To the white people of Sup Forums

To the white people of Sup Forums

What race would you rather have kids with and which would you rather not have kids with?

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I'd love to breed a persian girl

Brobably elf. Definitely not orc.

Almost all races.

No niggers. You know, because they're niggers.

ew no not arabs fuck those terrorists

More or less this. They’re at the bottom of my list

would rather with whites and asians

would rather not indians and arabs

White obviously. Anything else makes my children less desirable.

Asian would be ok if the child is female, but Asian men have undesirable body type.

why would you be interested in the body type of your kid?

youre fucked

unless the kids morbidly obese or stupidly anorexic then caring how your kid looks like means you want to fuck them

Persians aren't Arabs.

have kids with - east asian

not have kids with - middle eastern, paki, indian, etc.

I'd rather have kids with an Asian girl, and not have kids with a black girl because they're psycho and try to throw hands

It's all the same shit dude... Nobody gives a fuck. "Persians" are Iranians who cling onto a culture that doesn't exist anymore.

No niggers. They’re barely human. Chinks would be okay, though.

I'm at 10.5 inches and my problem is that the whites and mexicans I've tried to be with can't take all of it. In fact they complain. Blacks and puerto ricans have no problem and are usually pleasantly surprised. I'd prefer white or mexican, azn are nowhere to be found.

google persia retard

first thing youll see is iran and thats what youre fucking

kill yourself

Any whites, Japanese, or South Korean. I've known some pretty spicy Chinese girls as well, but when they're moms they go batshit crazy.

good idea

Anything but niggers.

I am not sure why not wanting my male child to look 10 his entire life means I want to fuck him, but ok.

Nigger is at the bottom of the list.

Then Indian.

Maybe Indians are even worse than niggers.

It's fucking close.

asian. i wan't someone to take care of me when i am old.

1: White
2: Middle Eastern but not sand nigger status
3: European-Spanish
4: Native American/ other indigenous people
5: African
6: Northeast Asian
7: Southeast Asian
8: Indians/Pakis

I'd just stick to whites, im not really attracted to any other races except some hot chink girls here and there.
Still, wouldnt make one preggo.

I hate jews above all

White girl here just turned 18, i prefer black guys but the occasional indian guy aint bad ;)

Nigger and Indian is definitely a no.

White is number one.
Japanese or Korean is probably number two.

LMFAO nice bait cuck

I've never even seen a white chick and an Indian guy together.

Not a single time.

I've seen some fat white chicks with niggers....but not even fat white girls like Indians.

Obviously an Indian guy wrote this, 99% of white women think you're disgusting

You spelled 100% wrong

latina. some of them are goddamn gorgeous. their families have great food and they like to party. i also want to improve my spanish. all wins in my book

Indians, men and women, just fucking stink.

They smell fucking terrible.

Doesnt really matter, as long as not black.

Fat white chicks are a niggers kryptonite.

>caring how your kid looks like means you want to fuck them

Or it means that you want them to be fuckable so that they will be able to reproduce and have their own kids in their own time.

>Fuck no

#1 is definitely Indian. I don’t see my self as a racist. I just do not like their culture, from the customs, to the food, to the way alot of Indians look. I’ve met some cool as Hajis but I can’t see myself marrying one. Although if they were “Americanized” enough I wouldn’t mind. Suppose I don’t want to meet a chick and when I meet her parents they are the type who worships a fucking cow lol.
Same goes for blacks. I wouldn’t marry a ratchet or ghetto black girl. If they were educated and decent I don't care how dark they are.

This thread made me realize I’m essentially xenophobic,lol. Thanks OP

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I would rather not have any kids. All the people I know with children are all miserable, stressed out, some lie and say that it's made them better people. But from the outside looking in. They are the same person with ZERO free time to have any adult fun. Not only that but children are fucking expensive and stupid. Gotta fuckin wipe shit off their ass for years, gotta make sure they get the proper foods so they dont turn into fat lazy lards. They wanna hog YOUR vidja games and your t.v. to watch fucking baby cartoons. They scream and destroy shit. Why would any one want to imprison their selves just for the sake of passing down their shitty genes? Total pass.


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wanna breed with this

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Thank god you pass.

Whites, Koreans, and Japs got flat asses and shit personalities.

Seems like Indians & Paki dislike is mutual amongst us. Awesome. Im Latin btw

most Asians fucking stink, especially Thai.

Shame your parents didnt.

Get back to cleaning those toilet bowls sperg

That is a really nice pic

a dutch woman in blackface?

meh. Garden variety white girl.

