Ask a black introvert anything

Ask a black introvert anything

I've been recently having some family troubles, and I'd love it if you guys cheered me up

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Was Egypt founded and inhabited by black people?


For a while it was
Mariana cordoba

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What's bugging ya, champ?

Why are trannies so useless in daily life other than for sex? They can't cook, clean, think for themselves, emotionally needy, have no tradeskills, can't even play solitaire without fucking up, uncreative and can't lift anything over 20lbs.
Why do we support this?

I don't want to go into details, but it's issues with my parents

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You just described most of the people on this site.

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Yeah, but people on this site tend to kill themselves off or become better, those that don't do either of these tend to become trannies to live a life of getting a dick in their ass and cum in their mouth.

How do you feel about the current black culture? Have you read malcolm x works? What are your feeling on the fact that the vast majority of slave ships to the Americas were owned by jews?

It might be because they don't have as many opportunities of success as other people do, and they also live with a ridiculous amount of negativity for simply existing.

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holly shit and this thing decided to be gay what a waste

1) I think black culture is in a good place even though there's a handful of groups I feel disappointed with

2) I haven't read any of his works suprisingly.

3) I don't recall hearing about most slave ships being owned by Jewish people. I need to see some trusted statistics
I'm not gay tho

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yo mama?

With both

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Still here btw

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The dick on this girl is impressive. Is it a birth defect??is that what non binary means??

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Or it might be because disproportionate number of them are autistic/ocd/retarded

I guess she was born lucky
I doubt it, there are tons of trans people who go on to live successful lives without having to resort to sex work.

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I too am a black introvert, but I'm not a fag like you OP

>i'm straight
>posts traps
you a faggot nigga

Sure you arent
I also post women too

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Yea, why do you identify with those horrible categories. Don’t put yourself in a box. You are a constant evolution to whatever uniquely compels you.

stop making this thread daily you stupid fucking nigger. no shit you have family trouble, niggers couldnt hold a family together if their lives depended on it.

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Traps and shemales are alright but I don't use them to cope. Nor do I want to fuck one

I wouldn't call being an introvert horrible, some people like me prefer being alone once in a while, but I would like to be more outgoing.
Sup Forums is calling, you should go there instead of coming into these threads to spew racist bullshit.
That's fine, we all have our preferences

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Finally a black person who doesn’t go full we was kangz. Anyway I think you should do some MMA training. It is really good for you, honestly it is a great hobby. Yesterday I trained with some guy who’s got a professional match coming. He bruised my ribs with one of his kicks but I learned a lot fighting him. Seriously try it out. Also being in shape and covered in bruised/cuts? Lots of female attention.

One day I'd love to do mma, but I have asthma so it probably won't go so well for me.

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Maybe if you werent a dumb nigger making the same thread every single day I wouldnt have to spew racist shit at you. But its never the niggers fault is it? You dumb monkey, go fix your family.

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You aren't gonna affect me by spewing racist shit at me, so you might as well just leave

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No I mean the category itself is horrible. You are not your category or race

Are you talking about me calling myself a black introvert?

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A black guy having family troubles

Who would've thought

That sucks dick but still look in to it. Any kind of physical exercise is worth it. Wish you the best man.


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Why do you people commit most violent crime and then still chimp out when they realize that they make up a pluraltiy of police shootings?

Because they have no family or have families that are falling apart like OP

Everyone goes through family troubles user, don't try to act like you haven't had any problems with yours.
Thanks, I might start exercising next year when it gets warmer
You care enough to search through the archives? I'm touched user... truly touched.

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>black introvert
>I'd love it if you guys cheered me up

you may have a 6,000-year history of being enslaved and exploited by every other race under the Sun, the entrained epigentic PTSD (such that a word sends you into a rabid, chimp-out rage
) and fuck-all else besides "We Wuz" memes to hold up as a pennon of pride... BUT, you at least have that as a legitimate excuse: what do shiftless NON nig have to qualify their inaction, and where do they get off blaming hapless nigras for anything--when they had 200,000 years head start...?

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>no throbbing she-cock

end yourself using:
1. a hair drier
2. a warm bath comprised of your own piss
3. a live webcam connected to your BLACKED mother's Skype


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>deflecting the fact hes nothing more than an attention seeking autist.
yeah bro feel touched i took 30 seconds out of my day to search 'ask a black introvert' on an archive. you niggers have nothing better to feel about. Definitely not your family lmao.

It doesn't have to be girly dicks all the time
You're still here giving me attention so you can't really complain.
Idk what you're saying

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you said that last night, i left, and your thread died. im just trying to get you to stop posting this daily, its annoying.

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Ok I'll chill on the threads for a while, but at least they aren't as bad as the other ones that are posted more frequently than mine.

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Since this is gonna be my last one for a bit I might as well spam porn

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