So where are all these “high crimes and misdemeanors” (impeachable offenses) they keep talking about...

So where are all these “high crimes and misdemeanors” (impeachable offenses) they keep talking about? Are there really any, or is it all just one big lie?

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Trump runs protection rackets to rig elections

The Democrats have thrown every dirty trick at him for the past three years but haven’t been able to get him. He’s way too smart for them.

The last exit ramp on this highway to nowhere is coming up fast.
Whether Nancy takes it before her party goes off the cliff is the question.
The people that matter the most in the upcoming election are seeing this for exactly what it is. No focus group tested terms are going to save them.

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why are you so in invested in a politician? that's pretty dumb.

It's just The Collusion Delusion 2: Ukrainian Bugaloo. Biden has openly admitted to at least one.

It was never about impeachment. it was about trying to make him unelectable in 2020 and hedge the bets. It's sickening to see anyone use the process of overturning a rightfully elected president like this, whether Republican or Democrat. Trump can be an idiot at times but it's shameful to see impeachment being used for a political ploy.

That’s obvious.

So what’s next?

Did Fox news even show the impeachment hearings? I assume their retarded audience would have a hard time following it?
And just curious- Do you at least half understand what witness tampering is?

How many criminals from trumps criminal campaign are currently jailed? Even without criminal Roger Stone ?

>They seeth

Witness tampering?
How did that happen?
Witness to what?
Please tell me what anyone witnessed.

>So where are all these “high crimes and misdemeanors” (impeachable offenses) they keep talking about?

He tried to use tax money to bribe the Ukraine into smearing his likely political opponent.

However, he has overseen the largest transfer of wealth from the working class to the leisure class since the Great Depression. Republicans love him for this, and will protect him no matter how corrupt and unstable he is.

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>Witness tampering?

You're either intentionally ignorant or incredibly stupid. Either way, you bore me.

I watched both impeachment hearings on Fox News and I didn’t see any “witness intimidation” happen.

I saw a flaming lefty cunt who now works for Georgetown University get her feelings hurt because Trump called out out as a liberal piece of shit, that’s about all


Must have got the new focus tested buzz word of the day

Oh right, it was witness tampering because you pussy ass motherfuckers can't handle a fucking tweet from a president calling this stupid bullshit out. But if it were one of your monkey pets saying how he's going to shoot niggers you would be smiling and laughing.

So ill take that as a no.
Just like I thought

This. They want a captive audience to try and smear him. He's not an angel but impeachment of this hog wash is laughably transparent.

Don’t even pretend you’re worked up because Trump asked about Biden’s son. It’s trivial.

Lol. Cant produce actual evidence, so you resort to insulting people.

Ok see i thought you might be retarded, thanks for the confirmation.

Being a mentally ill emotionally dysregulated gender confused autistically screeching self-loathing libtard bending the knee (and over) for his lqbtqp overlords is no way to go through life.

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Ahhh theres my gun lube. Liberal tears

Well you watched it on an entertainment channel retard. Maybe check an actual news source next time.

Fucking hell. I genuinely think there are no real trump supporters left, just people who hate liberals and troll as trump bumboys to piss people off. None of you can be this obtuse in real life. Either that or America is patient zero for idiocracy.

Damn, Russian shills are still posting on Sup Forums

Don't even pretend you are not a piece of shit, defending mob strategies.

He's wielding tax payer money to advance his personal political interests.

> being this mad
Relax, faggot

>lqbtqp overlords

Is there anything conservatives aren't hysterically irrational over? 'Cause I can't think of much.

Trivial like a blowjob? The salt-white are hypocrites and projectionists - nothing more.

he murdered gaddafi and took over libya

The russian shills bleed over from pol.

Bribery/extortion, using his office to enrich himself.

America is idiocracy.

Flail all you want.
Wishcasting doesn't change facts

>Trump's too smart
>do shady shit with eastern europe right after Mueller investigation concludes

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>being this triggered while showing your ignorance

what I dont understand is how, the Right in America is overwhelmingly populated by poor white people, and yet almost no Trump policies benefit the poor at all. Most are massively detrimental. Is the allure really just 'keep the brown people out'?

>I genuinely think there are no real trump supporters left
>Because I love cocks in my ass
>And mommy pays all of my bills
>And I love niggers

They ARE your overlords you libcuck

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Tell me the fact again. How many criminals of Trumps campaign team are in jail ?

Whoo thinks was him..?! WHO!!??

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case and point.

he tweeted mean things about some treasonous cunt which is witness tampering according to totally serious non-retarded people.

Republican defenders of Donald Trump have argued that he withheld congressionally mandated military aid to Ukraine and a promised White House meeting because he wanted assurances that Ukraine’s new president, Volodymyr Zelensky, was serious about fighting corruption.