I'm convinced you've never been around asian people. The only ones that stink are the Indians. The rest just smell like alcohol and rice.


you'll never get this pussy white boi, black cock only

indians and pakis are literally the worst, theyre the only people that follow up with their stereotype so well like smelling like armpits

black girls

I literally can't get hard to any other race

yeah its literally only indians that smell terrible,

whites, blacks whites, asians, latinos none of these mfs smell nearly as bad as street shitter

not white
fucking gross

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For breeding purposes: White or Latina
Not to breed: Asian, black, middle eastern


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latinas is the correct answer

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You do realize an overwhelming amount of Latinas have a lot of European admixture so chances are incredibly likely that the child you two will have will just look flat out white.

I've never met one that stinks.

Almost EVERY SINGLE INDIAN I have ever met has fucking stunk.

Their houses fucking stink too. I work in real estate and have gone into dozens of houses owned by Indians.

Every single time they fucking smell terrible. It's the same smell too. It's just something about them as a people.

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I train at an MMA gym, going on twelve years now.

I refuse to grapple with indian dudes.

First of all, almost every single one of them is terrible. Probably the worst attempt at being fighters I've ever seen as a race. I've seen a few hundred come through and every single one of them is awkward and terrible.

That aside, every single one of them fucking stank.


At first I thought it was just this guy or that guy. Then I realized over years, every single one of them stinks.

I told the owner of my gym to never pair me with them because I will tell them to fucking bathe and I won't grapple with them.

He understood and I never get paired with the small handful who come through.

(They always leave within a couple of months because they get tired of getting their ass beat and they never get any better.)

im white and have jet black hair. I'd say I'd be fine with a Japanese girl or a light skin Latina. I'd never stick my cock anywhere near a Muslim or especially an Indian, dot not feather.

Yeah, Nigger, Muslim, Paki, and Indian....they are all equally a never.

Blacks are the most im unattractive race, 7/11 indians are close 2 for most unattractive, sand niggers are 3rd then we get into the actually hot races latino, Asian and white

indians are way worse than niggers u dumb fuck

what have u been smoking???

latinos are literally white people basically

portugese took over south america, then left a bunch of people there

portugese people are white therefore all latinos are white

I'm with these guys.

idk which asian fucks youve been sucking but a 65 year old asian man doesnt look 10 years old

fucking retard

Matters not to me. I ended up marrying a white woman but u had a serious relationship with a woman who was Mexican, and one Arabic.

i had a stroke trying to read whatever the fuck youre trying to say

learn to speak english retard

You should learn reading comprehension, contextual understanding and maybe take a typing class or at least look at a keyboard and study it. He typed a u instead of an I dipshit. He says he married a white, serious relationship with a Mexican and an Arab before. How was that hard?

>finding the color of shit attractive

Indians and pakis are an underclass, that's probably why.

highly prefer a white tall girl so that i can have tall and strong kids {6'5 here}
asian women are attractive but lack the strong and tall features im looking for, they're built for speed and accuracy.
and im not about to introduce black to my bloodline or my family.

lol u sound like one of those pathetic retards that use capitals periods and commas just to sound like some smart elite

in reality youre just a complete worthless retard trying to sound like you know what youre saying

I've always wanted a mid 30s Japanese wife to breed but the older I get, the more I want something other than a white chick.

I want to a Heinz 57 child. I'm white so I can't get with a white woman, I'll take just shit any other race if they're pretty. :/

cant stand fucks like you that always type as capitals and periods matter

go kill yourself please your bloodline has to die off with you

Inferiority complex much?

My kids mom is Latina/native American with fairly dark skin. Both kids have fair skin and light colored, sandy blonde hair.

The black cock meme doesn't apply to Indians they have some of the smallest cocks in the world...
Nice larp you clearly never fucked one

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nope just hate obnoxious retards like you that always type with capitals and periods

people like you have been and always will be the most insecure incompetent bunch that talk as if theyre better than evereyone

again please just go kill yourself lol people dont need you

Hehe, dat zou niet meer mogen vandaag

But I am better than you.

België wel, Nederland niet meer

i know i am idk about u tho lol

keep seething retard

At least you're entertaining yourself. Laughing at your own jokes. It's cute. Like a puppy with one leg.

Literally white girls only. Now get out of here, jew

im laughing at the fact that youre just THIS retarded lol people like you are the reason i love Sup Forums

stomping on retards is always funny

Look at this retard competition

No, I stomped you, you retard.

Based and aryanpilled

wonder why youre getting so mad now

probably cause i stomped you and youre in denial

lmao seriously little man kill yourself

Woon in Rotterdam Zevenkamo, alle zwarte zijn gek op zwarte piet. Eentje wilde zeuren, kreeg smak van ze moeder want:"Niet zielig doen"

nO I sToMpEd yOu BoTh.

StAy mAd, nEeTs

Youre blood pressure must be through the roof right now dude you're gonna die

Have kids with: latina
Not have kids with: black

probably took your dumbass 10 minutes to type that lol commit suicide soon please