Why do liberals hate America?

Why do liberals hate America?

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Mental illness

He's getting impeached. Deal with it pussies.

Big T got impeachered by a bunch of faggots. Oh noes! wut will we do? lol

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Stop that brain washing and go get laid!

What brain washing? It is literal fact liberals hate America

And then found not guilty by the Senate. Instead of spending the year running up to the election talking about policy and goals the democrats will have spent it telling the public orange man bad, must impeach. All so nothing can happen. They aren't just handing him the election they are handing him the house too, good luck trying to convince public Russian Facebook ads are the cause of that.

There! You did it again!

Go to Sup Forums you snowflake fucks. Stop trying to flood Sup Forums with your sheeple faggotry.

Yeah because that statement was true the first 50 times.

>stop flooding Sup Forums with your sheeple faggotry

Sup Forums IS sheeple faggotry, have you not seen all the threads lying about collusion taking place?

Not enough cock threads for you?

I love how they've co opted the snowflake thing because they don't know what it means and than use it wrong every fucking time.

america is bad, liberals are stupid too, conservatives also and basically everyone who doesn't want to tear capitalism down hurts himself

Unhinged liberal: 3 days of 4th person hearsay testimony must have you suicidal. National Suicide Prevention Lifeline Call 18002738255

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Liberals are naive and conservatives are just stupid, take your pick.

Check out this kid. Jesus

better question, Why are most conservatives just as sensitive as snowflakes? one gets mad bc they didnt use proper pronouns, the other because they didnt wish him a merry christmas. hahaha go to /pol you faggot

I agree, theyre both really similar if you look at the big "WHO IS A BITCH" picture

Problem with America is it's full of Americans.

No, because America is a country. We hate crooked politicians who rig the system for their own financial and political gain who believe they are above the law.

ahhh you must be a canagay or eurofag?

>muh socialism

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gotta seize the means of production first!

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You're a fucking retard and I doubt you're old enough for 4chinz

Compared to what, niggers in Africa or spics in South America? And how's that going?

Why do you hate Sup Forums?


That wasn't a yes or no question spamming dipshit.

Yes it was spamming dipshit

You a little slow there buddy? Maybe an extra chromosome hangin around?

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Not at all. It seems like you're the triggered one here, crying about people saying negative things about your team.

How about comparing it to functional countries like some in Europe? With fair laws and rights.

Who is opening the same pathetic threads that are designed to spread division by taking advantage of frustrated INCELS that can't get laid? Sup Forums is a incubation site for radical right ideas planted by Russian troll farms designed to undermine American power.

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Sure, and how about we compare the amount of niggers and spics those countries have? Right, we're just suppose to ignore this inconvenient detail when you faggots bring up Europe even though you fucking refuse to get the fuck out and move there.

I never mentioned being on a team loser. Also, teams? lol you're exactly what's wrong with American politics.


because they're post-nationalists.

Why waste time and energy bothering to ask?

so much this
they took snowflake from the right to describe the left and they also took woke
>Get Woke
Used to mean get woke and free from the lies of the left, but they successfully stole that

Capitalism lets me pay a guy to beat you up and fuck your mother.


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No, liberal retards like you are the problem. And yes your made it perfectly clear you have a team. All of you idiots view politics as a team sport. Example is this horseshit "impeachment" process we all have to now sit through for the next year because you pussies can't get over the fact you fucking lost.

And even with those niggers and spics they have a functional country and community. Without having to pay for basic rights and being afraid of being killed by random lunatic with gun. Just ignore those details.

fuck lgtbtwq rights i hope u burn and bleed out you fucking sjw cuck tranny nigger loving fuck tard

Remember when all the celebrities said they'd move to canada if trump won.......No one said mexico......just saying.

Why do the 1% of Americans that encompass the far left and far right, actually think all democrat voters are like that pic, while others think republicans are all skin heads and nazis?