Yet your monkey pets overwhelming vote Democrat and they're all poor, live in public housing and deal drugs. Real funny how your kike ass left out this minor detail.

Sworn testimony in the House impeachment inquiry on Friday obliterated that defense, revealing that Mr. Trump was interested in assurances of a very different kind.

Yeah, they've been tricked by Russian propaganda into believing they're victims and the cause of their issues are women and minorities who want to steal tax money - that they don't even pay in the first place - to get ahead of them.

David Holmes, an official in the American Embassy in Kiev, testified to lawmakers privately that he had overheard a telephone conversation in which the ambassador to the European Union, Gordon Sondland, assured the American president that his Ukrainian counterpart “loves your ass” and will do “anything you ask him to,” including to open investigations into the family of Mr. Trump’s leading Democratic rival, Joe Biden.

It's a kind of confirmation bias, with the last 4 years having people telling them they are dumb for voting for him their beliefs are now strengthened no matter what facts get in the way

> some treasonous cunt
[citation need]

Mr. Holmes said that he overheard the conversation while sitting at a restaurant in Kiev with Mr. Sondland. Mr. Trump was speaking so loudly, Mr. Holmes said, that the ambassador held the phone away from his ear and Mr. Holmes could hear Mr. Trump demanding to know if Mr. Zelensky had committed to the investigations. Thus, apparently, is diplomacy conducted at the highest levels of the Trump administration.

Did you really get the idea that I'm American from what I said? I should have guessed from you being barely literate though.

What a contrast that ham-fisted scene made with the dignified, professional appearance before the committee earlier in the day by Marie Yovanovitch, the nation’s top envoy to Ukraine until President Trump yanked her back without explanation this spring. She described how, as she sought to promote democracy and rule of law in Ukraine, the president’s lawyer, Rudolph W. Giuliani, worked with a corrupt Ukrainian prosecutor to trash her reputation and force her out of her post.

Donald is a smart man. He knows what he is taking about. So far, no one has ever been able to prove him wrong on anything, the SJW cucks keep singing the same song of collusion and lies but the facts always support Trump.

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Not sure where you're getting that statistic from. Probably more middle class and upper class, opposing tax hikes on the wealthy. The Left is overwhelmingly poor. Brainwashed kids, and people living off of government benefits.

As George Kent, a top State Department official, put it in his own testimony on Wednesday, “You can’t promote principled anti-corruption action without pissing off corrupt people.”

>a treasonous cunt calls another treasonous cunt a treasonous cunt
Huh, really makes you think. Lock them all up.

> monkey
Man these rascist republicans are just getting tiring. The more inbred a person is the higher the chance he is voting republican...

For Mr. Trump, Ms. Yovanovitch’s determined pursuit of longstanding American anticorruption efforts was evidently a problem. It was impossible to square his treatment of the ambassador, a career Foreign Service officer with an exemplary record, and his conversation with Mr. Sondland with any claim that Mr. Trump was intent on advancing the rule of law, as opposed to his own political interest.

Yeah, they did. CNN had to walk the audience through them.

Ooooo Big charges.
Bet they have witnesses to.... oh wait they don't. But they got people that feel there maybe might be something.. oh wait. It's just a popcorn fart. Nevermind.

In fact, Mr. Holmes testified, Mr. Sondland told him that Mr. Trump did not care about Ukraine but only “big stuff” like the investigation of Joe Biden and his son, Hunter, who served on the board of a Ukrainian gas company while his father was vice president.

where was the bribery?

>ever been able to prove him wrong on anything
Yup, that's why he's building his scant miles of wall with moats full of alligators and spikes on top of walls.

As Ms. Yovanovitch testified about the smear campaign against her, Mr. Trump weighed in from the White House as though eager to confirm her story. “Everywhere Marie Yovanovitch went turned bad,” he tweeted, preposterously blaming her for the chaos in Somalia, one of several hardship posts in which she served.

>not sure where you're getting that statistic from

>says the opposite in response.

>Being this new
>Stay alone

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Representative Adam Schiff, the chairman of the Intelligence Committee, interrupted the questioning to let the ambassador know that the president was attacking her.

After reading Ms. Yovanovitch one of the belligerent tweets, Mr. Schiff asked: “What effect do you think that has on other witnesses’ willingness to come forward and expose wrongdoing?”

“Well, it’s very intimidating,” she said, visibly shaken.

Mr. Schiff assured her that “some of us here take witness intimidation very, very seriously.”

Translation: The president may just have earned himself an article of impeachment.

>oh wait they don't
Several have testified, including a current standing budget official today.

I think we can all agree Trump did nothing wrong. Here is the quote from the phone call democrats are freaking out about:

"I’m telling you, you’re not getting the billion dollars.I’m going to be leaving here in, I think it was about six hours. I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money."

