The world will end in 12 years

The world will end in 12 years

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source? please tell me its true

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and cow farts are evil!

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what does this mean


(I do not follow any news)

Brown lady bad

Muh socialism

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any mini endings between now and then? purges? cleansings?

What? Again!?! How the fuck am I meant to keep on top of shit when the world keeps fucking ending.

About time. Cheers!

I certainly hope so!

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Why does she look retarded in every single picture I've ever seen of her? Oh that's right, she is retarded


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Strauss–Howe generational theory mostly
rang pretty true when I started doing research a few years back

think vsauce did something on it too iirc. Anyway, won't end. But new cycle and hopefully some war or some great cleans to wipe away the genetic trash that is accumulating. If I were to guess, AI and robots will render jobs obsolete and the rich will have no reason to pay the poor to work for them. Let them poor starve and 80% or more would be gone in the first few months. The rest will build and join what is left of society and we can start to become the space-fairing species we were meant to be.

i better stock up on potatoes

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Because with so many pictures of her, there's bound to be a few where she looks retarded, and the right likes to hand pick those ones to spread around in order to make it seem like she always looks like that.

It means OP is having fun with his misinterpretation of what someone said about global warming.

I'm thankful for Donalt J. Trump's genrous tax cuts for the middle class. I got $76.23 of my hard earned taxpayer dollerts back from the govenment's greedy hands this year thanks to his genrous tax cuts for the middle classes. WOW! THats a lot of money! Thank's Trump! Unlike obummer's socialist dictatorship, I'm no longer forced to give 100% of my hard earned tax dollerts to the wasteful government so they can spend it all on obummercare. The only thing I'm not thankful for is that now I've got too decied what I'm going to do with all these hard earned tax payer dollerts that are flowing out of my pockets in Trump's booming economy. I know! I thkin I'll treat myself to a fancy stake dinnert, mmm.... tasty staek! I knew voting for the Republicans would be good choice for the midlle class, just like how ketchup was a good choice to have on my well done stetakes. Don'tt forget to thanks Dondald Tump for the delicius meal by voting for him in 2020, AND I still have money left over! What are you going to do with all the extra taxpayer money that's back in your pockets?

>hopefully some war or some great cleans to wipe away the genetic trash that is accumulating. If I were to guess, AI and robots will render jobs obsolete and the rich will have no reason to pay the poor to work for them. Let them poor starve and 80% or more would be gone in the first few months
Won't eugenics get this done anyway ? societies that fail to adopt it first generation will fall so far behind they get annihilated

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you're funny yuri

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>What are you going to do with all the extra taxpayer money that's back in your pockets?
Thnaks for asking! I'm going to use all my taxpayer dollerts and donate them to the Trump campaign in 2020, he needsr all the suppourt he can get before the Democarts steals the next election form us.

It must suck to be retarded.

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she literally said that though just so she doesn't have to explain exactly what she meant. it still sounds stupid

yup in the 1930's they said 10 years
and 12 years ago they said 12 years


No one with any expertise is saying that. I get that conservatives live in an alternative universe where we ''win'' and MAGA but you need to actually read what experts are saying not Sean Hannity.

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