Ignorance and Paranoia, again 1% the other 99% of voters are like "oh why don't these waste of spaces shut the fuck up, every day the same shit, always complaining about the others, projecting their own problems etc etc etc"

It's pathetic to watch, how easily upset both sides get, and you have done it to yourself. The more you believe media sources and white lies, the more dumb you will get, use your brain and look at what your complaining about it might open your eyes, and maybe then if all Americans learned about politics, economy etc they might actually finally get round to not voting the Pubs or Demos to be there at the final push for the WH and get a new party in power with a new opposition in power too, this will push all the corporate led politicians out of the senate and congress after 2 years... effectively cleaning the swamp correctly.

But you won't, because ignorance is bliss.

Where did I make it clear I have a team? Sounds like you're just a raging manchild that needs to justify his shit decisions by typing WINNING in all caps and LIBERALS TRIGGERED every chance you get.

You're a partisan idiot and every bit as bad as the "libtards" you like to cry about at every opportunity.

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>majority ok
>some people will still kill you for it
I don't think it's that brave other than trans stuff cause that's relatively cutting edge but there are violent homophobes still

Is there _any_ country that the liberals do not hate?

I wouldn’t count on that acquittal.

>>some people will still kill you for it
Fake News

Niggers and spics shoot each other every fucking day. But of course you don't know that because CNN and fagbook didn't tell you.

Yeah, those literal facts are hard to swallow aren't they cupcake?

nah I know some dudes who are extremely homophobic and outwardly violent about it

>literal facts
Please provide one resource that isn't trying to force a false narrative. This will require critical thinking skills on your part, I know this is difficult with the extra chromosome, but please try to recognize truth vs opinion.

>I know some dudes
Not an argument

well OP i think its quite simple, in their brains, they try to follow a moral compass that they want to do the right thing for everyone, they want people to feel happy and want to be the people that led a revolution in this modern world, like those who fought against racism or women suffrage, thats why they love helping the LGBTQ and the Brownies from outside the country, but the thing is that those decisions made by that moral compass are not fucking logical, but they will keep on trying because that is what their moral compass tells em to do.
They want open borders to help the poor, but those who they want to help will make their country worse.
They want to ban guns, just because they think that crime can be stopped by making guns illegal for everyone, despite the fact that countries that have guns banned, criminals will still do crime, and will stil get guns the illegal way.
they want to do green shit, even tho it will ruin the country economy, and fucking china and india dont give a fuck about green shit, yet USA IS THE BADDIE.

This guy is the left mentality.
>By any means necessary
>I've made up my mind, don't try to confuse me with the facts
America is NOT racist and this isn't the first time that a leftie has been caught trying to make a point for what he believes is true. If it was so true, he wouldn't need to fake a hate crime. The fact that he did, makes it obvious that the narrative he believes in and wanted to push (americans are racist homophobes) is far from the truth.

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Well besides the fact that several countries still consider it an offense punishable by death to this day, here's a list of murders JUST from this year. Cute of you to use my insult from this thread too snowflake.


This is the world they want then shocked that it becomes suck a shithole

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Probably because it sucks ass.

Did you know that it's not just minorities that shoot each other. Most mass shootings in us are White

Becasuse there's no country named America

>Why do liberals hate America?
Because conservatives have fucking ruined it.

>All so nothing can happen. They aren't just handing him the election they are handing him the house too, good luck trying to convince public Russian Facebook ads are the cause of that.


I despise Trump, and it's killing me watching the Democrats slowly but surely fail catastrophically, again.

>I wouldn’t count on that acquittal.

Are you f'ing kidding?

>Most mass shootings in us are White
Wrong again. Are you just a natural retard or a nigger?

I think they no longer fit into the category of liberal. A more correct term would be socialist.

>Why do liberals hate America?

Because it's full of Republican monkeys shitting everywhere and splashing around in Russian semen.

> Republican monkeys shitting everywhere and splashing around in Russian semen.

Post that in a draw thread

you disabled fuck

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Last time I checked it was niggers doing what you're talking about

America is a shithole run by retarded selfish old men with diabetes. Fuck america, I wouldnt even want to visit that scum-pit let alone live there.

one democrat hoax after another.

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We don't want your spic ass here anyway Juan

Look at this picture Amerifats, is this guy a Liberal or is he a Conservative?

