He's getting mauled during these impeachment inquiries...

he's getting mauled during these impeachment inquiries, I dont know how people actually think impeachment isnt getting pushed through at this rate. Is it just wishful thinking?

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Unhinged liberal: 3 days of hearsay testimony must have you suicidal. National Suicide Prevention Lifeline Call 18002738255

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i'm a republican and i want him impeached.

it's not because i don't like him, it's because it will ensure a republican in office for the next 20 years. or civil war. either way, i win

If that isn't the face of personality disorder, I don't know what is. A 75 year old spoiled child and utter buffoon.

>thinks he will win the civil war

imagine being this retarded

Hes getting impeached and thats for sure, trumpanzees are locked in that tribal thinking

I'm thankful for Donalt J. Trump's genrous tax cuts for the middle class. I got $76.23 of my hard earned taxpayer dollerts back from the govenment's greedy hands this year thanks to his genrous tax cuts for the middle classes. WOW! THats a lot of money! Thank's Trump! Unlike obummer's socialist dictatorship, I'm no longer forced to give 100% of my hard earned tax dollerts to the wasteful government so they can spend it all on obummercare. The only thing I'm not thankful for is that now I've got too decied what I'm going to do with all these hard earned tax payer dollerts that are flowing out of my pockets in Trump's booming economy. I know! I thkin I'll treat myself to a fancy stake dinnert, mmm.... tasty staek! I knew voting for the Republicans would be good choice for the midlle class, just like how ketchup was a good choice to have on my well done stetakes. Don'tt forget to thanks Dondald Tump for the delicius meal by voting for him in 2020, AND I still have money left over! What are you going to do with all the extra taxpayer money that's back in your pockets?

no, i think i'll survive it through lack of engagement and the lefties will btfo as they always have

he's continuing the trend. did you hear about his new plans for middle class tax cuts?

>What are you going to do with all the extra taxpayer money that's back in your pockets?
Thnaks for asking! I'm going to use all my taxpayer dollerts and donate them to the Trump campaign in 2020, he needsr all the suppourt he can get before the Democarts steals the next election form us.

I don’t understand what you people don’t understand about this. Yes impeachment will get pushed through, yes the house will impeach Donald Trump, let it be said scream it from the hills. The Senate will not and I will repeat just for all of the hard of hearing the Senate will not convict, smarten the fuck up people, Jesus Christ

Mauled does not mean what you think it means, it would seem

The Democrats have not produced one single piece of factual evidence of any sort of criminal activity. They make outlandish allegations, and none of the witnesses they have called have offered any substantive evidence or have first-hand knowledge of any wrong doing. It's made up bullshit and hearsay - not one single piece of concrete evidence.

The democrat controlled house can continue this charade but the Republican controlled senate won't convict or remove him - it would be their own political suicide if they did.

The democrats also seem to forget that IF by some hellish miracle they remove Trump - THEY don't get to pick the new POTUS, Mike Pence is the new President.

Mike Pence - a Christian conservative that is the real boogyman to the left. Donald Trump is far more moderate, they just can't accept that Hillary lost in 2016, and that Trump has held to many of his campaign promises and the people are actually getting represented this time, and the globalists can't force their agenda on us nearly as much anymore. Boo fuckin' hoo. There's an election in 12 months, and the Democrats don't have a single candidate who stands a snowball's chance in hell to unseat Trump, so they are trying a hail Mary. Guess what - IF Trump gets removed, then Mike Pence is the incumbent and will most likely get elected in 2020. Or Don Jr runs and takes daddy's place to continue the legacy.

Liberal tears are extra salty, and hilarious.

>literally drinking burgers
how fat are you?

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You can't be serious.

Best quote so far:

"What I can tell you is what other people told me."

>all the text in this thread
it's a fucking imageboard

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answer the question, fatty.

The fact that he added an article of impeachment during his Impeachment hearings is pretty hysterical. Classic Don Don.

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orange fan mad

This was my favorite.

> schiff reads tweet that cunt has never seen
> her reaction is laughing
> realizes there are cameras
> remembers what her and schiff went over before hearing
> um, oh, uh yeah i am intimidated or something

i've noticed that most people that voice their opinions on this drama don't actually understand how removal from office actually works

the actual removal from office only happens when the majority in the senate vote to convict the president. The Republicans have the majority. There is literally a 0% chance of him getting removed from office over this. The Clinton impeachment trial showed us it will always be 100% partyline voting.

