How many shots of liquor does it take for you to get drunk?

How many shots of liquor does it take for you to get drunk?

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How many shots of cum does it take to make you gay?


None cos you were born that way you fucking bumder

just a scotch and soda

bumder? lolololol

idk I dont drink

Just one
but I can't remember if it's the 12th or the 13th

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6 isnt enough i can drink a whole bottle of vodka and only get buzzed

Depends on how fast I drink it and if I have food in me. The average is about a third of a bottle of vodka. I once drank a full bottle in the space of 15 minutes and passed the fuck out for 10 hours then hurt for the next three days. That was a bad fucking idea.

Tu madre hijo de puta

That’s really really sad

Yeah? What proof? Be more specific you MEDIOCRE piece of shit!

Just buttchug it.

standard is 80

7 and im feeling it 15/18 im drunk


I never drink aswell



i just drank 3/4ths of a fifth of vodka. i'm too stupid to figure out how much that is right now but I don't feel good i just smell like vodka. i literally don't even have a minor buzz. fuck life.

562mL of 80 proof vodka
literally no buzz.

Sometimes I can feel a nice buzz off two and sometimes I can drink 25 over the course of a day and still be standing. Drunk is subjective.

What a stupid question. Shots always imply 80. Anything more is always stated and anything less is just a girl shot like fireball or something.

3 shots and im 70% drunk and 4 is shitfaced yea I know I have a low tolerance its because I rarely drink

fireball is good cheap shit, don't shit on it

I don't know about shots, but I was bankrolled by a russian college friend to see who could outdrink the other.

4 liters each of PYCCKI Standard or however it's spelled, and I carried his dead-ass back to bed. I sobered up in half an hour.
To be fair, I was in peak drinking for, Fat-ass Irish mid-20s.

I don't drink to get drunk anymore.

About 4 cause I'm a little twink

Fuck you like 6 at least

You dumb fuck a shot is simply the fucking glass, it says nothing about what is in it. Common spirits vary between 75 -100 proof. Stay in school and stop pretending you've ever done shots boy

like six shots of tequila to feel tipsy
I'm 5'9 and 170 lbs for reference
fucking Irish genetics everyone thinks they're real hard till I pull up

u goonaa let me fuck that ass or wha?

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bump coz fun tread


5 shots and its fucking OVER WITH

10-12. I'm also Native American/Irish, so I am more alcohol than man

since when were native americans known for drinking?

None. You were born gay.

Three or four? I'm old so I don't really do shots anymore. I sip whiskey now.

are you kidding?

Fire water

are you american?

>Cheap shit absolutely reks me