Jesus H Christ.

>if human-like life existed, where are all the radio signals,
Too far away / looking in the wrong places / too diffuse over the distances involved.
>anything to show they exist?
There is no reason to assume that because we can't see them they don't exist. It's highly probable that we couldnt see them regardless of how hard we try and irrespective of our technology for searching. We have trouble tracking voyager, let alone several orders of magnitude further out.

>implying other species evolved along a linear path as humanity

Pretty myopic assumption given the multitude of organisms that have evolved in completely different directions. And you realize radio signals dissipate the further they travel, eventually mixing in with the background radio noise of the universe. And probes would take millinea to reach other inhabited star systems. That is if they even survived the journey. It's taken the 2 Voyages craft around 40 years to reach the edges of interstellar space (and defined by the region outside the influence of the sun's hemisphere. Have you even taken at the very least a year 8 level science course?

>There is no reason to assume that because we can't see them they don't exist.
Occam's razor begs to differ science guy

You are thinking about the Drake equation, the Fermi paradox is pretty much "Where is everybody". The Fermi paradox is pretty fucking stupid though if you actually think about it.

*2 Voyager craft

>Totally This. “Ours is proven”. Jesus H Christ.
Yeah, news just in - the speed of light changed

>the speed of light explains everything about the universe.
Rolls eyes

Nope, it just explains why humans won't be holidaying on trappist, ever

really? a lot of people believe that actual humanoids were either created magically by gods--gilgamesh, jesus--or touched by gods--joseph smith, mohammed--or the spawn of alien gods--moroni, buddha--and you find it hard to believe that in our lifetime "they" might just show up?

that's more likely than most religions being true.

It does nothing of the sort, but Nice box you’ve built around yourself.