
-billions spent on healthcare

Why user?

Attached: belly of the beast.png (1000x750, 1.2M)

What I haven't figured out is why they haven't found a miracle cure for fat yet. Fat is a simple hydrocarbon chain, it should be easy to have a botox-like injection that just dissolves it into co2 and water. Or a pill (that actually works and completely counteracts obesity, a true miracle drug). There are already compounds that can dissolve fat, such as toluene, but are obviously harmful to the rest of the body, so all that's needed is to find a similar chemical that is non-toxic and problem solved.

What I noticed about you, OP, and other 4ch posters is you're so concerned about what _other_ people are doing with their lives. Your post is no different than anti-tranny, anti-jew, etc: "Oh no someone different than me, hate em!".

I have nothing against some fat bitch who wants to stuff hoho's in her mouth just like I have nothing against a guy who wants his own tits or wants to shove sticks up his ass. Your post is fundamentally anti-agency. Like, you don't think people should have freedom to live their lives if it's not the way you would live YOUR life.

Why user?

First of all most countries have public healthcare. So being a fat disgusting fuck with health problems does affect me. Same with the tranny faggots. My tax money pays for their stupid fucking “treatments”. So you would be completely right if they actually left me out of it. They want me to pay for their lifestyle choices.

> public healthcare

so the problem is socialism then? Great, move to a profit-seeking healthcare country, good chance they'll let you own guns too.

If you weren't so full of steamy Andy-Sixx logs, then you would also be railing about the "costs" of smoking, alcoholism, or other expenses to your dearly-loved "public healthcare". I don't buy it. The public healthcare system (notice this is a moving goalposts argument because you can always switch countries and say "nuh uh!" ) is doing just fine, and if fat people were really jeopardizing it you'd hear a lot more about it from your socialist politicians.

>Great, move to a profit-seeking healthcare country, good chance they'll let you own guns too.
already live in one, thanks faggot.
You seem awfully worked about people hating on fatties. How much do you weigh?

Implying fat people don’t work lol. I am a fat dude. Been working for 15 years. So thats means I have paid towards it as well. So fuck off.

Where did I ever imply that fat people didn’t work? I was fat at one point and I still had a job. I hate on fat people because I lost weight, and it turns out it’s really not that hard. So there’s no excuse for you to be costing other people extra money.

run a tread mill belly boy! haha

You literally put unemployment in the first post. And besides. I pay towards shit as well. So if we are both paying, and I pay separately for health insurance, I am not costing someone like you any more than anyone else.

so now you move the goalposts from "muh public healthcare" to "nuh uh, already live where it's privatized", proving you're hiding the real motivation for this. Just admit it's pure hate (thus consistent with my "hate jooz, hate trannys,.." hypothesis) , you don't need to rationalize it. This is Sup Forums after all.

Now tell us why you have pure hate in your heart instead of being a faggot and trying to say it's somehow related to your "tax money".

Oh my, I haven’t ever had someone tell me to lose weight before lol. What am I to do?

I did no such thing. Sup Forums is an anonymous website. There’s even a poster count at the bottom. Too bad your brain isn’t as fat as the rest of your body. Imagine being fat AND stupid.

Jesus fuck. To think I would spend extra time looking at this lol. OP said unemployment. It was said. In the first post. If it was YOU or not is inconsequential.

If it was inconsequential then why’d you accuse me of saying it

Heavy smoker that person was, see the tar in the lungs.

However the US currently is nearing 80% Overweight with a 40% Obese figure of the 80%, what that means 35% of Americans are now Obese or higher.

This is down to greed, selfishness, laziness, ignorance and believing the US hype of being #1 and all foods are premium, when meats are actually fake meat mostly made from unwanted cuts and stuck together with meat glue, yes that is a thing.

Unfortunately the governments not just in the US has started to give handouts to overweight people so they don't have to work or get healthier.

In the UK, where I live, they have been bringing down the benefits hammer heavy for people with slight disabilities and weight issues (hasn't worked 100% but good enough), so people who are overweight are being forced to lose the weight to get benefits.

This wont happen in the US because their government is corrupt from the corporations who are handing out shares like candy to get their way - from military budgets, to bank bail outs etc.

And one of them as you know is healthcare, and one biggest money earner for them is overweight people and the problems it brings, they are mass meds, some have depression, some are unable to walk need specialist overpriced equipment etc.

They are effectively taking a chunk of money out of the US treasury per year to be paid welfare and medical help just for being fat just so they can sit at home and watch TV etc and stuff their faces, another reason why 20% of the US workforce is now foreign because the US isn't producing the workers to take the jobs they are too unhealthy to do so or uneducated.

It being said is what matters. Not who. It was stated in the original post. If you can’t understand context I have bad news for you.....

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>Muh individualism, there's no such thing as society, etc
I'd say kill yourself faggot but you're so disconnected from humanity at this point that I'm not even sure you qualify as being alive


So we should be living by the Bible?
So many fucking retards here

landwhale detected

From? Lol Idc what is said about me. The only ones who are crying in this thread are the ones talking shit about fat people lol. Like I said, I am overweight. But I have been working since I was 15 so 15 years. I pay for my own insurance. And I also don’t take ANY handouts. So any argument you wanna make is whatever to me.

Thats a salty assumption, nobody mentioned bibles etc, so you might want to look at your own posts before you start acting childish.

What should be happening is slightly like us in the UK, people over certain weight get no help at all, this will cause family having to work hard to push them back to a normal weight.

Again you shouldn't assume shit, it makes you look like an ass.

sounds like someone hit a raw nerve and you got upset

Because cell membranes are made out of fat too fagguette

She was right tho.