Gib money to make sky less angry

gib money to make sky less angry

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Its interesting that all the criticism i've seen against Greta were people bashing her family, her looks, calling her autistic, school dropout etc, but I've never seen any critics to her speech/arguments, because they just can't logically do it, so they just attack her.

Sadly, that's how their propaganda works.

They smear the person, paint them as the type of "other" in their audience's minds that no reasonable, good, and normal person would want to be associated with, and then dismiss what that person says based on that. It's ad hominem at its finest.

Incidentally, it was probably the most vicious and powerful propaganda tactics used by the Nazis.

>t. Someone with an understanding of history the same as a 7 year old

Give rich politicians more money to help environment

Its genius

>used by the Nazis.
Yeah and that seems to be like 90% of this board so are you surprised?

she looks retarded here and not cute like she normally does

She doesn’t have any of her own words faggot. She only has the speeches fed to her by her Soros funded handler. Maybe stop trying to pretend your all high and mighty and above the discourse on this board. Faggot.

You Greta/AOC children might be more at home over at Sup Forums where you only have to be scared of 20 million jews.

The Nazis also championed public anti-smoking campaigns

So what user, you a Nazi or are you literally pro smoking?

She's going bald quickly. Look at how receded her hairline is & how thin what little hair she has left is.

You've never seen it because you purposely ignore it. She wants capitalism to be stopped. She wants no more development. She wants everyone reduced to some subsistence level of existence. If you follow her arguments to their logical conclusions no countries will be able to develop from where they are, and anyone doing OK now will be cut down to poorfag.

She has an uneducated 16 yr olds understanding of economics. Anyone who worships her is a fool.

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How dare you compare Greta like a god!
How dare you excoriate her appearance!

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That's not what I meant, I meant it seems like 90% of this board unironicly thinks that the Nazis are good.

They were the bad guys on WW2 remember?

When did her own party cast her out?

11,000 scientist sounded the alarm about climate change but lets all listen to celebrity girl.

Okay retard.

Is she really even a child? Or a middle-aged midget. Look at how bald she is.

That's because it was edited, you braindead pedo

Whose life has been ruined because she gets lots of attention and free stuff

>Gretal Mongburg

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Have you ever considered that people hate being lectured? Especially by a child who hasn’t even had her first period yet?

What's wrong with that?

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Probably because it's a shoop, dumbass.

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OK boomer

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Greta is in the Atlantic Ocean sailing for free as I type this. How does that make you CO2 burning flying kike monkeys feel?

You tell me, CO2 burning flying kike monkey.

It's been done a million times! She has no facts backing her up, no science. She operates on propaganda and some doomer emotions.

Makes me feel like I could be doing something better with my life, like fucking a horse or something

Exxon scientists have testified in a trial in New York and internal company documents verify that they predicted in 1977 that continuing to burn fossil fuels would produce greenhouse gas causing climate change, and their predictions of the effects by 2019 were proven very accurate.
So is your pension plan invested in exxon?
They might be ready to take the same assfucking as big tobacco who denied cigarettes cause cancer and auto companies claiming seat belts wouldn't save lives.

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Ok, zoomer, or goomer, or doomer, or noomer, or poomer, or whatever stupid fucking word children have made up this week

>They might be ready to take the same assfucking as big tobacco who denied cigarettes cause cancer and auto companies claiming seat belts wouldn't save lives.
Lol not with their kind of money

Everyone in the West. Less energy, less personal property, less freedom, and higher taxes and prices for everything. Where you been?

OK doomer

Maybe you should move out of the UK

And what specifically were those predictions from 1977?

>sailing for free
By a crew that was flown across the Atlantic on a boat that's made of carbon and costs millions of dollars.
Fuck off.

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So you were told. Have you ever considered who wrote the history books?

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>Everyone in the West
>This only affects China

That your mother will die in her sleep if you don’t reply to this post

Can someone rationally explain why people are scared shitless by a 16 year old girl?

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Maybe you should move out of California, sorry. Hard to tell.

What you talking about Jew population was unchanged after WW2.

I just watched them testify via internets a few days ago. Didn't bookmark it. What struck me most was how damn pleased they seemed to be to finally get it out in the open.

Because she's just a front. The politicians and corrupt backers are using her as a tool to take away your cars and heat. Stop asking stupid questions.

Don't know what your point is. Germany's fucked, the UK's fucked, the US is semi-fucked. Why do you want less energy?

Who is scared you retards? That stupid girl is pushed on everyone by the media oligarchs who shouldn't have that much power to force all that shit down our throats to begin with.

Coomer Oh Greta I'm COOOMING!

