Be donald trump

>be donald trump
>successful billionaire businessman
>can have and do anything he wants
>president of the most influential and one of the most powerfullest countries in the world
>can literally intelluctually shred libtards and nazi leftest thugs
>has beautiful wife and kids
>makes more money than you'll ever see in YOUR lifetime, even if you won millions in a lottery
>is protected 24/7
>extremely successful president (do you research from non-biased sites and you'll find this to be true)
>speaks the truth, in the most plain language so everyone understands

Yup I can see why you sit there being angry 24/7 over this gentleman.

You can do that but you won't ever take him out of his office via phoney impeachment proceedings or scandalizing him via mainstream or social media. He's your President now, and will be for another 4 years.

Thank you for time, President Trump. I look forward to the next 4 years with you for our great country.


Attached: d9ia9di09aida.jpg (439x675, 37K)

not sure if trolling or retarded

Attached: not_sure.png (300x168, 5K)

>>be donald trump
>>successful billionaire businessman
>>can have and do anything he wants
>>president of the most influential and one of the most powerfullest countries in the world
>>can literally intelluctually shred libtards and nazi leftest thugs
>>has beautiful wife and kids
>>makes more money than you'll ever see in YOUR lifetime, even if you won millions in a lottery
>>is protected 24/7
>>extremely successful president (do you research from non-biased sites and you'll find this to be true)
>>speaks the truth, in the most plain language so everyone understands
>Yup I can see why you sit there being angry 24/7 over this gentleman.
>You can do that but you won't ever take him out of his office via phoney impeachment proceedings or scandalizing him via mainstream or social media. He's your President now, and will be for another 4 years.
>Thank you for time, President Trump. I look forward to the next 4 years with you for our great country.

Losing a billion dollars doesn't make anyone a billionaire. It makes them a LOOOOOSER.

user... he's LITERALLY in the midst of impeachment hearings. I'll say that again:


I mean, that does not (and has never) indicated success.

B-b-but he's orange, a--and racist.

your post is bait and Sup Forums is -> that way

> i have $4kUSD in Vegas he gets voted out

Attached: trump lusa.jpg (1242x1213, 382K)

God damn swallow his dick why don’t ya

>literally intelluctually shred libtards and nazi leftest thugs
this guy cant even intelectually compit with a toddler

Why, yes, pol does exist. So does /hc/, /d/, and /h/ but we're on Sup Forums right now. Funny how there's a board for everything on this one, isn't it?

impeachment hearings mean jack shit, they have nothing concrete on him so he'll get out of it and get reelected in 2020

>blue eyed
>1,89 (ft sistem is stupid as fuck)
>banged more than 100 girls

I'm thankful for Donalt J. Trump's genrous tax cuts for the middle class. I got $76.23 of my hard earned taxpayer dollerts back from the govenment's greedy hands this year thanks to his genrous tax cuts for the middle classes. WOW! THats a lot of money! Thank's Trump! Unlike obummer's socialist dictatorship, I'm no longer forced to give 100% of my hard earned tax dollerts to the wasteful government so they can spend it all on obummercare. The only thing I'm not thankful for is that now I've got too decied what I'm going to do with all these hard earned tax payer dollerts that are flowing out of my pockets in Trump's booming economy. I know! I thkin I'll treat myself to a fancy stake dinnert, mmm.... tasty staek! I knew voting for the Republicans would be good choice for the midlle class, just like how ketchup was a good choice to have on my well done stetakes. Don'tt forget to thanks Dondald Tump for the delicius meal by voting for him in 2020, AND I still have money left over! What are you going to do with all the extra taxpayer money that's back in your pockets?

>be OP
>succesfull throat clogger and probation for being a nigger poster
>can spam 4-5 Jasiri threads per day if motivated
>president of Gang Weed, a revolutionary organization against society
>can literally intellectualy smell nice feet meme 10 seconds before it's going online
>sexless from 1999 from that transgender raping my ass in a dark alley
>on foodstamps because society is evil
>based 24/7
>many dank threads derailed with gore and hard porn can't even recall every time I did that
>makes this thread in the end, because my life is absolutely pointless

Yup I can see why I should hang myself asap, 24/7

You can help me by telling in this new sad copypasta thread I'm a gaylord and I'm desperate as my brain fantasizes about this blond fat person dick inside my asshole all the time, and I can't see the reason why I should be the only one suffering for this sin. So there, that's why I make threads like this. It's garbage, but that way my wiener still gets erected, do you understand?

Thank you for your time, anons, I look forward for a tall building to kill my self by doing a flip.


Attached: giganiggamoot.jpg (238x250, 4K)

>What are you going to do with all the extra taxpayer money that's back in your pockets?
Thnaks for asking! I'm going to use all my taxpayer dollerts and donate them to the Trump campaign in 2020, he needsr all the suppourt he can get before the Democarts steals the next election form us.

It doesn't mean anything when this is the first time in history the Democrats have turned it into a one sided partisan process. There were ZERO Republicans who voted to go forward with impeachment. There were 2 Democrats who voted AGAINST going forward with impeachment. Democrats are setting up a standard that if your side ever wins the house then impeach the other guy. If your side wins the house and 2/3 majority in Senate there is literally nothing stopping you from removing presidents at will.

>trying this hard
>on Sup Forums
keep making good choices user

but it does. It indicates a level of success that elected Democrats (and their rabid supporters) won't be able to reverse.

Please keep in mind that these impeachment hearings are not about Trump, they aren't about 2020, they're entirely about Ruth Bader Ginsberg dying before Democrats shoehorn a liberal POTUS into the WH and swing SCOTUS. 4 - 8 year presidencies don't mean shit compared to lifetime appointments.

you're losing that $4k, sorry user.

For a mere $40k, you can go to Trump Univ. and learn all of Trump's secrets for being rich and successful.

Attached: 1490837918352.jpg (710x486, 58K)

Democrats have tried to impeach every republican president since Eisenhower. Look it up. If you can't see this is a circus attempt, then you are a special type of stupid that only the highest levels of education could get you there.

Go back to pol faggot

So you can make a fake university to scam students out of thier 40k? Why didn't I think of it. XD

It's Sup Forums psyops, ignore and sage you dumb faggots

All political temper tantrums aside, he is one ugly mother fucker

Same goes for Republicans, I seem to remember a clinton impeachment and two Obama impeachment attempts. Take your Republican horse blinders off.

true dat

Attached: trump tannen.jpg (960x940, 155K)

Not even trips will forgive you for making shit up.

He's admitted his guilt, twice.

No he is right, but Republicans do it too, Republicans have even tried to impeach supreme court justices for being too "liberal". Its a straw man weak political circus move that has been going on for a long time.

Are you kidding me? Look at that ovary-throbber.

what car is that



i said what, not who's, retard

It was a joke

Attached: pepe_black_magic.jpg (500x468, 38K)

Attached: aaaaa.png (128x112, 27K)

Low quality bait.