Does killing someone actually scar you for life?

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depends on how close you are to them

is that person being robbed

complete stranger, is user gna wake up in a cold sweat 10 years later?


Depends on how much you hate them. I've shot two ragheads in Afghanistan. Since I hate them, I still feel awesome about it.

Nice user. Thanks for your service and keep up the good work.

nah...your karma was already skewed beyond repair prior to the physical act... the act will only commit one to unlimited eons of retribution as return for said deed upon another... good luck living with that user...

You did God's work

ماذا اللعنة قلت للتو سخيف عني ، يا عاهرة صغيرة؟ سوف أعلم أنك تخرجت من صفي في أختام البحرية ، وشاركت في العديد من الغارات السرية على القاعدة ، ولديّ أكثر من 300 قتيل مؤكد. أنا مدربة في حرب الغوريلا ، وأنا أفضل قناص في جميع القوات المسلحة الأمريكية. أنت لا شيء بالنسبة لي ولكن مجرد هدف آخر. سوف أقوم بمسحك للخارج بكل دقة ، لم يسبق له مثيل من قبل على هذه الأرض ، احتفل بكلماتي المضحكة. هل تعتقد أنك تستطيع الابتعاد عن قول ذلك القرف لي عبر الإنترنت؟ فكر مرة أخرى ، الأبله. بينما نتحدث ، أتصل بشبكتي السرية من الجواسيس في جميع أنحاء الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية ويتم الآن تتبع عنوان IP الخاص بك حتى تستعد بشكل أفضل للعاصفة. العاصفة التي تمحو الشيء القليل المثير للشفقة الذي تسميه حياتك. أنت سخيف ميت ، طفل. يمكن أن أكون في أي مكان وفي أي وقت ، ويمكنني قتلك بأكثر من سبعمائة طريقة ، وهذا فقط بيدي العارية. ليس فقط أنا مدربة تدريباً مكثفاً على القتال غير المسلح ، لكني أستطيع الوصول إلى ترسانة سلاح مشاة البحرية الأمريكية بالكامل وسأستخدمها إلى أقصى حد ممكن لمسح مؤخرتك البائسة قبالة وجه القارة ، بل القرف قليلاً. إذا كان من الممكن أن تعرف ما هو القصاص غير المقدس الذي ك

A) Killing a stranger you hate because you are told to, does not make you a hero.
B) Killing a stranger who is trying to kill you because your masters ordered you to does not make you a hero.
C) The US military breeds dumbfucks who get off on murder.

I think it's really a question of culture and personality. A lot of things that fuck up westerners for life doesn't seem to bother people in other cultures.

Underage detected

Like in the movies or bullshit sob stories?


I strangled a man to death in order to ensure the survival of my lover. I'm also fine if people drop dead in the street.

Death always comes and humans are not the judged of humans, it is always something else.

It is, literally, on par with losing your sexual virginity.

I killed a complete stranger a little over 13 years ago, and no cold sweats...
BUT, it does till effect me and my behavior to this day.

thanks for the insight

in what way

Oldfag here.

Killing the person does nothing.
Their pain is over in an instant and their mind lost.
Making them understand how you wronged them, however, can follow and affect them for the rest of their lives.

Yes, it fucks normal person for life.

all step aside for the honorary oldfag

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What do you mean? How has it effected me or how I killed the guy?

Mostly just don't let the stories and stuff you've watched up to this point define how you feel about something. This is what we call becoming an individual.

Most other humans voted for Trump and America the entire country can't even get their shit together and would rather argue and bicker. Meaning, other people's stories are mostly their psychological hell repeating because they think they can't just 'choose' to be out of it and want to still identify with whatever group.

>I bless your penis with the power to overcome any foe OR ho!

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Whoa whoa whoa.
You’re forgetting something.
Consider the following -

Yes, it definitely can. During a shooting incident, police must take mandatory counselling. Soldiers who come home after a war experience PTSD

And, without lots of training, people in general cannot bring themselves to kill someone in cold blood. "Trigger finger frostbite" is a thing


Depends on the person. My buddy went to Afghanistan 5 times and gives zero shits about the Taliban he's killed. He personally feels that soldiers who complain about PTSD are pussies. There are people who are predisposed to violence, he's one of them and he happened to land a job where he can legally kill people. Not everyone is like that. Some people can rationalize killing another human being because they had to, some simply don't give a shit about it so they don't have to perform mental gymnastics to feel better about what happened, but some people play the event over and over in their minds and their identity begins to revolve around that event and then that's what changes them.

