Do any of you guys remember the old internet? What was it like?

Do any of you guys remember the old internet? What was it like?

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Other urls found in this thread:

It was a pure place with no normies at all. Now it's a complete shitshow.

The glory days of WON gaming are gone and will never come back.

there was no sjw liberal progressive cancer

Did anyone click “HL readme” or “CS manual” ever? What’s there?

I first got on the internet in 97. It was interesting, uncensored, and very fucking slow.

Good times

Attached: Try+playing+team+fortress+classic+no+medigun+you+have+to+_5b4ca68174d7fb0e4d8f94895e901a61.jpg (1280x1024, 297K)

Facebook fucked up the internet

It was more innocent and carefree. The rare moments when we did see something shocking it scared us and made us feel uneasy. Nowadays nothing shocks us, we just sit here waiting for normalcy...

Better before social media cancer.

there was no match making, you just joined servers and played with people and when you found servers you liked you kept going back to them and became familiar with people over time and everyone was very like minded and had a good sense of fun and wasn't obsessed with winning and gaining rank points.

good times.

shit talking was the norm before anything gets you ban like saying gg ez. i miss those days

CS 1.6, Quake 3 and DC++

slow, and full of that erotic sonic fan fic that furries use to groom kids.

kek. Had a blast downloading peoples hardrives

year 2005/6, you open Sup Forums and there were threads full of CP.

Ya. It was crazy. People would share their entire C:\ drive. I would always find something good. Mostly Scandinavian people.

>what was it like
It took several minutes for a 4mb image to load and if it did load it had the high possibility on breaking.

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And it was glorious

No but I remember the same slide thread yesterday


do you still have my highschool papers ?

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conc maps were the best

>4mb image

Are you fucking insane?

>year 2005/6, you open Sup Forums and there were threads full of CP.
And there's a good reason why the FBI obtained a backdoor for the site in 2006.

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DC++ was golden, amount of unreleased techno and psychedelic trance music I used to find there was mind boggling, time when we were young, fun and full of cum. To this day I have old hard disk with 100GB of music neatly separated by year/month/week.

dust2, you fucking casual.

sorry meant file

>I would always find something good. Mostly Scandinavian people.
It was because of Lysehubben and BBB. Good speed, best networks. Remember Lysehubben drawing so much American traffic it gained the attention of the F.B.I..

and them Clintons own it.

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91248 - my Won ID. OH GOD I MISS IT

had a cable modem in 2000. 50 megs. Life hasn't improved much since

NetZero/Juno and BannersKiller for free internet
56k dial-up noises
250ping in cs 1.2
Yahoo was more popular than Google.


Basicly boomer pol but fun

Slow AF. Lots of viruses around. Chronic spam email.
It's much better today, warts and all.

It looked a lot like

dont remind me please
i cry every tiem for those days

It was wonderful. I think nearly the entire reason I even keep coming here is because I'm waiting (in vain) for it to return to the way that it was back then.

Hubs with constant trivia games.
Also I remember guns withbcertiab share quotas. I would copy .vob files from dvds and use those. I remember when I first started using DC++ using my sister's dvds of Buffy Vampire Slayer lol.

Having to wait a minute as a simple ,jpeg slowly crept down the monitor.

I remember coming home from school sitting down to play Gunz: the duel with a few friends from school. shit talking each other while playing that game and downloading pdf. Files of D&D handbooks, filling CDs with music from lime wire.

Everything was comfy then.

i was fapping to 1200 baud modem porn 1hr per dl porn images back in '96 you children. also remember some hilarious virus as well.

man, we really fucked the internet now, havent we.

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Hubs with share quotas to connect*

Havnt slept in 2 days and autocorrect is a jew bastard.

In a word: Slow.

We had to watch XOMBIE on because a single server couldn't handle video at 480p.

We used to download from limewire to circumvent this because DVD's were fucking expensive.

Ytmnd was a dail-up friendly alternative. We didn't have content distribution platforms, so if you bought software online, they would mail you the cd's and a product key.

It was great until you showed up.

You could openly say faggot, retard, nigger, kike etc and nobody cared at all.

It was open and free. Much slower, but I would trade speed for the original Youtube back and a complete lack of normies, that was the most important part. Now it feels like a cramped public park full of niggers and normies with a cop and merchant staring at you the whole time.

it was based and there were 0 normies

I had ADSL internet In 1998

imagine server admins who wielded ban power with impunity. We banned HPBs High ping bastards, we banned people who didnt speak english, faggots, pretty much anyone... but we were fine with pretty much all races, most Americans and the occasional High ping player from Australia or Europe that we liked.

Imagine never getting reported and having the freedom to say and do whatever the fuck you wanted. No gay ranking system, only respect based upon your skill level in the community. No need to share your space with China or India or fucking Peru or anywhere like that, those people were few and if they came they were instabanned because who wants them shitting up their server? Hackers were RARE. The game costed you 60 dollars in 2002 money, and if you got banned, since it was real people doing it, they might get really dirty on how far they go to make sure you never get back.. and well we knew each others play styles so... you couldnt really hide.

Netcode was way way way better game moved much faster and hits were much better, updaterate/tick rate was potentially unlimited.

No need to even out lagcompensation and algorithms to interpret lag from players in south korea, only to allow latency to do its job from the west to east coast. Games pretty much reflected the loss of our comfy culture, but it happened in games first.

I despised STEAM when it came definitely has lead to some serious gayness.
We used forums to communicate.

Pretty much the worst part is how they have treated lag/latency, by using gay algorithms probably coded by indians that dont work well, and hamstring old players such as myself with incredible reaction skills, the game evens this out for apu and gives him a chance to shoot you before you trounce him with a quick headshot or other method in the game. Because games became about "diversity" of location, about "being a team" instead of a group of strong individuals working together.

