You have 10 seconds to name something dumber than an American

You have 10 seconds to name something dumber than an American.

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Everyone else

>every lonely incel reject sitting at home alone on Sup Forums on yet another Saturday night, jerking off together over facebook photos of girls who won't talk to them


African continent

i haven't jerked off this month, you're out of ammo lardo.

Half an American

Can't be done, now post more of her

an Americun nigger

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Two Americans

Jesus Christ you lonely retard. I know how hard it can be to find random pictures of tits on the internet. You'd better stay here for the next 45 minutes, begging this other sad faggot to post some for you.

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A fucking leaf.

A loyalist.

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Their president.


An american who voted for the trumpanzee

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Your father, for not spraying you on the back of your hooking mother instead letting you be conceived.

Orange man

Imagine being this obsessed. I'd probably put a shotgun in my mouth if I was you to be honest. Imagine living like that lol.


>that random picture of Geraldo Rivera

What. The. Ever. Loving. Fuck.



2.sack of hammer handl
fuck times up


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YOU ya cun 2 fucking americunts for the 65th time

Pretty much this. The only countries that have any qualities better than the US are the ones that have a much higher percentage of white population. If the US were not saddled with the burden of taking care of and dealing with all the minority bullshit there wouldn't be a single argument you could even make that any country does anything better.

Fuck those guys.

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An American that says "As American as apple pie".

People who generalise entire populations based on an opinion formed over time, using nothing but the internet.

An English breakfast

Not sugary enough for ya?

It's not called an English breakfast. It's called a FULL ENGLISH.

a Jew

An American vegan