There's no rule on when the trial in the senate has to happen, so Dems could just delay this forever. My guess is they want this looming over Trump when the election happens, but to never actually have the trial because they will definitely lose. They want to pile up all of the dirt on Trump they can manage.

They will definitely start talking about Stormy Daniels again, the Billy Bush tape, people in his administration that have quit, his associates that have been convicted, his ties to Epstein, his tax returns (notice how people suddenly 'remembered' that he hasn't released his tax returns?), and now the specter of impeachment.

As always in politics, this is a calculated movement.

There is no question to answer you're just an absolute fucking retard and should kill yourself right now.

that was the best part. intimidating witnesses on live tv. how fucking dumb can he get?

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Do you use a Nutribullet to puree your burgers or just a regular blender? Or is there some kind of special juicer for burgers?

why do you keep dodging the question? are you that fat you're scared to even tell us? do you have a shit bucket?

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polls even show most americans want him impeached, accept that

>I dont know how people actually think impeachment isnt getting pushed through at this rate. Is it just wishful thinking?

The Republican congressmen can't go against the white trash psycho Frankenstein they created if they want to stay in office, and more than a few of them either drank the koolaid themselves or just have the tribalistic contrarian thing going on because they feel threatened. They can't do shit in the House of Reps, but in the Senate that means impeachment will be voted down unless possibly a few retiring Repubs grow a spine or can push a secret ballot, both of which seem unlikely.

It doesn't matter what Trump does because FOX will minimize reporting on it and twist what they do say, so the nutcases will continue to support him.

Yeah, the funniest part is that the President who's dick you can't stop sucking is so unbelievably fucking stupid that he walked right into it.
>Duuuh 4 moR yEeers, libCuck


Not most Republicans, who are the true Americans.

>Who are the true Americans

>Uncultured philistines
>Gun fetishists
Yeah, sounds about right

it's all we have since trump doesn't want to incriminate himself by testifying

And they just don't seem to realise that when this nothing burger fails to sell, and there is no impeachment
>protip 1: there is no impeachment
All of these threads will stand as evidence that the shills can do nothing irl...and only seek to demoralised through shifting threads like this.
>pro tip 2: everything's coming up Trumps

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Seems like a well researched, credible view, friend.

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How in the fuck does Trump getting impeached insure a republican in office? With the demographics shift, Republicans will be lucky to ever hold presidential office again.

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>There is no impeachment
Protip 1: more than 15 Democrats in the House would have to vote against it
Protip 2: you're delusional if you think item # 1 isn't going to happen

>still no answer

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democrats said this before 2016.

> muh demographics

Heyy! nice Elon Musky..!

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It's funny seeing morons like this spouting shit they have no idea about.

Daily reminder that the one requirement for an impeachment inquiry to exist is for the house to vote to have one. This has not happened.

If there ever is a civil war 'either way I win' will be the mentality that causes it. Nobody wins.

Hillary did have more votes, and Texas is turning blue slowly but surely. If you don't see this eventuality, you're blind.

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ok boomer

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You mean those polls that gave him a 0% chance at winning the presidency you fucking stupid nigger? How gullible are you, degenerate?

Hillary had less than 50% of the votes. Like her husband, she could never get a majority of the votes.

It's funny seeing morons like this desperately defending daddy Donnie every chance they get.


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I hope he does get impeached

We just need a civil war already.
The fact we aren't allowed to stop immigration and build a wall that only costs 0.5% of the Total Federal Budget, meanwhile Bernie has a budget plan that is literally $2 Trillion and noone gives a fuck...

I hate this entire country.

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IF Trump was somehow convicted by the Senate and removed - Mike Pence becomes President. Mike Pence is a much more conservative Republican - so yes, Trump getting impeached and removed ensures a Republican takes office - and those who put Trump in power sure as hell won't be voting for Elizabeth Warren, Mike Bloomberg, or Bernie Sanders

your boi committed a crime on live tv, bro.

>We need a civil war already
Unfortunately for you and your ilk, brains tends to beat brawn.

>FaKe nEwS

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Electorial votes yes... But in counting people, Hillary had almost 66 million votes, Trump had almost 63 million.

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Bro, Don Don can do whatever the fuck His Magasty wants to do. Do you even maga, bro?


Noone is going to fight and die for more immigrants in the country, drag queen story time, abortion clinics, soy lattes and to see feminist women work 60 hour weeks with no children.

