Discuss secretive things

Discuss secretive things

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I'm suicidally depressed and everyone who knows it doesn't really care.

Stfu faggot lol

I'm secretly a liberal. Was hardcore republican. Conservatism was so toxic it turned me 360

Larp about being abused by older brother
Larp about fingering little sister,
Larp about showering with a 9yr old
Larp about daughter
Larp about girlfriends daughter


I diddled a murdered white castle in the back of the burger king's car in '68!

I have faked almost every emotion my entire life just to survive. The scary thing is that no one in my life family or friends can tell. I’m cautious about seeing neurologist/psychiatrist because of the possibility that my condition will be too severe for them to allow me to live independently


Yes that’s what I meant I’m an idiot

Stumbled across a subreddit for my fetish wile browsing porn subreddits, and created an alt account to participate; best thing I've done in a while.
>inb4 go back

Shook my baby in a pure fucking rage in the first couple weeks he was home.

Lil man seems fine but if he grows up with some fucking learning disability i'll know i failed the game at fucking level 0

Same, the only thing I feel is anxiety at times and very, very momentary happiness (which is closer to feeling content rather than happy)

Turned 360 from a conservative to a liberal.

I think with a brilliant statement like that, you were always a liberal...

It's fucking Sup Forums, can you really expect people not to be brainlets here?

I hated this guy, so I shit in his bed while he was gone.

Obvious troll was obvious. You fell for it

Flirting with a co worker. She's married and she knows I live with my gf. Sexual tension is there. we both want it.

Fucked my 8 yr old neighbor over her summer break

Stfu with your dumbass pedo larp

the only women im interested in at work are taken in some way yet i still flirt like crazy, idk why it's so tempting

I once "rescued" my friend's gf from a party. She was drinking and mumbled something to me about maybe some dude put something in her drink. She quickly became unintelligible and could barely walk so I pretty much carried her outside to the garage away from the house and noise and lights. I laid her out on a couch and the way her low rise jeans were just barely hanging off her hips and exposing her skimpy panties was too much for the perv in me. I started out just wanting to get a look at her body and undressing her but it escalated into touching her too. She was completely passed out at this point and didn't react at all no matter what I did. I went through her purse and found a condom and that decided it for me. I fucked her and it was amazingly hot despite her practically being a warm corpse the whole time. I just left her there spread open and mostly stripped after I finished. I heard from mutual friends that she woke up the next morning convinced that the guy that drugged her carried her out there and raped her. Lots of drama but she is too mortified to tell her bf or the police.

Hmmmm...who think was him..!?!

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Zootopia is my favorite movie.

Thats hot.

I am secretly a Hebephiliac/Ephebophilia, I've been fapping too young teen models for years

I say I want a chill life but I really want money and power and to fuck da hot bitches

I know I should feel bad about every part of what I did but I am diamonds every time I think about it. Especially when I am around her.

Had sex with my long-time friend. She’s married and drinks too much. I was just going to slam it out and walk away but it was so good that I hit it seven times in 2 days. I haven’t fucked like that in years. Made my dick nearly raw. Since then I’ve been a complete retard, going out of my way for her and even ditched my regular fuck friend (slam pig, maybe???).
Her husband is pretty much a cuck, but he’s pretty abusive to her verbally and shit but he won’t divorce her because he’s catholic and they have a kid together. He called the cops on her, and of course I showed up, like a retard. The cops railroaded her and charged her with an assault on a police officer (which is total bullshit because she’s a total pussy - her 7 year old knocked her on her ass with ease.)
Now she’s trying to quit drinking, but I know she’s out drunk somewhere fucking some loser. I’ve known her for years; it’s kind of her thing.
So I don’t even know what the fuck i’m Trying to do. I wish I could say it was just the pussy - it’s good pussy. Clean, shaven, tight.
This chick is a total fucking mess, she is into all this retarded religious shit too. I’ve stuck my dick in crazy. I can’t seem to get enough.

