One legged amputee girls

one legged amputee girls

bump with stump

do you know one personally
show 'em and tell how they lost their leg

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More of this one? Ive seen thus pic for years and always thought it was shooped but apparently it's not.

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here you go

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Bump for my fellow devotees

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What was hiding under that blanket?

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Oh no another stump

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What in the everloving fuck? Why does she look so happy? Is she one of those cut my legs off on purpose freaks?

literally on pain killers but i don't think she did it on purpose. Probably a car accident or something

Why one first then the other? Doesn't make sense. She's got a fake leg here and looks fine.

maybe necrosis in the legs or some immune-disease destroying her legs, this is some sad shit.

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Story goes she injured her foot and it wouldn't heal so she decided to amputate it. A year later she injured the other foot and same story. I find it suspicious as well. You see lots of stories in the UK about people paying doctors to cut off their legs due to "pain". I'm sure it's a fetish thing.

Most likely an infection or tumors in the bones.

Shea got a gofundme where she tells the story is correct

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Is it wrong that i dont find it sad at all? I find it to be an improvement...

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you sick fucking sick fuck with doubles
fuck you

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I suppose it is sad, but what's done is done. I wouldn't go so far as to call it an improvement, but as someone with an attraction towards amputees, I'm not afraid to admit that I find her more attractive. People like what they like, I'd never harm anyone or encourage anyone to harm themselves, but what's done is done. Limbs don't grow back and I do find the aesthetic of a one legged woman exceptionally beautiful. If a girl is ok with her body, I'm more than ok with it.

The one thing I do not like about this community is the prevelant Doxxing of amputees. Photos and clips are one thing, searching these people out and messaging and harassing them is another. There are amputees out there open to discussion, some aren't. Dint blow up their info for the world to contact them. It's in poor taste and only serves to make this preference more taboo than it already is.

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true words, bro
true words...

such retards make it even more hard than it already is for us and there will never be acceptance for that like it is for gays i.e.

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god fucking dammit white people. Stop fetishizing self mutilation

>mfw this whole thread

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if nigs are prone to violence against others it seems white people are prone to mental issues that causes them to be violent against themselves.

Glad i'm mexican and we just have a tendency to have kids at like 12 years old

that's cause being an amputee is real shit, and being gay is fake shit.
real shit gets made fun of, like nerds in school; the only kids who took life seriously are now the ones in charge; and the superficial kids who do anything for fame or attention are now the bottom feeders.

yeah theyre gonna be real for the rest of their lives. A real pain in the ass to support and take care of.

the mexicans on my street also have a tendency to sell drugs, waking me up with loud music at night, let their dogs run rampant and attack me, and just decrease the neighborhood's overall quality of life by a sold 60%.
but you guys make some excellent tacos and quesadildos.

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I've gone off in this diatribe before, but I feel this interest and how iys viewed is in a very contradictory state of affairs today.

On one hand, we preach acceptance, love your body, everybody is beautiful, Etc. Amputees are being represented in modeling and media more than ever.

The catch is, it's almost more taboo than ever to fetishize them. Personally, I view it a preference but we all know. In an age where trannies and homos run amok, there's a movement to de-fetishize people with preferences. Some white guys only date black girls, some Asians. Some guys love fat girls, some crave chicks with dicks. This is all good and well until sjws start throwing their wrench in the spokes and try to dictate that the gay guys with the scat fetish are two consenting parties, yet a simple preference for fatties or black girls is "problematic", as they say so frequently.

This variety features that many people prefer, while more prevelant than ever in the mainstream, are supposed exist, yet somehow be ignored by those who appreciate them most. If a man dates a Tranny because he likes dick, he's a pig. If a man won't date a Tranny because of the dick, he's a pig. It's double speak, wrong think, 1984 at its finest. You are supposed to find the amputee on the magazine attractive, but don't dare think about the fact she's an amputee, because that's unacceptable.

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innocent white kid like this gets bullied by his neighborhood. You fucking niggers and spics don't realize how weak we are. We can't take this shit! we'll wilt away like a soft delicate little flower.

>A real pain in the ass to support and take care of.

yea, getting a pink sock and MRSA is a real pain to take care of. maybe if they didn't try to shove volleyballs up their ass they wouldn't have these issues.