I think I have figured out the main problem with conservatives. Its fundamentally a problem of imagination. This leads to the inability to empathize beyond something that they cannot relate to. They cannot imagine the nuanced details that lead to someone needing to flee a country for instance.
Geraldo Rivera and Megan McCain are perfect examples. They're ok if they can relate to an issue themselves. If they cannot theyll take whatever route they can to relate it to themselves as they can and that will be their position.
When Andrew Yang was on the view he said UBI going to everyone would destigmatize it and he was ok with rich people getting it as well for that reason (paraphrasing of course). Megan's initial comment was 'no one at this table needs $1000. Therefore in her mind it is a silly idea. She cannot relate to it therefore she is against it. It's not that she doesnt have empathy, it's that she literally cannot imagine beyond her own experience.
My sister has become a right winger in recent years and we were debating the refugees coming from the middle east and central America. She kept saying 'why dont they go elsewhere?' And 'Mexico just announced they are offering them asylum'. Now the first thing I thought was maybe they didnt have TV or even really know who the Mexican president is. After all, I dont know who the Guatemalan President is.
I can picture myself being forced to leave the US in some alternative universe, running to Ecuador and not knowing shit about their culture, leadership, etc. Just that I heard others are heading there. I can picture numerous ways I could get wrapped up in gang violence or even extremist circles while still remaining more or less a good person. I can imagine foreign scenarios. But I also can admit to myself that I haven't gone through these circumstances myself so it could also be worse than I can imagine. I dont think my sister is capable of these extrapolations. I don't think a lot of conservatives are capable of this.




bad presidente

Based poop poster

Uh oh, it looks like a magatard has reached peak butthurt

>b but what about these fringe radicals
Kekalek tbh

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Also... You're a complete dumbass if you think Bill Clinton never got 50%. That comment was so stupid, it went right by me. 1992 is about the same. DUMBASS!


>we aren't allowed to stop immigration and build a wall that only costs 0.5% of the Total Federal Budget,

thats cause the wall is retarded

>trump supporters consuming trump's shit
seems about right

He had blatantly violated the law. It doesn't matter to which party that Trump belongs. His ability to rule the land is over.

Do any other liberal bros think Trump is playing 3d chess again? I'm panicked, I'm shaking, I'm crying. He leaked the fake Ukraine Quid Pro Quo knowing full well that impeachment means nothing and that he would be fully acquitted in the Senate. The Republican Senate is going to drag out their proceedings and Sanders and Warren won't be able to campaign, as they're senators and have to watch the proceedings. That means our candidate will be Biden, and the Senate will definitely ruin him on national tv over his quote in January 2018 where he said he was doing quid pro quo on Ukraine and withholding a billion dollars until they fired the prosecutor investigating Hunter. Trump will either get to face Sanders or Warren who didn't get to campaign at all, or Biden who will have a massive scandal on his hands that he can't deny.

I have a very bad feeling about this, Demabros. Can we charge Trump with entrapment??? He's tampering with the 2020 election, he's picking his candidate he's running against and exposing that candidate for his corruption! HE CAN'T KEEP GETTING AWAY WITH IT!!!

He broke no law.

>thats cause the wall is retarded
The smallest of the brainlets

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post this in a few more threads maybe you'll get a bite next time

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>We aren't allowed to build a wall
Oh, you're allowed. Just like the drug cartels are allowed to saw right the fuck through it.


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it's like you're paid to be here... tell George Soros I said hey

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It's so forced it's stupid. They really dropped the ball in secrecy. Mandates aren't legal.

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yeah Trump violated the law that we wont specifically say or give the context about
Its important we uphold the rule of law in this country because Trump is a threat to our democracy and other bad things
Did I mention we need to uphold the rule of law? And that this is a precedent? And that Trump is a threat to our democracy?

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Nah bro
Elizabeth the white bitch will be the candidate

You just linked to a Wikipedia article that says Bill Clinton got less than 50% of the vote in 1996.


LOL Survive it while Russia and China would be waiting to pounce

I paid $1000 more. I'm neither rich or stupid enough to be sucking Trumps cock.

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da comrade

one democrat hoax after another.

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strawman, nice try brainlet. That's a false equivalency.

It's precious to see you little guys trying to make sense of anything. I wonder how well off you'd be if your mom didn't drop you on your head as a child, you try so hard :)

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