Why can't whitoids fight like real men without guns?

Why can't whitoids fight like real men without guns?

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idk, who cares. guns are the great equalizer

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who cares when you the one with rounds in you?

Better question is why whites can afford guns that dont lock up or jam?

With a elboi tattoo like that you got to be storing some extra chromosomes.

nigs rolled the dice and got highest concetration fast twitch muscle fiber and highest density bones , increased durabilty but sinks in water- good for sprints and boxing

whites rolled the dice and got big brains and hollow bones. we float. we used the big brains to tame the seas and map the planet, also we invented guns to keep the crazy poo people under control

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Careful with that user you could make a bad turn

ny nigger is bigger, he worked as gold digger and will definitely fuck up your nigger

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genetics - and you know it.

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time is money and my time is more valuable then a niggers

Only retards get into fist fights past high school.
If you don't want to be in jail constantly and ruin your life you avoid physical confrontation unless it's really serious, which usually merits more than a fist fight.

Real men win. They don't care about the opinions of betas or their whining shrieks of unfairness.

Why do black people min max for strength at the expense of intel? Don't they want to pass job rolls, or does the welfare boon let them ignore this aspect?

you must be using you precious time for honing your intellect right whiteboi?

>choke a dude
>press your face against his
>slap him a few times
That's the gayest thing I've seen today, including all trap threads and one straight up rate these dude's asshole thread

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The haircut screams pussy white nationalist.

lol are you really going to attack someone's spelling and grammar on the internet? you righting your dissertation over here? you must be hella bored my man. just smoke weed and fuck off, nobody here wants to entertain you.

i'd have shot you before you started making animal noises at me

>nobody here wants to entertain you.
You just did faggot

You're the kinda white man we need in this world. We need more of you. When we rise up and take everything because you're scared of being called a racist for somethin' like self defense, you will be one of the ones we don't kill. We will let our gay brothers have their way with your butts and you can serve us food and things.

Why can't niggers win a war? If not for all the brainwashed white cucks niggers would be extinct. You should be kissing the feet of white people.

thank you, I can see you're a man of culture as well

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look at this faggot taking the bait
have a sink, faggot

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Genetics also makes white people smarter, and more cooperative. That is why white people are successful and build great societies and wealth. That is why white people would be better off if everyone just lived separately. But the Jews force white people to keep blacks as pets.

>i fucked op
>hahaha it was a bait! lol rekt

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the bullshit you heard about the intellect is not true tho you know... made up racist test created just to make black man look bad
Blacks are superior when it comes to intellect

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Because niggers cnat stop niggering. And in case you didn't know niggers are killing niggers in record numbers every week in this country.

Niggers were bred by their owners with big strong niggers to produce even bigger stronger niggers. That is all.

Whoever made this is a comedy genius. Nice one

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Well you be stupid. Many whites win fights against all races. Whites conquered the world then gave it back. Well parts of it. Lol American Indians got all fucked up. They my people but we lost. We smell good, smart, strong, work as a community, not that violent.

if you're so fuckin' smart why the hell were we able to enslave your entire fucking race and conquer your native continent for hundreds of years?
why didn't y'all motherfuckers have rifles and civilization and shit?
i know why, because niggers are fuckin' stupid.

Stop leaching off of white people then. Go build your own country. Like Haitians did.

They were bred to be work horses. Then some idiots decided to release them into the public.

and whitebois fucked their cousins and sisters to produce genetic failures and defects. That is all.

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guns are for dicklets,
>here is a real gun
and you stole gunpowder from chinks
where is the honor in that you cowards? SHAME!

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fuck of to yurop and give back the stolen land to the red people whiteboi

Fuck you are stupid, you don't even understand what you posted. That is literally looking at Muslims. What you highlighted are Muslim inbreeding statistics in Turkey. And Turks are not considered white by anyone who is white. Not only that, the inbreeding n Africa rivals that of the Middle east.

>guns are for dicklets
nah, spears are for dicklets
"muh honor" is a meme
it's also probably one of the reasons that you cunts couldn't stop our conquest of your land

muslims are the purest aryians, learn genetics

disgusting whiteboi the future is ours, keep living in the past

All land is "stolen". The Reds were not doing shit with it anyway. White people came here and built the greatest civilization the world has ever seen. The feather niggers would still be living in leather huts and murdering children so their "god" would provide them with food. Imagine how fucking amazing this planet would be if it were only white people.

Not so tough while AIDS related diseases devastate your body.