That’s my secret. It’s lame. We’re both adults.

i brought down omegle today with a lil help from my fellow hackers

Paid my cousin £6500 for one night of sex, shes married two kids. Both in our 30s shes older


I have nudes of my cousin. We somehow were the only english speaking on a family trip, where shes from UK and im from canada but we were in asia.

We got close because english, and got flirty and found we had a lot in common. This evolved to talking about sexual preferences and both our high sex drives/libidos.

At the time, she was unhappily a virgin with a weab pussy boyfriend and i was newly single and very frustrated.

That vacation, i was her first ever handjob and i was the first to ever put my dick (just the tip) in her.

During and after the trip, lots of nudes were sent (both underage at the time so none of that) for about five months.

We hit each other up every couple months and catch up, rate each others conquests (shes seen my sex vids/ ive seen her blowjobs), nudes, then part ways.

ive not talked to her in almost 7 months, but shes legal now so here are some from this year.

Attached: IMG-20170429-WA0005.jpg (1280x960, 113K)

and another

Attached: IMG-20170506-WA0002.jpg (1600x1198, 110K)

and the nude

Attached: Snapchat-716471417.jpg (1242x2208, 93K)

I just fucked my ex who is dating a friend/roommate for 3 weeks. I want to make them both feel like shit and need suggestions

I pretend I'm a hardcore religious republican so I don't lose one of my friends. In reality I'm the exact opposite.

I kissed and licked my best friend’s feet while she was drunk, we haven’t spoken about it since, but I miss the smell and taste of her beautiful feet.

I've been getting fucked by an older black guy with a huge dickfrom grindr behind my gfs back, she has no idea and I love it

Child rearing is one of the few things that works backwards in level. That's your reward for starting on level 100, it gets easier.

Still, you're a fucking failure. I hope for its sake it doesn't have those issues, but you should consider having your sexual organs sliced off/out slowly so you never reproduce again.

my wife is abusiv

Attached: hhh.png (412x356, 297K)

You sick bastard, you

Tell a therapist

Wow. That pretty much sums up everyday of this girl holding a WE ALL HAVE SECRETS thread.


i cummed in the gloves of my crush

what is this, reddit?

I'm planning on fucking my best friend's slutty sister. This girl literally had a drunken gangbang with her other sister, she's down to party. I just could really use the ass, consequences be damned

Gonna change my phone lock screen to nudes of my ex to show her off to whoever decides to glance

Stay mad faggot nothing. Wahh wahh wahh


what's your fetish?

Ive stole pics of at least 5 people I know
had one recognized 3 times, another once.
mainly average/fatties

My cousin is a cokehead and I'm concerned about him. So I stole his baggie of coke and replaced it with a baggie of sweet powder I had scraped off a powdered donut.

Dumbass forgot the white chapel killer

toppest kek

>Be in HS.
>Meet an amazing girl, but she's not allowed to date till she graduates college.
"She's in shape but not overly thin, confident, bubbly, and kind.
>We are super compatible, and even though she's beautiful, nothing ever happens.
> She's not the hottest woman ever, but she's the only one for me.
>She moves to another HS.
>Years pass and we both graduate college.
>During college, I often think of her and use her as a litmus test of what I want in a woman.
>Rarely drink (I hate the taste of beer) and don’t go to many parties/date as a result.
>We later reconnect and get married shortly after grad.
>She's great, entrepreneurial and self-motivated.
>Our feelings are intense. Sex is great.
>"I thought marriage sucked?"
>I start asking her questions and digging one day that we were both bored.
>Find out that she had slept with two men before me during her college years.
>Part of me finds it arousing, and part of me is livid.
>I was a college virgin.
>It is poisoning me on the inside to know this information.
>I am mentally ruining our marriage.

I hide in my roommate's closet sometimes when he's making out with his girlfriend. He squeezes her boobs and sometimes he dry humps till completion, and I'm watching the whole time. I was thinking of secretly recording it, for blackmail purposes.