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My point is to go innawoods and shut the fuck up

>not afraid of Marxism
good luck with that

Nice argument libfuck. "Oh please, take my car. Everyone else is retarded for wanting to keep their property". Even the NEET will suffer.

nice try

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Then I said "if you don't comply with all this shit the polar bears will be extinct by 2020"

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It's even in the title:
panel FOR
The government is pushing climate change. It's not Scientists Finding the Truth. It's the opposite.

The Data didn't fit the predictions so NASA "adjusted" it. No wonder the predictions never come true. The question is why are all the people you trust still going along with this bullshit when there is so much bullshit surrounding it?

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IPCC is part of the UN.

It's not fear, I think it's more a feeling of inadequacy.
A 16 year old asspie girl gets to deliver a message to the world and rub shoulders with the elite, while they're confined to yelling at minorities on the internet.
I'd be pretty upset about that too.

>the victors write history and therefore the defeated must be the right

nice logic polboy

They do it to demonize the opposition. You are somehow evil if you 'attack' a little girl.

A Saul Alinsky tactic.

Nice straw man argument libtard. History is suspect. If you draw all your conclusions based on what someone told you happened you are fucking retarded.

Puberty is a tough time. Including Getta...

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11000 scientists mean nothing. Who are these self proclaimed scientists? 11000 out of how many? If youve ever talked to scientists and researchers youd be surprised at how little some of them actually know.

which scientists are you talking to?

user try not to argue with bots

Let me guess, your scientist are always right?


Many different ones. Thats the point. Which scientists?

thanks, like your straw man as well

good point though, i'll try looking at some sourceless images on the internet for some real knowledge

Yup, and in the flooded research economy fighting each other for funds, more and more research is political rather than objective to secure grants. - source wife is an immunologist.

Look at this reddit nigger

Where its a race to release as many papers as possible no matter the quality

Yup. And some jap lab head an heroed because his research fellow fudged data to prove a hypothesis, he didn’t catch it, they published and then where found to be frauds latter on.

And publishing in Nature used to be a high impact factor, now it’s full of retarded tranny/faggot “studies”.
Science is about as credible now as Scientology.




ugly vile creature

The Normieflix doco Game Changer. - libtards are slipping over on their own cunt juices because “muh science”
Reality - some of the “studies” are articles, all of the science is cherry picked and nearly all of the studies cited have key parts omitted,
And what’s most telling - James Cameron owns a vegan supplement company...

Here is a scientific rebuttal
Published this year.
From Finland no less.


Climate change is real. It why you can find fossilized trilobites in Wyoming and Woolly Mammoths in the north of Spain. Human caused climate change is political propaganda. The earth has not warmed in any remotely significant amount since the Medieval warm period that ended around 1300. There is roughly 140 year worth of climate data. The earth is 4.5 billion years old. 140 in 4.5 billion is statistically ZERO. Any "scientist" claiming to have proof of anything based on a 140 in 4.5 billion sample is lying. Greta is a naive child with a developmental disability that makes her especially susceptible to manipulation through fear. How's that work for you? No personal attacks or even criticism. Statement of fact, plain and simple. And if you think calling her naive is an attack, consider this. What if instead of sailing across the ocean to have televised tantrums, she decided to go across the street and move in with a 50 year old man? Do you think that maybe her lack of life experience, age, and judgement might be brought up? She's a propaganda victim who is having her expenses paid to travel the world and have people pay attention to her. 99.99% of people on Sup Forums get their dick hard when someone replies to their post, imagine what they'd do or say for the kind of treatment she's getting.

>so they just attack her

The only place I see her is here

She could use some of that big ass forehead to block some of the suns UV rays and single handedly lower global warming.

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>Have you ever considered who wrote the history books?
Lots of Marxist professors

Hey, Ragnarok was pretty fun, I liked the part where she beat up the Hulk with electric car eyes

>Incidentally, it was probably the most vicious and powerful propaganda tactics used by the Nazis.

And the Democrat party, as well. Anyone who disagrees with them on whatever their current issue happens to be is anti science, or racist, or stupid, or an ignorant hick, etc.

>spending money to take down a small swedish girl trying to ensure she has a sustainable place to live in 30 years

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And how will we ever know if we’ve won? They’ll tell us.

Yes they’ll be good enough to let us know when they stop wanting more money for themselves

imagine being this brainwashed

>She wants everyone reduced to some subsistence level of existence

All resources must be turned over to the state for distribution as they see fit. Leftists believe they will be amount the ruling class.

>none of her crew taking a wage

They must be pretty shit at their job

1. Dont pretend that her side doesn't do the exact same thing, only difference is being a spaz wont get you fired but in our society you'll sure as shit get fired just cus some girl somewhere just accused you of touching her
2. Are you really that jaded to human nature to think that people with an open mind would just be like "man I want to agree with her, but... *motions to face* cant get over... THAT"

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What horrible message do you think she's delivering to trigger you deniers?

Except the fact that Patton discovered several but what ever.