BROS i need huge help

BROS i need huge help

>just started college at 21
>got gf for 2 and a half years
>met this cute n sexy blondie tjats 30
>she openly said that im her perfect male type
>we hang in college classes
>she constantly flirts
>invited me to hers twice
>1st time she asked me to sleep at hers and i denied
>2nd time i stayed tho, she wanted to fuck but we only kissed because i didnt want to cheat on my gf

Guys help me, im not sure what to do, my current gf and i broke up few months ago and agreed to try again and id say its working out.

This 30y old college is super sweet hot and is crazy about me, she knows about my gf and she said that she is now my lover...

Bump for more story if interested


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Is there anything stoping you from choosing both?

>being this much of a faggot that you want to cheat on someone you've been with for two+ years

neck yourself, cringe normie

ignore this retard and ask yourself one question

>Why the fuck do you have a gf at 21?
>What the fuck are you thinking having a gf from 19 to 21 during your prime fucking years?

You're cucking yourself, nothing more pathetic than someone like you holding onto your high school gf because youre too pathetic to get out there on your own

Well i once had threesome with my current gf and it might work but idk how this chick would react and they dont even know each other

In other term idk i dont cheat and i want it to stay that way so perhaps no, most intimate this 30y old college gets is kisses and hugs

We havent met in highschool, idk she seems right for me tho she dumped me once.

Idk if i would be happy if she dumps me rn or sad idk fuuuuckkk im screwed guys

bitch the fuck why would u even kiss her? if u already went for the kiss why wouldnt u also fuck her? basically ur a bitch

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Just keep them out of the know

My college knows about my gf and she doesnt mind it, she took me by the hips, kissed me and said that i can do to her whatever id do to my gf...

Fucking her would be fun tho, still its a treason!

wtf is the difference, you're 21 and you think you're ready to settle down now? I'm 32 and here's what I've seen happen with your types

He ends up resenting her because he didn't get to fuck many if any girls before her
She ends up resenting him for the same reasons and then she cheats on him
They say they'll work it out and try to then of course they don't so it turns into a messy divorce and now I'm out at least 1 friend each time

the couples who are happier got together in their late 20s or early 30s because they have more real life experience.

Here's the facts, your gf dumped you once already and you probably pathetically begged her back and she obliged. She's sick of you and will eventually leave you again or cheat on you. So save yourself a broken heart and realize this relationship is already done.


fellow 32yo user as well. I hope what you say is true. I’ve had a few relationships over the years and I’m ready to settle the fuck down already. I can feel my odds of being a stepdad increasing with each passing day

Thats what i fear and what i kinda wanted and didnt want to hear.

Well i know this sounds naive but i also know that she wouldnt cheat on me that easy......

Yeah i wanted to go back together n shit but she didnt cheat on me i was kinda dick to her

We worked things out perfectly after we got together again but now shes miles away doing some school in her home town.

All in all, now that i put it together im screwed as FUCK

You're not screwed, you kids take things way to hard these days, granted they did a decade ago too but honestly, you're young and I'm still young in my mind. You hurt for a little while, then you get over it. Theres so much shit your gonna go through in the next 10 years you have no idea.

It is true, my boss who is 45 but looks 30 didn't meet his wife until he was 34 and she was 27. There's always hope and I've noticed my late 20s and early 30s has been my prime so people hit at different times.
Some advice thats hard to execute but worth it is to stop looking. You're ready to settle down, you know that, put that in the back of your head and focus on yourself. I recommend focusing on work, a NEW hobby, and going out with friends or to meet new friends if you don't have any. Don't look for a girl, focus on you, and the right one will come along.

you're just horny, jack off
(and if you know you'll cheat, break with her before you get with giant pile of shit)

I wasted most of my time in college by being in a relationship, a year after graduating we broke up and i regret it all the time.

Dude when you're 25 she'll be too old to carry your child. Tell the 30 year old roastie to find herself a desperate 35 year old man to have one or two kids with right now before it's too late. You are not desperate, can have more than one or two, and don't want to take care of 60 year old her when you're 50.

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Stop being a bitch and apply golden 6 rule!

>wipe to curtains
>hit her head on the radiator
>steal stereos and go home

So you're actually thinking about getting a 30yo used up roastie over your prime breeding age pussy?

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She’ll have an oopsie pregnancy the second you fuck her. Don’t ruin your life.