If a girl asks a guy how many girls he's slept with, should he include prostitutes in the count?

If a girl asks a guy how many girls he's slept with, should he include prostitutes in the count?

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yes? are you retarded? lmao

I always multiply my number with 3, am I the only one lieing?

You shouldn't even count to begin with. Just make up some number that's believable and she'll be ok with.

It's not lying. 0 times 3 is still 0.

well mathematically, thats correct. And its 2... But I would probably look like a total beta, 6 it is.

I can't do that because no one would believe the number is 600-something

Unless the prostitutes had a penis, yes.

Depends on the reason she asking.
If it's to work out your morals, no.
If it's to work out your experience, yes.

I don't usually sleep with prostitutes. Have sex with them, yes of course. Sleep, uhm, that would be too much bucks and not enough bang.

3rd reason work out std risk assessment

It's totally lame to lie to boost up your number

Girls are said to admit to only one third of their true body-count.
Inflating yours by a factor of three is kinda desperate.

does anyone have the life goal of making the 50?

fucking 1 girl from every state. you arent a man until you fucked 1 girl from every state

Yes but he's already totally lame for his true number

Nah, they always ask so that they'll know how many they're supposed to admit to themselves. Girls are supposed to appear less experienced than the guy they're with, but still within the same cohort.

You say 5, no matter what. You just say 5.

Enough to confirm you're not a lower virgin, tiny enough to keep them thinking you're trustworthy.

I've nailed well over 100..

But 5.

t.married guy

Haven't done that but I did fuck a granddaughter of a nazi war criminal that fled to Brazil. I think that should count.

So you are retarded then, or autistic.

There are only thirty-two states in my country.

funnily enough, my actual free sex number was 5 until last night

You have a childish command of the language, son.

Okay but we're talking about real countries here

do you know, is this really the girl's main motivation in asking this question?

>free sex number

It looks like you've got the wrong end of the stick.

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sex that wasn't explicitely paid for, though, 1 of those did manage to get a lot of money out of me (an actual prostitute would have been cheaper and better value), and one was TRYING to get money out of me. She was sweet though, I would have given her money if i wasn't poor

Pro tip: No sex is free.

I know what you meant.

I meant it's pathetic you need a phrase for it.

I count it as free if their main motivation is they like me, or they're just horny

what would you call it?

My number. Since I've never directly paid for sex.

good for you

If he's going to be honest, yes. If he was going to pick and choose who 'counts' and who doesn't out of all the girls he's put his cock into, he can answer in whatever way best suits him anyways

I had one long relationship so far and I don't see any reason to be insecure about it. I see plenty of very good reasons to not lie though. Even if it seems like a small thing, lying destroys lives in the long run.

Of course not, prostitutes aren't people.

Did he sleep with the prostitutes? If yes, then answer yes. Not rocket science.

The answer is ways 3. Dont waste your time.

Nah, prostitutes are objects.