Justify why some people get to live like gods, while you're barely getting by on your pay

Justify why some people get to live like gods, while you're barely getting by on your pay.

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because the jews said so

money cant buy taste in decor thats for sure

I'd probably blow my brains out if I lived there, so bland and depressing.

where is your evidence for this claim?

The world isn’t a just place user. We’re all just doing our best to get by. Quit being a faggot. If other people having more bothers you, then you will literally never be happy.

there is no justification for it, OP. the reason why they get to live like gods is because they had to sacrifice morality and sell out in order to make bank.

justify why you are not living like gods

yes, take your shekel like a good goy

coveting isn't the issue. the issue is some people get screwed over and become homeless while others do the screwing and wipe their ass with gold.

Gods can't coom like me

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thats not an argument. you made a claim have are obligated to provide evidence. does the word evidence frighten you?

People done things got rich. There has been many bad people do bad things get rich their kids get to live it up. So get rich and didnt do anything bad also same thing. But look and read up on it. The ultra rich fuck peope over, treat them bad, do horrible things.

We all earn what we are worth.

I have a house, condo, 2 cars, wife, 3 kids

Justify why a socialist like you has the money to buy products to come on here and shit post the same thing day after day.

There is no justification, at least not for how the wealth is distributed among the people in our world. Capitalism has strayed too far from a true meritocracy, the initial conditions are too dominant to guarantee equality of outcome.

However, I don't think you will be able to come up with a justification for taking away the wealth from those who have acquired it. How can this be done, practically? It is not possible, alas not on a short time period.

>anything at all goes wrong
Muh jews

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You dont think people get where they are in life due to the decisions they make day after day, year after year?

Because people are fucking bootlickers who think that Jeff Bezos is a genius who works harder than everyone else rather than a smart, lucky, unscrupulous exploiter of other human beings.

Provide something that many people will pay for?

because they could and you would do it to if you could!

Haha upboat great point friend

found the peasant

Anybody reading this is literally better off than 80 to 90% of the world. Remember that when you complain about how good the 1% have it

Im not rich, but i have air conditioning, clean water, internet, gaming systems, all the comforts of lower middle class. Sure, my neighbor might have it better, but idgaf about them. I'm just living the best life i can.

Yeah just because you have it better than a guy who literally lives in his own shit, doesn't mean that these rich billionaire cunts deserve their wealth and it doesn't change the fact that they use that wealth to keep you poor and themselves rich.

I do all the work, I take all the risk, I put in 70 to 80 hour work weeks, I'm the one up all night worrying if I made the right decisions - then along comes you with your hand out demanding I share the profits with everyone. Fat chance, fuckhead.

because the jews and elites don't care about us and only care about them selves, yet we suffer my fellow Sup Forumsro

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How are they keeping me poor?

Never heard such bullshit in my life.

Because that’s life you stupid millennial fuck

Because they work hard? You could learn from them

You're not alone in the world, you idiot. People putting in the same hours as you earn way less then you, and people having the potential and will to put in as much hours as you, are being born in crack houses with no education or hopes for a good future. There is need for a body that maintains some order and equality, to keep some empathy in a world run by shitheads like yourself

Nobody makes decisions, everyone is under the illusion that we have free will. Our actions are completely dictated by our neurochemical systems, which are not completely under our control.

There are many studies that clearly show:
1) poor socioeconomical outlook and negative life experiences, especially in early life, lead to a dopamine deficiency: people simply do not have the cognitive capacity to make better decisions;
2) people who are born in an advantageous socioeconomical situation tend to misattribute their status to their superiority, including skills in decisionmaking.

The poor in the US are middle class in most of the rest of the world.
The middle class in the US is royalty in most of the rest of the world.
Being poor in the US is pretty fucking awesome.

I actually don't agree. If someone applies themself with a good idea and gets rich, it's their work and risk that pays off in the end. Grated, not all wealth is generated that way, but i give Jeff Bezos money weekly, gladly. Because im lazy, and would rather have my new shoes, tv or random purchase delivered, than travel all over town looking for a marginally better deal

If gates didn't create a better operating system, we all would still be using dos. So.. yeah, he should be rich for creating something we all enjoy (inb4 linux, but i don't want to compile and go through over 9000 steps just to watch porn)

Tough shit. The world is not fair, nor will it ever be. I owe you nothing.

Thats a lie

People who can afford to live in the developed world making above 40k/yr are better off than literally 90% of the world in terms of income. Please come to terms with your own status and privledge before whining about the ultra-elite. Then stop whining and actually do something beneficial to the other giant chunk of the world that isn't as lucky as you. Work for charity. If you think you deserve more, you dont.

>The poor in the US are middle class in most of the rest of the world.
>The middle class in the US is royalty in most of the rest of the world.
>Being poor in the US is pretty fucking awesome.