My uncle was a lorry driver. One day he was at a red light and a little old lady walked in front of his cab. He couldn't see her and there was no crossing there so she shouldn't have been in the road.

My uncle pulled forward slowly and crushed this little old lady to death, he only realised something was up when he heard witnesses screaming. He said he new she was dead the second he saw her and with that realisation a part of him died too.

He quit his job and started drinking heavily then cut himself off from everyone. One day we went to his house but he was gone and there was a sold sign in the front garden. The daughter of the woman he killed recieved an anonymous donation for a sum that was very close to what my uncle's house sold for.

We haven't seen my uncle in 5 years now. I think he's killed himself but my mum still holds out hope that he's out there somewhere and his body has never been found.

what a pussy , who gives a fuck about an old lady she probably have less than 5 years left anyway. What a fucking retard

Motor vehicle accident. I was driving my car, other guy was on a motorcycle. I was on the interstate traveling 77mph in a 75 zone, he was doing ~35mph. While it couldn't be proven, the highway patrol thought he was waiting on the shoulder and pulled into the driving lane when he saw me approaching. By the time I hit the brakes, he had already bounced off my windshield and was dead before he hit the ground.

As far as the effect, to this day I give WAY to much space between my car and motorcycles on the road, refuse to pass them, etc. The idea of me being the cause of another death like that terrifies me.

Did you guys ever get the people responsible for 9/11?

Every Muslim is responsible for 9/11, so we get someone responsible for 9/11 every day.

I killed a guy when i was driving drunk, did 7 years for it, it all depends, because i killed s rapist on the run, for me its just a memeory i laugh at now and again


very down to earth answer
so it did change your behaviour because you didnt mean to hit him, but not detrimentally
is that the whole extent of how it affected you?

you situation is extremely unique in that (with the given facts) you have been allowed a possibility of justification since he COULD have been waiting for someone to drive by and kill him. While that wouldn't absolve every person on the planet from guilt, it has worked for you. I'm not saying that is the only reason why, but it is a very loud, glaring possible explanation. Also, traffic accidents are different in general, because very few people purposely hit another vehicle with intent to kill. If premeditated murder happens with a vehicle, it's usually a car hitting a pedestrian. I'm not at all downplaying what happened for you. But it is extremely unusual, and a police officer helped justify that it COULD have been a suicide.

Complete stranger. From the back. Without looking into their eyes as death embraces them? No.

Agreed. America in particular has sent a LOT of people to war. It's not like every WW2 vet came back with crippling PTSD. I actually think it stems from a personality flaw in the people who get it. Some kind of obsessive disorder.

I imagine someone who murders "just to see what it's like" could get fucked up though. I don't think you'd have to be obsessive to have something like that rolling around in your head forever, always wondering if you're going to get caught, always wondering what it says about you, always wondering that since you did it to someone else, is someone else going to do it to you. I can see that driving someone crazy.

Some people seem to enjoy it. It depends on the person, Sherlock.

you're a funny guy

I agree with you. I thought he was over reacting and I lost a lot of respect for him. Obviously I can never tell my family that though.

'You know the oft re-posted line about the distinction between being peaceful and being harmless?

>"you can't truly call yourself "peaceful" unless you are capable of great violence. if you're not capable of violence, you're not peaceful, you're harmless. important distinction."

Well, it's mostly just some bullshit except that there are actually people in this world who are "harmless". They're not just peaceful. They're literally incapable of great violence. Maybe they have the physical tools to do it but they lack the mental capacity to do it. When one of those people is forced to do something like that I believe the result is PTSD and those people can be scarred for life.

very fair point

They don't even have to be obsessive, but it could be the most significant thing that's ever happened in their boring life.

>Every Muslim is responsible for 9/11
Don't make me post my entire folder you absolutely brainless, jew-loving, golem.

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I killed my dad and sister when I was 13, I pretty much blocked it out at the time. I knew what I did was wrong but I never truly came to terms with it. I still think what I did was justified but I was still morally wrong to do it. AMA I guess

Naw. I was pushing one of these around in a field I came across on my ATV. It was all for the lulz when I decided to roll one over the embankment into the highway. Some stupid lady swerved to avoid it right into a big rig truck. She was crunched instantly and her kids survived, but I heard one had an amputated leg.

