I have a 7 inch penis. Ask me anything

I have a 7 inch penis. Ask me anything.

Attached: image.jpg (3264x2448, 1.09M)

Why have you put it in a tube?

Can u make your penis fart?

I like to pump it up so it gets even longer and fatter before fucking my girl in the ass. I love it. She hates it

I have never farted with my penis

I think you should try



No, I’ve fucked 9 girls up until this point.

Those things actually work?

Why do you think this is noteworthy?

They fucking dont, they destroy the vessels in your dick and later it wont work again lol

They do work temporarily

have they been ok with it? is your girth good?

Because it’s big and looks nice in my opinion.

Some couldn’t take it all, some cried because I wrecked their cervix, some didn’t care at all and some really loved it and told me so many times. I have a circumference of 5.5 inches which is good to. One girl used to constantly tell me how fat it is and how she couldn’t suck it for long as her jaw would hurt.
My current girl has only hat big dicks before so it’s no big deal for her.

ive always been a bit curious about this im a bit bigger than you but im not sure if girls would have trouble with it. i dont even think its big but that may be because of all the porn

why are you using a moron measurement?

Actually I would’ve used cm but as there’s more amerifags I thought that would make more sense.

Trust me it’s big. Most guys have like 15 cm‘s I think.


nice poly carb penis protector. mine isnt nice like that anymore but ive used it a lot when i go foraging for coral in the reef. get a lot of mileage out of those things

Do you have any trouble getting hard without it? I've been tempted but "permanent penile damage" sounds a little spooky

What not 10 inch like mine ?

with a pump i also have an 8 inch dick. how about you measure it without that thing you faggot?

That's it? I'm 31 and when I was hitting my teen years was insecure about my 5" dick. But once I started fucking I never stopped. Fucked 50+ girls easily not including quick bjs at parties. A lot of girls came back for more like a fwb, although I did run into one or 2 size queens who didn't came back for a 2nd time. But with your bigger dick, you should have way more than 9 different girls.

What is that?

Also white 6'1" muscular blond hair blue eyes

waaaay underrated post

No, not at all. I just like the enlargement effect.

I took the pic the same moment I stuck my dick in there.

A lot of these girls were long term things.

funfact. none of this "Girls" were real

Ohhh gotcha. Makes sense, I only had a few long term before my wife. Yes, I have a reason to lie about my tiny 5" dick. Wouldn't I do the opposite and say I was hung? I was never on Sup Forums because I'm an incel like a ton of nerds. I found out about it from bodybuilding. Com back on 06. I was the type to go party, do drugs and shit, and was really fit. I'm married now with a 6 week old son. My tiny dick even pulled a hot wife with big tits. They were even bigger when she got pregnant. Pic related.

Forgot pic

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Dude they’re awesome. Grats on your marriage. Now you gotta show us those big tits.

Why does water cause gremlins to multiply?

6.3x5.4 inches here bro, and I believe 7x5.5 is the ultimate redpilled dick. Perfect size for going balls deep and still have a big dick. Im 20yo I hope I can make it to 7 inches. Do pumps work?

Thanks. Having a kid was great too. This is coming from a guy that didn't like kids and never held a baby, but love my boy. Her is a pic, but they are a little deflated after pumping. She told me I need to get a pic when they are nice and full but we keep forgetting. She had E cups or something like that before even getting pregnant, on her tiny frame. They are saggers if anyone likes them.

Attached: image000000_01.jpg (2592x1944, 1.07M)

That’s good bro! I’m exactly 18cmx14cm
Actually the girl I’m with at the time was told by her doctor that her pussy is rather deep, more than average. I still hit her cervix if we don’t watch out. Actually it sucks because when I fuck her doggy she rounds her back because that way I can’t reach her cervix that easily. As I said the pump works temporarily and I’m just finding out whether it’s long term as well.

Damn they’re huge. I like the big nipples. What is your wife into?

does your dick also sometimes bump against the bottom of the toilet bowl?

Pump it up. Throw on a cock ring and your girl will be well fucked.

Yes it does and it’s the worst thing that happens. Always feel like bleaching my dick after.

Do you do cock tribs?

yeah, it fucking sucks
Honestly I'm kind of glad I'm not the only one that that happens to

It's fake if you wanna destroy the dick go ahead

Yes I do. Post your kik I’ll contact you.

Not a lot lol. I was only her 2nd, she is the opposite of me. She was a shy quiet nerd in school with few friends. Shes years younger so I didn't know her back then. She had sex less than 5 times with her ex. When we got together she kinda just laid there and stared into my eyes, used to creep me out, but over the years shes discovered herself more. She really likes giving head, I guess she'd be a good sub, she loves to please. We got a few toys I talked her into, just some vibrators, nothing crazy. Sometimes likes to gag on my dick, give roadhead. I go down on her often too. I still try to think of things we can add in so she can see what she likes, but being so shy its mostly just basic stuff. She doesn't want big toys and wouldn't let me fist her. She was super tight though, I've only fisted one girl before that I was fucking and she had 3 kids so it was easy. My wive complains when I try to add a third finger. Of course we haven't done anything after our kid, so we shall see.


Lol you literally just described my girlfriend. She’s a sub too. I love sticking my big dick in her ass though. She doesn’t admit to liking it but I know she enjoys it too.

What trousers do you guys buy?
I honestly have a lot of problems with that, I'm pretty skinny and all jeans that have a small enough waist for me almost always are very tight in the crotch.
Best I've found for me has been Levis

You got it man. Levi’s is the way to go.

We talked about that before but shes had very slight hemorrhoids in the past which I didnt know. I never saw them doggy, but apparently they are slightly on the inside. So, probably always out of the question for me. We shall see though, got plenty of years ahead to explore. She's way better than the lip noodle when we first got together!

good to know, I hate shopping for jeans for hours. Always buying the same pair of Levi's makes it so much easier

nice penis user

Thank you brother. What’s nice about it?

what a newfag

oh shit thats why girls do that fucking scared cat pose! Each girl I've been with (even hour glass) do that when I tell them otherwise in doggy.

7 inch by 6 checking in


Girth nation represent
7in x 5.3in