I want to leave my country (France), complete societal collapse is on the way

I want to leave my country (France), complete societal collapse is on the way.
Where should I go? What country is the best for the 21st century?

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florida is ok its a lot like eastern europe

There's no one answer. What's your age? Net Worth? Career choice? Language preference? Motivation/Hustle? Life plan?

and there is an ongoing battle between Floridaman and Cthulu

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French on the run. History repeating.

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How so?

Currently doing math/physics studies, want to either become airline pilot, teacher or cinema.
I speak french/english fluently, bit of spanish
I want to discover new opportunities
Not yet a determinate life plan, I want to discover what I want

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Make sure that your issues are not within yourself, no matter where you go, your problems will follow you.

America sucks, don't go there.
Asia is fucked up, but south Asia is neat, with little money you can live as a king. Some parts of central/ South America.
Quebec is alright if you're a lib, but also a hick.
Europe, you already know.
Africa... well, could be a fresh start, i guess.

florida is like a giant amusement park full of old people, cubans, and mosquitos, and there's an hourly contest to see who is the most fucked up human being on the planet

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Hmm, very young, not a lot of clear directions. My advice, don't sweat it for now. First get very clear on your plan and what you want to accomplish, THEN figure out where you should go to achieve that


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No country worth a shit will give an 18 year old with out a degree a visa. The best is try to get into a university in the country you want to move to and graduate from there

Probably Canada or anywhere with a large french community so you feel like your back home

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Emmène moi avec toi stp

central Louisianna

t une meuf?

Don't some African countries speak French

>complete societal collapse is on the way.
Full of niggers

Quebec is a goddamn shithole where people are too busy fighting over language and bullshit politics to focus on anything that matters, and because they are trying to gain as many french-speaking immigrants as possible it's going to become new morocco/algeria/haiti in 20 years flat

i think like u men, ur from Paris ?

French are pretty gay but Canada is full of faggots and French so. If your into that kind of thing

my friend compared florida to poland

also they have a major hat on for French French speakers bc their official French makes French words for words from other languages
while French French uses words from another language if there isn't an equivalent in French already
there is a clip of a French actor on a Quebecoise talk show getting made fun of bc he said "l'email" instead of whatever retarded bullshit Quebecoise call e-mail

nowhere, we're all fucked


As a Canadian who left for the US, I would strongly second this post. Stay well away from Quebec. And, in general, times are tough in Canada. Cost of living is high, wages are low, oil and gas is still in the tank and also under attack by environmental folks, it's just a bad deal all around.

The US isn't much better, but it's a decent place to come if you just want a better chance at financial success.

>complete societal collapse
liberal immigration policy, no surprise

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Africa. All the niggers are gone somewhere else.

Yeah! Elon Musky..you was all the time..

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New Zealand could be a place for nice and remote start

how about you stop precreating ands the world will heal

Poland, Switzerland, or Hungary.

Very accurate

More like Macedonia

the media hypes it up to be really bad and in trouble. as someone who lives there, if it weren't for the television, you wouldn't know anything was happening

>want to either become airline pilot
Look at the University of North Dakota's aerospace program. There's nothing but chinks and poos in it. If they take them, they should take you.

come to RuꜱꜱJᴀ ʙRᴀtᴀɴ ! ɴJce womeɴ, ɴo ɴJGGeRꜱ.

are you fucking blind?

Russia is totally full of niggers. They're just white niggers.

if the history is always repeating... go to germany. so you came back to france closely =*D

its only shit here for british men

Chile, of course

uh tell me how

countries coming out of communism

or you I'd say, philippines or thailand. If you decide to come to the US, I recommend staying in the north of the country away from the coasts, all those major cities are filled with faggots and niggers

thailand offers golden visas to wealthy foreigners and there are plenty of 10/10 women their

You stay there and fight you fucking coward.


fucking whites blaming niggers for places like Detroit when that shit was a direct result of white flight.

I'm thinking of moving to France soon.

stay in Africa nigger

I'm a white Coloradan.

wtf is going on there? did the spic government go crazy and decided to kill all the spics?

then why would you want to go to France?

shut your fucking mouth your halfbrained animal nigger field worker! get the fuck back to work

uljf man kan oufar meuf be gezund bum bam?

Why not? I love the literature, and if I go before I'm 30, I can get payed 300 euros a month plus food and board for no more than 25 hours a week of work. The fact that there are large-scale political protests going on there - a historical event I can witness - is icing on the cake.

ok boomer

>The fact that there are large-scale political protests going on there - a historical event I can witness - is icing on the cake.
that sounds like Thomas Jefferson's reasoning for going to France during the revolution
a warrant was put out for his arrest as an enemy of the Republic
he had to be smuggled out

Canada is pretty chill. Way more relaxed political climate than America, and also poutine.

Why do you think we left?

Stay in CO.

Come to Brazil huehuehue

Im midwest US. Good place, good schools and people. Winter is rough though



it's before 25

we speak english in Chile, you fucking ignorant

You're kidding, right? RIGHT!?

I just came back from living in the UK for a year and it's the most depressing place I've ever seen. OP's better off staying in new Morocco aka France

In London and major cities theres a lot of foreigners

Go anywhere in the country and its 100% white

Why not come to canada.

You could move to Alberta Canada provided secession goes somewhere.
I plan on moving there is there's any movement, it'll be like the North American Kuwait once it leaves.

And yes, I've been there before, I'm a native torontonian and I can confirm, it's lovely there.


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lol this happened in my town