I felt bad about it but who the fuck swerves into 40,000lbs to avoid 800lbs?

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Perhaps knowing what he had done plus seeing whatever gore he saw is what did it. Your uncle probably doesn't frequent the /rekt/ boards here and isn't at all tolerant of that kind of thing. Did he ever describe what her body looked like? I mean, of course it is still highly possible that simply seeing her dead (without any gore) did the trick. But I am very curious how much seeing gore that YOU caused plays a heavy role in pushing people over the edge. So, FOR SCIENCE, tell us if he ever described what he saw of her body.

More or less, but I can still remember every second of that accident (felt like minutes), still remember how his body looked on the asphalt, all of it. Any time I start thinking about the crash, I become very somber and still get the feels.

Unless you have a personality disorder or are completely desensitized my guess is yes. And it depends on the personality disorder. I have BPD and ASPD, murdered a fee cats and shit when I was in my teens/20s, I’m in my thirties now and it doesn’t really bug me and I can pet cats that look like the ones I wasted and I occasionally feel a tinge of remorse but not a lot. That being said I don’t think it would be much different for a person but I don’t intend to find out.

I still feel plenty of guilt even though the evidence was pretty clear that he was suicidal. It's not the same level of guilt as if I had done it intentionally, but I feel guilty none the less.

Somewhere I still have the 2 page letter I wrote for his family apologizing for everything. Only reason I never sent it was due to a lawyers advice regarding a possible civil suit.

Who the fuck intentionally rolls a hay bail on to a fucking road?

I feel the same way your buddy does. The thing about killing for me was how underwhelming it was. I didn't feel bad or good about it.

Probably if you're a normie.
i'm a sociopath so when I ran over these two niggers on the highway (it was night time, I didn't see shit so it was an accident) I didn't really feel bad. My GF though felt horrible and still feels guitly even though she wasn't even the one driving.
Also why is there a condom on the gun?

slight panic, instinct is to swerve before looking, and shit happens fast.

But you are a cunt. You robbed a children of their mother, for "lulz". If you are ever a parent, you would understand.

Well, don't a be a twat. Tell us how you killed them.

Some times it cuts both ways : regret and sorrow other times it's like 'I am a bad ass and don't need to worry about anything'

I was at my dad's house and he caught a rat in trap but couldn't kill it. He asked me if I thought I could.

I suppressed a laugh and said that I had done worse and put a screw driver through its brain.

Over all though I would avoid it if possible.

>Also why is there a condom on the gun?
To prevent a blocked barrel and help keep the gun clean obviously.

OP here, can a normal person get desensitised enough by /rekt/, gore or fights to the point where they get used to the image of death, where if the reason for the murder is justified in their mind, it will not affect them in any major way mentally?
Can you prepare for a murder mentally, envisioning yourself doing it; Once you popped the death cherry properly, the second time should not be as difficult i imagine.



Lol, no. Stop watching movies. Killing someone isn't a big deal.


why though

no, army fag here, it does not.

I knew where daddy kept his gun. he went to work one day and I ran away from school early to get home before my daddy got home, shot him when he came in then killed my sister when she started screaming. Cops turned up shortly after, I didn't bother fighting

It probably depends on the circumstances. Never killed anyone so I can't say for sure though.

if you cant control any basic emotion and have the need the acceptance of almost everyone yes.
If not you will eventually move on.

Read in a book...

Obviously it depends on the circumstances. If someone's trying to hurt me or my family, and I end up killing them in defense, well I'm not going to shed too many tears over that one.

On the other hand I know a guy who accidentally killed a little kid who fell off his bike into traffic, and it completely ruined his life.

Fuckin depends on the circumstances

Wasn't this the basis scenario for Harvester?

Looking to ressurect the Lodge, user?