>the future is ours
if that's so then all of mankind is doomed.
also this

Niggers taking the future from us is like Monkeys murdering the pilots then not having a clue how to control the plane.

you are not doing shit with your woman too that's why when the real black man shows up - he take them


Nobody gives a fuck about that outdated term now.

brutal law of nature, keep whining tho
only the best will prevail, whiteboi degenerated as fuck end of the line of calhoun experiment

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Niggers and Spics epitomize gun culture.

Cap yo' ass

I just jerked off to this.

You all will take what you can get. Those fucking land whales can't get no love so they get a dog to lick their pussy. Even you don't want black women or black kids, that is why most black households are fatherless.

story? and was Nigger prosecuted?

so fuck off beta orbiter - you won't get her back by being nice*

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depends on the part of the orbit
i can bet my life savings that a average tough guy from the balkans can beat the shit out of a nigger like that
niggers seem really scary until you realize that america is literally a dwarf continent as where a 6'0 nigger would look scary on the camera whit he is a fucking joke in any of the slav countries where the AVERAGE height is 6'1

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whiteboi is worthless
at this point he could engage in a gay sex with him...

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to the white guy in OPs post, and to all you little fuckers here, if someone is in your face like that, a quick headbut will decommision even the biggest, naddest fucker out there if you can nail the nose. their eyes will water up, nose will bleed, and they will become disoriented for a few moments. when they go to grab at their face, nut shot them, after that, take an eyeball.

ive never been afraid of bigger people, i watched as a lanky ass Jew beat the ever loving shit out of a nigger after he head butted the dumb fucker when he got up in his face. the nigger grabbed his face, and a nut shot later nigger was on the ground having his head smashed in by the jew. good times.

aww look at that proud uncle
he will be the most sad one when they break up...
neither the bimbo nor the slut will care at all

>Fighting for israel
they deserve to be cucked.

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>the wet dream of a manlet

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not their fault for fighting in a israeli army tbh

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Lol. Say what? The only reason why black people get away with that shit is because white people still don't expect black people to be so animalistic uncivilised and impulsive.

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the idiocy of a beta bitch whod run screaming at the sight of a peraon whos yelling.

fun diversion for you, smack your nose really hard, not enough to do damage, but hard, youll see im not lying about what itll do.

and im hardly a manlet, 6,1 290#.

i had to go to school with a bunch of niggers, guess what? most got really afraid of me after i beat the fuck out of one guy.

Okay shill

Nah, I'm not even the user you originally responded to regarding grammar/spelling

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A man of culture, I see!

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Yeh why

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you preach bullshit
we all know that karate kick and ninja techniques are the best against blacks
fuck off with your autism
manlet will be always a dicklet

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On average niggers can't fight worth a damn

Shes a single mom piece of shit.

She even has the first kid watching the loggy.

#qualitywoman #keepit

#stereotypes #racism #autism

Umm.. pretty sure the dude is her younger brother judging by looks and that she's 100% not natural blonde.

Lol every black beating white video is of a much bigger or superior black opponent beating on a white runt or retard.

No thats her kid.

Shes bottle blonde.

Nice try fry guy ;)

This guy needs to drop a cyanide tablet.

Thats some old ass skank with mutliple children.

Dude picked up a shopping bag full of rotted meat on the side of the road and fucked it, basically.

he probably had the nerve to say the word "nigger" , black people are like animals , it only take a fucking word to turn them violent

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That long flowing blond hair

you have a tiny Asian dick

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beta whiteboi
it's not the punch that rekt's you
it's your lack of testosterone

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lol loser niggers can't win fights without sucker punches
you are an Asian dicklet

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whites have more testosterone hence why we are hairier

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The average nigger is an obese piece of shit.
Just like gun violence it's the niggers that throw the data off and make the US known as fatties.

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I learned a long time ago that you don't ever let a nigger get that close to you. Sucker-punching people unprovoked is their style. Never give them that opportunity, you gotta make space and tell them to "YOU BETTER BACK IT UP"

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how do you know I'm Tendra?

lol that take down backfired hard.

whites are hairier because they fucked an neandertal ape and don't wash

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Why would you post a video that clearly works against your own argument? I get why some people would make a dumb mistake but this is next level ignorant.

say what?
>whiteboi beta and can't even make eye contact cuz he scared and dont want to provoke in any way
>takes only 1 hit to wreck him

really?.... that is stupid.

>whiteboi hairier cuz he lives in a colder climate

Was really hoping he would get shot.
Bait post.

meanwhile this actually happened and that's just a fantasy to make niggers feel better about havibg actually been our slaves LOL

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