What do you know, you got one out of thee correct!

Why should they give a fuck about useless retards? You live in a society that allows you to move up if you are sharp, motivated and able to exploit the system to your advantage. Chase your dreams instead of being hateful towards people who are self made.

Wed still be using dos...?

Because it’s not tiem to eat the rich yet. Let them simmer, then we FEAST

Most of that first world luxury shit people bring up is a complete negative. Constant comfort and distraction just papers over a spiritual deficit and a bleak future of declining quality of life and subjugation that would appear hellish to a medieval serf

Because we aren't a socialist country. You wanna live like a god, you can, but no one's gonna give you the means. You need to go get it yourself.

>guarantee equality of outcome.


But it can hire a gay interior decorator

So the world should be a game of chance? Be born in the right environment, only then you are qualified for the good life?

They work harder and make better choices

being this retarded

not understanding that a ghetto nig could be worth more than you but never having the chance

fuck off

Oof de la woof, birthing a cretin like you would most likely make do a little KMS-dance

Yeah man. It's not like cooperation is the entire reason we succeeded as species. Just fuck everyone else over bro.


Just because you have the option to fail doesnt excuse you from the obligation to help. A spiritual deficit is preferable to financial. Ask anyone if they would trade places with you (an American i assume) and they would. I absolutely agree with your points but the implication that our lot in life is just as unfortunate as those in the developing world is false.

Id rather be poor in the us. So much free shit that Africans would consider royalty tier by comparison

You've answered your own question. Just out of curiosity, how much free money should be given to the have-nots each month?

Yeah, I bet that guaranteeing a life worth living to most humans would definitely not be in the interest of our species. Thanks for the enlightenment

Imagine working your whole life just to be shat on and never make any headway toward your dreams because the system orchestrated by the ruling elite will never allow it. Would that be cool with you because it isn't a socialist country

Better question is, why is our peak opulence so inferior to that of days past, eg the palace of Versailles?

>"developing world"
A nation with an average IQ of 75 isn't developing anything, and it has nothing to do with what Americans or Europeans do/have done.

All the money in the world cannot make the Congo into Vermont, and if you bring the Congo to Vermont, Vermont will transform into the Congo.

Don't assume that would be my solution to this problem. Just giving money to people born in the worst environments will not solve any problem, they haven't had the chance to learn how to use it properly. The problem at hand requires that environment to change, by providing the useful infrastructures, knowledge etc. to give the people a chance of growing up into well-behaved people

get off your ass and work harder you fucking Cuck.. no one owes you anything faggot.

Bezos started Amazon in his garage. If you want it, it's still out there. Many people are born stupid and will never get ahead. Blame God, not the system.

This. What's up with the entitled faggots these days? Why should the rich give them money just because they make more?

OP claims to be making over 400k a year, and always cries about being broke, and pays its "best friends" $10/h. OP is a member of the first true proletariat and stands to benefit substantially if it can sell radical policies to the depressed. "Free" health care while still being wealthy enough to partake of the luxury tier if necessary? What's not to love?

Probably white guys

You're an asshole idealist and your idiotic solutions are not even remotely feasible. Waste of time.

Probably a nigger faggot. Kill yourself.

Ok Boomer.

What did you expect, an easy pragmatic solution to this problem? It's not because the complexity of the problem is too great that it should just be abandoned. There are millions of people who could make better use of the money that you have, do our species a favor and donate it to charity before offing yourself

Mother fucking this

Anybody can hustle and get ahead, just get iff your ass.

Fuck the 'species'. Yeah, the poor will make better use of my money buying heroin, alcohol, and lottery tickets. You're a buffoon with no idea of how the real world functions.

How about minimizing the percentage of people that turn out spending they money on heroin, alcohol and lottery tickets?

Buffoon with no idea of how the r33l world works

Work hard make lots of money so the government can tax it all. Be poor make little money, still get taxed on every thing you do. As long as poor fags and rich fags play into the system the government gets richer while the poor fags blame the rich for short comings.

Dice rolls

no one else will think of the flamingos

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If you're smart enough to make lot of money you should also take advantage of the tax laws that allow you to keep most of it.

work hard and be smart
and you can live that way too

instead of setting in mommy basement
wishing for what others have worked hard for for free

Not the point and reguardless government still takes a large chunk one way or the other. Donations to charity is pretty much paying for something they should pay for. Retirement is double taxed, and 40%if taken early. Point is the real people getting rich is our government. No one looks at them because were too busy fighting amongst ourselves.

Well then, you go right ahead and topple the government. Luck to ya.

Problem is i only count for 1 vote. alot of these bs taxes are in place because the poor don't vote or they get tricked into voting for the wrong things in this genration maybe 10% of them actually vote, because of lack of education or entitlement. Either way not going to change just hope minimum wage goes up so these people can actually afford to have a roof over their head and food.