Attached: Harvester.jpg (510x650, 59K)

Yes, you can absolutely desensitize yourself to gore, and yes it can be done through mediums such as /rekt/. I would go as far as to say that watching videos of it is FAR more capable than looking at still-images. In fact, that's sort of why I look at that stuff. It started out as just innocent curiosity, but eventually it made me sick. That's when it turned into morbid curiosity. I would look at gore to learn more and to see how far I could stomach it. But today, it doesn't make me sick anymore (except genital mutilation and humans abusing animals - that is something I NEVER want to get used to seeing). The very last thing to still make me sick was anything showing people's heads getting crushed, but even that went away when I became more fascinated with how people's bodies still move afterward. I am in no way sick or a psychopath. I still have massive amounts of empathy. But I have dissociated the connection between gore and feeling sick or shocked. I believe that if I were to witness someone getting crushed by a rock, I would be one of the only witnesses not too shocked. I am sure it is different seeing it in person, but you'd be damned if you told me I would have the same tolerance as everyone else. But this has NOTHING to do with murder or accidentally killing someone. Witnessing gore and being the person who killed someone are NOT the same thing.

Yea ok, and why did you kill them? Do we have to drag out everything here...

based. People nowadays can't control their emotions it's fucking pathetic and it makes me angry. God I want to fucking kill them, but obviously I stay calm because letting your emotions have the best of you is for weaklings.

nice one

Trust me, regardless of circumstances, it'll still change you. Even when it's justified, it will still fuck with your head, just not as badly.

bro am fucking busy
mainly sexual/physical abuse, I know he took lots of pictures of me and stuff, idk if he published them. he beat me and my mother and when she left he took out all his anger onto me. honestly ,I never meant to kill my sister. she wasn't too bad but she was ten years older than me and sometimes helped my dad do things. in the end she probably deserved i

he's busy guys, he goes to another school[

want me to do an epic le based /r9k/ >cringetext?

What was your punishment?

do it epicstyle

hes busy bro, he cant respond rn


3% won't. Other people will dry themself by killing other human beings. We are a social specie after all

A perfect post.

300 virgins?

Til he gets back, we could try guessing how he was punished... I'm going to say... 5 years of juvie and then 10 years of house visits. Anyone else?

How hard was that? I strangled a dog once and it felt like it took forever.

Is that how trump supporters masturbate?

5 yards?

well, were you using proper technique?

Yes, i remember every face. every name. every moment. every second.

That's the fucking navy seal copypasta, isnt it?

its fine to remember, is it giving you ptsd?

Hello, Brian Griffin, the liberal cartoon dog.

Attached: indian-man-hand-over-head-in-shock-against-a-white-background-BHKY0N.jpg (870x1390, 119K)

I am this guy Yes, second time isn't as difficult. I've not done it a second time because, well, it really isn't that 'exciting' either. Humans die very easily.

You can desensitize yourself to anything but it sounds like you wanted to use it to psych yourself up for it. If you want to do it, just do it. Governments/Groups kill every fucking die and people starve, it really isn't anything beyond some 'other' group not wanting to be targeted by (You), the ONLY LIVING DEATH IN ALL ETERNITY.

Everyone wants to kill because everyone at some point wants to have a one-click solution to a problem, a DEFINITIVE conclusion so to speak. Having someone not get up again is essentially that, but once you pop WHEN would you stop? Hitler had a hard time.

I think it was about 2 minutes of 'panic strength strangulation'. More because obviously I didn't know how long and my own emotions were obviously in some disarray.
>Also, killing animals for pleasure is a massive no-no for me. I'll just presume the animal you killed was somehow Hitler trying to reincarnate.

A condom on the gun
Won't it break when he shoots his load?

Translation: "What the fuck you just said fucking about me, my little whore? I will know that I graduated from my class in the Navy Seals, participated in several secret raids on the base, and I have more than 300 confirmed dead. I am a gorilla war trainer, and I am the best sniper in all US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another goal. I will wipe you out with precision, never seen before on this earth, celebrate my funny words. Do you think you can get away from saying that shit to me online? Think again, goon. While talking, I call my secret network of spies all over the USA and your IP address is now being tracked to better prepare for the storm. The storm that erases the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, I can kill you in more than seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I heavily trained in unarmed combat, but I have full access to the US Marine Corps arsenal and will use it as much as possible to wipe your wretched butt off the face of the continent, but a little shit. If it is possible to know what non-sacred retribution that k"

Yep, just cuts out like that.

आपने पूर्वाभास को खारिज कर दिया! आप यह कैसे नहीं बता सकते कि भाषा हमारे अपने से अलग है?

> होमोफोन्स

character limit gimme a break

Oh, no I was just there on a Missionary trip lol