This is literally you, a micropenis having alt-right obsolete since before WW II politics-having assburger ridden idiot

This is literally you, a micropenis having alt-right obsolete since before WW II politics-having assburger ridden idiot.

Attached: incel.jpg (1366x768, 116K)

I don't remember this, you sure its me?

how can this be literally me if im here? you DO know the meaning of the word literally right?

He literally dosnt

Seen this video, what a fucked up person.

Attached: 1462993779997.jpg (3000x3000, 368K)

He's exposing Sup Forums to the larger media, which I suppose a good thing, because we all got to be more responsible

It's a terrible thing. It will just end up bringing more cancerous edge lord kids here in droves


Im 25 and whats this?

>Y-y-your PENIS!
The eternal jew nigger

weird, I just watched this video like an hour ago.

you know I'm fairly sure most people on Sup Forums are moderates or even lefties masquerading as alt-right just to fit in. It takes nerds to get to Sup Forums in the first place, and most nerd's frankly aren't stupid enough to fall for the whole right wing thing. That and being young.

>This is literally you,
Nope, I'm much older virgin, 40 years old and with a clear criminal record
>a micropenis
My penis has normal size, besides, micropenis is a porn myth, size doesn't matter
>having alt-right obsolete since before WW II politics
Wrong, alt-right is a meaningless buzzword and the people increasingly vote against globalist policies
>having assburger ridden
Assburger like the modern definition of autism is a meme
Can't argue with that

Yeah, I've been in /r9k/ before him and we never called ourselves "space robots" and "pepe the frog types", dude has serious issues and virginity is the least

The day of his trial and his conviction will be the beginning of the end of Sup Forums.
Imageboards are going to be banned and their users (posters and lurkers) are going to be prosecuted.
It was fun while it lasted.

I watched a month ago, the detective was very skillful, this was a beautiful interrogation technique

>assuming you know anything and you're not just a faggot neckbeard, how are you going to shutdown your brain long enough not to post about it on facebook to all your are you going to stop yourself from going to a groupon camping trip and enjoy nature long enough to not post about it on twitter. how are you going to not check your rss feed constantly when a storm hits and you are terrified alone and soon lost in dystopian post-societal stone age.

The fuck is this? Anyone got a link?

I'd like a link as well

Search for killer incel interrogation

3 hours? Fuck that. Is their a cliff notes version?

Watch it. It's something else.