Is vaping gay? I vape but am starting to think its gay

Is vaping gay? I vape but am starting to think its gay.

Attached: vape_meme_9 - Copy.jpg (460x416, 28K)

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nope you are a homophobe

if ur a homophobe u are ok
gay is not ok

my cousin stared vaping and then a couple months later he said he was gay.

vaping is gay when u think its somehow not smoking.

Are you deep throating your vape?

It is gay do wax pens or THC carts
Nicotine is gay

Vaping has been associated with horrible, screaming death:


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go back to russia/china/North korea

I guess I'm just tired of having an addiction. Also there's something or another that always needs fussed with; batteries, coils, wick, juice, etc. With cigs you'd light one up, enjoy, then flick into your neighbors yard when you were finished. So simple.

Interesting you didn't mention a place with any brown people. Clearly the thought of your treasured groups not being 100% angels irks you the wrong way.

All forms of vaping are always gay. There are no exceptions.

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Why would I be scared of a faggot?

This post is gay, jewish, and black.

It's only gay when you start deepthroating your vape

There's nothing to be afraid of..

Attached: EBSd7b9UYAA1ONR.jpg (800x1000, 120K)

enjoy your vitamin E acetate in your fake bullshit carts from china. Wonder why your dealer only wants 20 bucks a pop?

And that's exactly the thing that's killing people.

And smoking has been the cause of millions of other deaths over decades and other health problems. What's your point

Pee pee in bum bum tehehehehe

vaping is gay because if you vape you can't think straight

it is, and will fit right in to your homosex lifestyle

Attached: OP 's lunch.gif (700x373, 529K)

People aren't smart enough to realize if it sounds too good it probably is

vape is big gay, smoke like a real man you fucking pussy

Vaping is only gay if you're not using it to get off cigarettes. If you were a non smoker and you vape, you're as gay as they come.

Also, vaping and smoking are not the same. One produces actual smoke and the other produces steam. So to be fair you can call it steaming if you want to have a more factual way of referring to it in a negative light.

Vaping = Death

Why do niggers not vape?

having a steamer sounds pretty gay

Is vaping a jewish conspiracy against Europeans?

Wait till they start with the 1 euro for not bringing it back into the receycling center.
Initiative for this was started some month ago here in germany.

I welcome our new green overlords, in my profession as an newsmoderator i can help you to bring normal people into crowd masses so they are easier to talked down and spanked for their missbehaviozr.

europeans are a jewish conspiracy against europeans. look at the way germany just slapped brexit down and tell me that the EU isn't just a huge joke

Everything is gay, faggot

Found the ylyl thread

All these recent deaths are from marijuana vaping liquids. Not nicotine juice.

The good people vaping nicotine trying to get off cigarettes get blamed.

all vaping is retarded. I don't think it should be banned but pretending that vaping isn't one of the faggiest ways to get your nic fit is just inherently wrong

"The Scientists" have already stated that vaping is scientifically gay. The same scientists who said climate change is one hundred billion percent just the american middle class' doing. The same scientists who brought you "I dare you" environmental boogaloo

you can't ignore "The Scientists"

Why did Germany flood itself with niggers and other subhuman refugees?

I'm intersex and biologically immune to gayness and I vape. Sucks because I live in MA and there is currently a war on vaping.

same reason people own guard dogs. They aren't smart but theyre willing to defend you since you feed them. You can call them friend but nobody bats an eye when your friend shits in front of you.

Obey the Merkelreich user.

Cause we know that the baltic sea will raise about 5 meters in the next decades cause of what greta thunberg said.
We bought all the land in africa and start to emptie it now.
Thank us later when the flood comes.

Thank you for your replies

literally the stupidest comment ive ever read

wrong, not ecigs
try again faggot

wrong, not ecigs
try again faggot

cant afford them

if you think that comment is stupid then take a look at this shit

Vaping vitamin E = death

All others are fine. I only vape dry flower weed.

But can afford much more costly cigs?