Anyone know what this could be?

Anyone know what this could be?

Attached: 20191116_114243.jpg (1893x1334, 1.22M)

a very large image...

Looks like a scar from a bug bite, I have a few on my arms and one on my chest like that.

antibiotic resistant ghonasyphiherpAIDS

Attached: BE6A4212-B812-4A24-8639-EC9505BDBBA5.jpg (931x524, 54K)

It‘s pure dna

Go to a doctor i aint a doctor

Looks like terminal stages of AIDS to me.

Spaghetti O

A sattelite view of the Mars region of Acidialia Planitia after a harsh sandstorm

aids. the space variety. space-aids

It showed up on my waist yesterday and has an indent in the middle. Not really itchy. No idea what it could have come from.



A wart?

You’ve got a serious case of faggotry. Let’s hope it’s not terminal.

could be anything including ring worm... go to dr


Pretty sure its this as well, fungal skin infection. Just go to the doctor for some antifungal medication.

Raised edges with a sunken in middle is a good description of basal cell cancer. If it were bright red, like mine, it would be granuloma annulare. Get to a dermatologist.

Your penis?

A pyramid on Mars?

Looks like you need to turn up the heat, you cheap nigger.