Clearly there is nothing wrong with this.

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In a refreshing development, the ensuing criticism of Mr. Trump’s Twitter fit was bipartisan. Representative Liz Cheney, Republican of Wyoming, said the president’s tweeting “was wrong.”

The poor are always overwhelmingly in support of any side that supports anti immigration you dunce.

Yes you're right. Time to move to fucking Africa so you can finally be free from all those racist whites and live among your pets 24/7. Oh wait that's right, people like you HATE to actually be around your slaves for more than 5 minutes, other than when they're serving your food or cleaning your car. Soon as they move in next door all of a sudden you stop smiling and start packing.

“Extraordinarily poor judgment,” said Kenneth Starr, the former independent counsel at the center of President Clinton’s impeachment, on Fox News. “Obviously this was quite injurious.” Fox News’ Bret Baier called it “a turning point in this hearing.”

well, no one cares about Ukraine.

400 million of tax payer money to Ukraine to investigate his rivals.

This also could qualify.

President Donald Trump is rewarding senators who have his back on impeachment — and sending a message to those who don't to get on board.

Trump is tapping his vast fundraising network for a handful of loyal senators facing tough reelection bids in 2020. Each of them has signed onto a Republican-backed resolution condemning the inquiry as “unprecedented and undemocratic.”

Even an effort by Republican lawmakers on Friday to clear the president wound up underscoring how indifferent he was to wrongdoing by officials in Ukraine.

she was a shit ambassador

After Mr. Trump first spoke with Mr. Zelensky on April 21, to congratulate him on his electoral victory, the White House said Mr. Trump had expressed his commitment to work with Mr. Zelensky “to implement reforms that strengthen democracy, increase prosperity, and root out corruption.” But at the public hearing on Friday, Representative Devin Nunes, the ranking Republican on the committee, read a fuller account of the conversation that the White House had just released. Mr. Trump spoke about how well the United States was doing and that “When I owned Miss Universe … Ukraine was always very well represented.”

Testified to what?
Hate to break it to you but...

He spoke not a word about corruption.

Biden was acting within official US Policy.
Trump out of nowhere fired our anti-corruption ambassador to Ukraine and paused aid approved by congress without explanation.

Dem's you bullshit hoax impeachment is working great.
Trump's approval is up 4% since the first 'hearing'.
It went up with both hearings.
We need more hearings. Put your mindless hate on display.

Not to mention the 3 million illegals who voted for crooked Hillary in 2016. It's only illegals and trash that vote Democrat.

The impeachment was never about removing him from office during this term. It was solely about making him not win 2020. The Democrats didn't learn from 2016 that dividing the country into Us vs Them didnt work. It alienates a large chunk of those swing voters when you go "If you vote Red, you are a sexist, racist bigot." They are too bust worrying about Trump, they arent focusing on their own base and spreading their base into swing voters. If the Dems were smart, they would have already picked a candidate to get behind, screw the primaries, and pushed him/her on a platform built on Ideas, not Opponent bashing like Obama did. Obama got so many swing voters to vote Blue because he generally didnt use attack ads, he used ads to pitch his platform. Which made him more likable to the average voter.


stop proving everyone right you fucking moron.

He's been unelectable since 2017.

That 400 million dollars approved by congress was withheld without explanation, and Giuliani was pressuring Ukraine via irregular channels outside of the State Department.

you don't know anything about any us ambassadors anywhere in the world, you know nothing about how diplomacy is carried out by state department employees anywhere in the world, you just say "hurrr she so badd" so you can be part of cult of personality. there is something so wrong with you.

>Biden was acting within official US Policy.
Please stop parroting Don Lemon and Brian Stelter because you spend your nights being spit roasted by them.

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His approval rating with poor white male Americans is up by 4%, with women its at its lowest point in history as of the hearing. kek

Nah its a power play for the dems to have their lackeys accuse any republican of said interference shit with actual democrative agenda. They put their hall monitors, latchboys, and little taecher pets all over the place with the intent of crawling up on some bullshit ground breaking evidence that will suddenly have his ass out. Its because liberals think shit just happens over night every day they think this could be the day we impeach a republican. Good luck with your future dumbshit presidents who actually get fucked over by these backstabbers.

If he believed that tweet was intimidation, by reading her that tweet he made himself an accessory to witness intimidation.

Charge Schiff now with being an accessory.

Witness intimidation is the latest one.

>that dividing the country into Us vs Them
Trump did exactly that with his rednecks vs muh deep state and brown people. He's not lifted a finder at all to appease anyone outside of those that elected him in 2016, and that will be his downfall.
>Not Opponent Bashing
And this wouldn't negatively affect Trump's platform because...?