Warm Bread for Hungarian Celebs. Reinstate the Austro Hungarian Empire Edition

Warm Bread for Hungarian Celebs. Reinstate the Austro Hungarian Empire Edition.

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What up my nigs, didn't manage to pull one of the three fucking lasses so here I am back, drunk af
how is your saturday going?
NNN is killing me

Couldn't agree more, not only are you qt, you are on point politically

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you're not a neo-nazi are ya?

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went to Lavigne's to get some pants for me and my niggas

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thats some too cute emma

This is the new lil ari posting

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How did that go for you?

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sexy eyebrows

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don't get no qter
>hfw you said that

Attached: erndqt.webm (1920x800, 736K)

No but I bleed Austro Hungarian
You're the qt bud.

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>didn't manage to pull one of the three fucking lasses so here I am back, drunk af
you are me 24ish hours ago
too drunk to secure the qts, it be like that

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from there or you family is?

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Well I couldn't say qt twice

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:3 thx

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Nope I just saw the opportunity for a good thread name thanks to

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You could, if you wanted to.

>too drunk to secure the qts
Oh God, I'm having flashbacks.

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i know they come from worlds apart but they do share a super hot look

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kissed on the neck

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! fuck sake why even bother with lasses other than emr

It don't be no fun user, well I had fun but fuck especially this one girl is putting up all this last minute resistance, maybe it is because I'm too drunk

I've called you qt at least three times in a post once
also drunk don't hold my shitposting against me
you're my fav in these threads rn, I don't know if you were here earlier and I just missed you, but you're a great user and brighten up these threads

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damn thought it was that hot one that can sing for a sec

>you're a great user and brighten up these threads
so are you

you can't have the best everyday

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wife of jupiter

Attached: junoemr.webm (960x520, 1.87M)

Thank you your words are very kind.
>but you're a great user and brighten up these threads
nop that is literally you

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it's the story of my fkn life

o w o

start the night so confident, so full of life
end it a mess
worth it if you had fun tho?

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>so are you
Emma poster is great, other one sucks

Dubs of harsh truth

Are those two the prettiest pair yet witnessed? I reckon I could make a case for it.

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Attached: 1527658288857.webm (640x800, 1.9M)

lipa is far beyond the allowable limit's of fineness

Jane and VJ were in a movie together, wth

golly gee :>

I'm just asking for one day
fuck that webm delivers on some feels

I'll fucking fight you on this rn, stop bouncing my compliments and just accept what a great user you are ffs

actually I started at zero, went to 100, but still the outcome I shitposted about
had a blast tho ^^ so it was def worth it

I don't think there's a better pair, esp in that movie, jesus they are qt

Attached: nip.webm (960x960, 1.81M)

an awful lot of people like him for that opinion dawg

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And again.

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I'm rubber you're glue bicth

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wait carly poster breaking off?

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What are Hungarian genetics like? Are they still very much Magyar from Finno-Ugric Uralic region? Or, are they genetically like Slavic?

It's a close call, I won't lie, but I think I prefer this pair to that one.

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What a fun coincidence. I named this .webm just the same.

listen to this with me
or don't it's alright

fistiecuffs it is nigger r here rn

also that's my fav emma pic I think

Attached: emmadance.webm (360x360, 1.47M)

she really really is

kek as long as you hit 100 and had a blast, all that matters boi
hope you feel better than I did in the morning

back at it again

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I have absolutely no idea. I am wholly ignorant on the subject I am sorry.
I very much like those lips.
You wouldn't stand a chance I'm sorry to say.

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Great minds user, great minds
Did you post it ITT because I got it from some user

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you like a sad emma you can hold tight and tell her everything will be okay

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What does this mean

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Morning is gonna be terrible probs, but at least I'm meeting up with a few people later in the day
thank you for the good wishes :>

I'll have to lie with that

You know me too well user

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sweet tongue?

Im here 24/7.

Then you probably got it from me, cute emma user.

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sounding like kateanon here but drink some water ya cute thing :3

one of the sweetest, I think

nutting to dua that whole time? :O

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You're compliments are kind. Sadly you are objectively a better poster than me so they all apply to you to a higher degree.

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You have sweet dreams or you're going to prison.
This tongue makes me want to coom

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sleep well, treasure

Fug she's sweet

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Stay hydrated, sleep well, and remember, keep being cute.

I bet you do.

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god bless you, I'm on that rn
would've forgotten

I barely talk and repost my shit webms all the time
you're literally miles ahead user
here's another shit webm, but the thought is what counts right?

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starting too

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>miles ahead
Imagine being that wrong :^>

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but look at the calendar! no nutto mode yet :p

I really really like her blonde

gotta stay hydrated ya cute, it'll make tomorrow much easier

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Maybe, maybe ;)

there is only one empire that is worth instating.

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Stan Loona

Oh, Jordyn

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her empire will reign for a thousand years

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imagine how delicious her body smells

there are about 5 conversions going on right now and i cant keep up.

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Stan Supreme God Emperor Jordyn

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plaid my true weakness

we wage jjihad for JJ

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Will all words that contain the letter J be spelled with two Js, in place of jjust the one, from here on out? Because that'd be cute.

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The Spacing Guild will see reduced power under JJ's empiric rule. She will control the flow of melange

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Yes, this is correct. for this astute observation, you have been offered the position of Jjusticar of the Interior, Jjuno cutie

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we see your loyalty, cutie Citizen

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tight pants
she has really nice eyes

This is all I ever wanted.

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Thank you God Emperor

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It’s threads like this that make me miss BD

I fucking promise you no one gives a shit.

>miss BD
He's here everyday newfriend.

>Reinstate the Austro Hungarian Empire Edition
Ex-soviet states are a wreck, 70 years of rot under culture annihilating totalitarianism will do that

pic: Lets bring the same to the USA!

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*make i miss BD
>fukken bumbo clot

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Oh lord Jesus crawl back into that fail sewer where the rest of you east European niggers belong. Hard enough convincing the world to white supremacy without you embarrassments around.

I'm going to get this exact line written in some pretty font and hang it up on my wall.

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I'm bout as white as they come sweetie.

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need Maddie

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