This is a literal retard from my school!

This is a literal retard from my school!

He always throws parties at his house, doing lots of alcohol & probably drugs as well! Parents are nowhere to be found!

He's super popular at my school & lots of girls likes him a lot for doing the crazy shit he does all the time kek. He thinks i'm one of his best bros or something even though i really don't care for him!

I mostly laugh at all the stupid shit he does cuz it's funny!

This is what he did last time he threw a party at his house, he posted it on snapchat & everything! He's a living legend.

Attached: 17440112_1865412300346261_808090881_n.jpg (539x720, 39K)


Hope someone kills the fag

Sure I'll stick around for this fake shit

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hope someone kills you
I got more from this kid, he does stupid inbred shit all the time

Poast moar.

He did this a few months ago, posted it on his snapchat to everyone at school to see.

Get on his level.

Attached: 16779855_1403330679729308_1249164125_n.jpg (360x480, 16K)

why does user write like a fucking Boomer

You're not the original OP. TH kid.

ok zoomer

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Why can't you spell correctly?

>He thinks i'm one of his best bros or something even though i really don't care for him!
>I mostly laugh at all the stupid shit he does cuz it's funny!

That's the definition of school friends user

Attached: 1201269721796.jpg (320x240, 17K)

You posted this picture a couple days ago with a slightly changed script in which "you" hated "this" attention-seeking faggot.

You know what hasn't changed since the last post? You being a retarded fuck. Take more pictures of yourself with needles in your body or eating something else out of a toilet or fuck off. If you want attention with this larp BS script at least be entertaining. Or give up the fucking stupid pretext and post a normal picture and ask us for our opinions.

God damn dude

I would never do that. Hes acting put like this because he has nothing intresting enough to offer to society so he acts out like this to make up for it. If i were at your school id bully the shit out of him and beat him to death nearly everyday until he killed himself. Attention whores are one of the biggest degens ever


kill yourself 4channer loser or get yourself a life.

Pick & chose fucktard

He will get an associates degree in is something technical and end up in the army where he will apply to Ranger school but will be denied because the requisite background check revealed his drug use with will eventually be a factor in being denied reenlistment. He will suffer depression brought on by his inability to find work due his RE-4 discharge from the army. He will go through several relationship until marrying a girl with low self-esteem who he knocked up. It will end in divorce with her losing her kid to child services and getting a restraining order against him. After a few years of augmenting his salary as a salvage yard worker by dealing meth and pot he was arrested by a federal anti-drug task force and will die under suspicious circumstances at ADX Florance

Black people smell bad

that too

nobody gives a shit you stupid asshole. neck yourself. also: underage b&, faggot. mods

lol. heil hitler dubs wasted on your incoherent trash of a post.


I don't really care for him...

He is a living legend?

Dafaq cunt.

wheres he from he looks like a fun guy