Why are liberals so gullible and stupid?

Why are liberals so gullible and stupid?

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self deciet
research the work of leon ferreiro lira at another universal

same reason conservatives are so gullible and stupid.

The left still can't think of something original. Weak and predictable.

I'm not either but you can't fool a conservative as easily as a liberal.

For real? With all of you defending Trump when he is clearly guilty if several high crimes and treason? Get fucked.

I agree with OP that we should thank God for so-called liberals!

How is Trump clearly guilty?

You guys elected Trump as president... you guys are as gullible as it gets

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I don't know if that's true. I just think being a progressive is fashionable so ignorant people will go along with it for social purposes.

>When everything eventually devolves into shit-talking about trump

It's like trump raped your mom, set your fucking house on fire and riped your nuts from your crotch and is wearing them publicly. That's the level of fucking assblast you people exhibit for him.

What "high crimes"? What "treason"? Liberals never get it right...

What does that even mean? You libs keep running into the same wall.

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OP - people in general are gullible and stupid. Everyone lives a relatively comfortable life with more amenities and technological entertainment that ever before. We are more connected and aware of the world around us, such as different societies, views, political beliefs etc. This awareness inevitably exposes individuals to differences beyond what they see as 'acceptable' and such disagreement, sprinkled with a hint of isolation or living amongst those with similar beliefs, fosters tension and the desire to speak up.

People from all angles have more platforms than ever to voice their opinions and now you have more people than ever able to agree with you through a like or comment. Again this snowballs into feeling more and more committed and reassured of one's beliefs being correct and pushes the divide even further - pigeon-holing opposing systems into a black vs white over-simplification that perpetuates even more tension and frustration.

Centrists seem to be more uncommon these days because each belief system has developed a 'with us or against us' attitude, so when trying to find people that agree with you, you end up pushed into either the black or the white column, and before you know it you're placarding outside like a moron against whatever opposes your view and the view of your group.

Further to this, a lot of disenfranchised people desperately seek a 'David vs Goliath' scenario to validate themselves as doing something meaningful with their lives. This historically has usually been noble pursuits, but has become diluted by the manufactured 'outrage' people feel about every little thing. Things that scarcely matter as much as people think, but nonetheless prompt them to take their fight to the next level of outrage - activism. It's a bit like a competition to see who can be the most victimised, maligned, underappreciated, discriminated against group so that eventual defeat of Goliath makes them feel like they've conquered the world.

The autistic screeching from you blue haired queers is entertaining and worth the admission of Trump being in the White House for 8 years.

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He fired a liberal female ambassador he didn't appoint, ( even though Obama fired all ambassadors Bush appointed) but what was worse. OMG He hurt her feelings.

Because they read man. Ask any republican if reading makes you stupid, they will all agree. The reason the average right-winger degenerate things he is smart, is because he never had read anything difficult to understand. So he was never challenged intellectually. Ask any right-winger if they read, they will all tell you that reading is for "libruls".

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Remember that Science has a liberal bias. So a true right-wing nutjob will do his best to ignore all logic and reason.

Because Democrats have zero understanding of the concept of hard work and how the world really works. They're lazy, self-centered little twats who just want everything to be "FREE" while not understanding all these endless gibs will collapse the economy. But they are far too stupid, lazy and narrcistic to understand that.

>DOW at record highs
>Economy roaring
>Employment at record highs
>Taxes lower than during Obama years

Yeah, Trump is doing such a bad job.

Get fucked you stupid fuck.