Whats are these things on my dick

whats are these things on my dick

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AIDS terminal stage

Those are moles/skin tags idk the perfect english word for that but they are harmless. Also, they are symtpom of AIDS.

definitely aids, god speed user
see you, space cowboy

these arent skin tags dummy

They are looking like warts

ohHh no its superaids user, suicide is the only way out

ingrown hairs you dickbrained faggot, now stop shaving your dick for your faggot boyfriends and they'll go away, fuck.

could be ingrown hair

Like the other anons already said, it could be:

>ingrown hairs

Only you know your sexual history and your skin condition. Go to a doctor if you're worried you dummy.

It's molluscum contagiosum

hpv, doc here


Clear case of Ligma

Terminal ass/dick aids/Cancer

This. Good luck, takes forever and will spread.

You fucking people are absolutely, 100% retarded.

Molluscum contagiosum.
Go get it freezed off.

Yea... we're retarded.

That isn't your dick. It's your leg. Just fyi.

This - and don't fucking touch anyone without washing your hands - that shit is wicked contagious - especially to kids.

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you got ebola you dumb nigger