Answers below.

Attached: Liberal or Conservative you decide.jpg (1024x689, 205K)

fuck America

Why would you assume i'm from Mexico, cant think of any countries that don't directly touch yours, you thick fuck.

So you're from a communist country where you have no rights? Makes sense you hate America then

i think you mean hate trump and republicans

their ideas of what the country should be are totally opposite, we have to see who comes out on top

Yes, as opposed to liberals who think the USA should be a free for all shit skin infested dump. What places on earth does that sound like?

Ha, i'm from denmark and we actually have more rights than you and a much higher standard of living. I dislike america because it is shit and full of morons.

>i'm from denmark
Yup, a communist country with no rights. Thanks for confirming.

>says something ignorant, stupid and wrong

Thanks for confirming my point entirely

Why did middle america elect Donald Trump?

I suppose his honesty on how he's retard & a cocksucker was refreshing to the base. Too bad he has delivered on 0 promises so far.

Jesus tap dancing fucking Christ.
Y'all have been saying that IIRC since 3 days after he was ELECTED.

Same reason conservatives do; theyre retarded faggots that want to force everyone else to go along with their faggotry.

is it Denmark or Norway that has no minimum wage and the lowest corp tax rates in the world?

well you're just a moron, this country was not founded for white people, otherwise it would've stated that in the constitution. btw, there was the entire civil war, where a bunch of fags from down south tried to basically do this, and then lost. so yeah, that's not what our country is, fuck off and go somewhere else or incur the wrath of another yankee beat down

i live in San Francisco.
> liberals allowed rent to skyrocket
> say they want more affordable housing
> don't allow people to build more housing
> say they want to fix homeless situation
> do nothing to fix homeless situation
> enable homelessness by giving them $300/month
> say they want good public transportation (BART/MUNI/Caltrain all suck ass)
> allow fair jumpers

I've been fortunate enough to live in other countries. They literally don't allow this shit. Its solvable, they just don't want to b/c "muh freedoms"

Both Denmark and Norway have minimum wage and Uzbekistan has the lowest corp tax.

It wasn't stated because back then non-whites were viewed as literal monkeys and not human. Of course no one bothered to explain that to you in your cry baby faggot and whites is evil history class.

I see nobody answered my question, because it may have sunk into most people that Liberals and Conservatives aren't easy to tell apart, which is why ignorant people look for small signs of a small group of people to distinguish the whole.

For liberals it is the LGBQT (or whatever order it is) and apparently overweight people (even when 80% of Americans are overweight).

For conservatives, it is southerners, pro-corporates, far right supporters.

Not at all true as they exist on both side of the fence, and in small numbers.

Welcome to Paranoid America where everyone is your enemy just for thinking a bit different.

well you're wrong again, because there were more races than whites and blacks back then you stupid nigger.

it's ok to make up whatever history you think is appropriate, but again, yankees will basically come kill you when you try to rise up again

Not American, but even I know some of those policies were not even democratic sorry to say. You can thank Reagan for a couple, no surprise since California was his playground and he entitled the rich there to take over prime areas away from fault lines etc, forcing homelessness for a time being until other urban areas were built up.

The effects continue today.

Do you inbreds always sperg out like this?

Right, so you're a stupid fucking 3rd worlder that doesn't know what the fuck he's even talking about. But going by your monkey brain logic, it doesn't say anywhere in there that niggers and spics deserve rights or entry into the country either. I love how you dumbass monkeys never apply your fucked up brain thinking in those terms though. It's only "whtye peepo evilz gav me yo gibs"

America was founded by liberals.

Freedom of expression, Freedom of speech, Capitalism, equality, democracy, reason

These are all enlightenment liberal ideals, based upon egalitarianism.

It's the authoritarian reactionary conservatives that reject those values:

>Traditionalist values
>Bathroom bans
>ban violent video games
>hate jews

This stuff is fascism disguised as conservatism. and it's gained popularity through it's criticism of a leftist vocal minority.

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Because America is a garbage nation that's the world's toilet and had no business being discovered.