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>Dota player in Warcraft 3 maps
>Counterstrike Beta 1 player
>World of Warcraft Closed Beta player

Just imagine how it feels to go from hundreds to thousands... still comfy, to whatever the fuck this is.

I feel like the entire world is squatting on the medium I grew up in. And to top it off the turd world came into my beach town and fucking ruined it, to where it is nothing now. so I have nothing, no comfy games, no comfy home area, literally just blowing like dust in the wind man

Attached: IMAGINE Wow closed beta invite.png (1074x600, 33K)

Yeah. I still browse oldnet sites sometimes.

I was playing starcraft on a 33.6 modem. Of course. Original computer had some dinosaur theme, I was playing Corridor 7 and doctor radiaki on that MFER. Doesnt matter though, Starcraft, Diablo, Halflife was the height of gaming. When the cable modem first broke out in California and I had still god tier speed back then 20 years ago.

Every site was either like pol without jannies or admin and the creator of the site banned you after one post, because he disagreed with you.

ask Jeeves
incremental image reveals
pop ups
javascript kiddies
netscape navigator

Basic trolling was taken seriously and not considered bait. was one of the best web 1.0 sites. Since 93. Went down a couple years ago, here's the wayback

This is like the 5th time I've seen this exact thread this week, and retards keeps replying to it.

The modem screeching was nearly as horrible as connection speed.
>Play fallout 2, eh fuck I'm stuck. Send email to the lone existing f2 fan page asking what to do?
Get email back from webmaster giving me instructions and thanking me for some .gif I sent.

From my shitty third world perspective:

CONS: It's slow, torrent/KaZaA need few days to download 500MB dvd rips, porns are blurry mess, real player stream almost always buffering and never works, getting shitty naked women screensaver virus every week demanding payment for removal. Have to install flash for interactive content and see your laptop battery suffer. Online shopping consist of various shady forums so don't even think about refund or customer service. See ads on tv about high tech shit but no way to buy it because shipping fee is too expensive. Constantly receive creepy pasta mail, "if you don't forward this to ten people your mother will die". Online gaming consist of mostly korean grinders like MU online, gun bound, Maple story, ping is too high for FPS where I'm from but games always have the LAN option. Have to buy ringtones by calling up cellphone magazines, social media consist of sms selfie to said magazines and wait for the next issue to see your face printed on the back cover among all other thirsty guy.

PRO: Most edgy sites are so less subversive kikes, less ads, less information overload, less nigger pandering, less interracial crap, more free time in real life, normies are cringy but in a good way, less hipsterish. mIRC for local hookups, MSN messenger for long distance relationships, phones behave like phones and no more (remember my friends getting the latest Nokia just because their snake games have better graphics). Less paranoia because governments were luddite and don't care about what you say online. Can easily pretend to be female and bait your friends into doing/saying retarded shit. Arcades have pinball machine and adults are genuinely good at KoF. There are real reasons to hang out with friends like LAN parties, cyber cafe, arcade, cinema and travel because the shit you can do online are pretty limited.

Kek. It took about 48 hours from Valve source leak to WON collapsing into nothingness. Don't let user have the keys to your kingdom.


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Tickrates were the same or lower, you moron, it was just there was no network interpolation back then, so there was no buffering and both the server and client updated instantaneously.

But it was only good when you played with people from the same town as you. You can fucking play quake with 50 ms today, back then even slower shit, like cs was unplayable with such ping.

We're just taking the chance to get all nostalgic. Also, fuck yeah, s for layout.

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Give us free.


I had an updaterate of 9999, I had instanthits and smooth flow, shut the fuck up faggot, dont ever post here again >>>>> reddit


Nice.Scrollbars. Lots of scrollbars. Sub windows with scrollbars. Sub sub windows with sub sub scrollbars.

And then there's Amazon...

Attached: top-10-worst-90s-website-designs-amazon-10.png (810x432, 111K)

Innocent as were i.

Every thread on Sup Forums has been posted before u nig nog

You guys should play Hypnospace Outlaws

it was actually very nice.
probably the best era of the internet.


after that it's all heil hitler from there.

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>I feel like the entire world is squatting on the medium I grew up in. And to top it off the turd world came into my beach town and fucking ruined it, to where it is nothing now.

Just remember that it will only take a couple of generations for all the proper nerds to die out, and there will be a glitch some day, and it's going to be a bunch of web 4.0 normies who have to figure out legacy assembly code all by themselves or the entire normie internet collapses.

HAM radios are the future of shitposting and porn

>le great filter

>comfy boome-
>follow me on instagram

Seriously. The layers upon layers of abstraction in computing is not going to end well at all.

There were days when commenting was impossible.

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It took determination, and a certain level of skill, to find porn of adequate quantity and quality outside of file sharing.

Nice assplosion, retarded nigger.
This shit didn't do anything, the tickrate of server was still the same and it sent updates to you with the same frequency.

Not like you would see the difference with your shitty crt monitor anyway.

You're just getting old and slow and delude yourself to think that you now suck because games back then worked different and the new game designers keep you down and not because your boomer brain rots away.

>porn of adequate quality

This. It was great but there was less content.

nostalgic kek

>follow me on instagram
oh its probably the signature

Imagine believing dust2 to be good


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People like this ruined it

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Fuckin insomnia man

dust 1

Also it was nice not having every single thing you do tracked by (((google))) and sent to marketing agencies

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Remember when schools advised not to share your personal info on the internet?
Those were the days.