Oh, belly buttons. Yeah, I'm one of THOSE weird fucks. Hit it off with a poster that has hers pierced, which I find super fucking sexy, so that's a plus.
Pic related, not the reddit poster, but pornstar Haley Reed (since she also has hers done)

Attached: Haley Reed1.png (900x1200, 1.01M)

>Date for a while.
>She's a marketing major, I am an engineering major.
>Life is good at uni.
>I get an internship opp with a certain big petroleum firm.
>We have a fight associated with me leaving.
>Break up.
> I leave for Oklahoma for training, shortly after I will be on a rig for 2 months.
>I am still upset at the fight, find a girl in a Tulsa bar and go home with her. Pretty decent sex.
>Cue 3 months after.
>My now ex's family and mine are now close because of our relationship and they do a BBQ.
>We see each other there, she's still beautiful, and we reconcile shortly afterwards.
> Start seeing each other again.
>One day her and I are talking, big mistake.
>I find out that she was urged by friends to open up a Tinder a week after we broke up.
> She only met up with a 32 year old tall (6'4) white investment banker.
>I'm only 5'8, welp.
>I snoop and saw screenshots of the convo.
>Conversation started flirty from him, and dude comes off as a hotshot.
>Quickly gets sexual by asking her, "When was the last time that tight sexy body of yours got pleasured>"
>GF answers.
>More smooth talk from him saying that she was young and independent, and deserved to be pleasured.
>Gf stated that she was not that kind of girl, and that she was a relationship girl.
>They met up and he apparently got her in bed on the second date.
>She claims that the sex was different, but that it meant nothing.
>I check her texts one day, and apparently he's 7 inches and she texted him, "go easier on me next time ;)".
>it was a purely sexual relationship.
>lasted until a day after she saw me, allegedly.
>damn the white man.

The girl I've had feelings for for 8 years was not allowed to date till she graduated college.

Haven't seen her in years, and she graduated a month ago. I worry/fantasize about whether someone has had her yet/

I am bad with women. Furthermore, the urge to get off with guys comes and goes during different points of my life. I don't think about kissing them, just literally getting off.

The closest I have come to going for it is meeting up with a guy on Grindr. I knocked on his door, got spooked, and left.

To cope, I catfish guys on apps by using the images of women that I feel have been unkind to me. I wouldn't dare do so with women I respect. I sometimes hate who I choose to be.

My cousin's girlfriend works in Hollywood in make-up. She got me into this barbecue at Sam Worthington's house. I wanted to kick him in the nards for single-handedly ruining the Terminator franchise and because my EX-girlfriend thought he was hot (hence the "ex)

But then I met him and I didn't want to cause a scene. He's really nice in person and it looked like I could kick his ass so badly that I'd come off looking like a bully. So I just shoot his hand, shot the breeze for a little, and then spit in the potato salad when no one was looking.

An ex of mine was forced to shower with her 2 male cousins as a kid. The details are kinda sketchy, she wouldn't mention it often and would usually clam up when she did, only mentioned when drunk. I wanna say she was around 12-13 and they were like 11-12, I know she was older than them but not by much. It seems like her family just wanted a creative way to torment her at the time, they're kinda fucked up. She said some stuff that implied it had a sexual turn to it and that was probably the point. Still messes with her to this day

dude wtf... you NEED to get over this. like... FOR FUCKING REAL! If she's as great as you say in your green text, then OF COURSE she was sexually active in college. Who (besides you) wasn't sexually active in college. Thats animal fucking nature man. Just cuz your a useless virgin ass hat who never got any doens't mean the rest of the world is. You should feel lucky to have her!

I came

I want to diddle the Burger King

fuck him man, and who the fuck cares. Girls defiantly want more than sex bro... They need stability. Give her that and she'll blow you until you die.

You'll only out yourself as a raging beta cuck faggot. That isnt worth a reciprocating action. They would just laugh and let you show everyone what a creep you are. Have fun dropping out of school.

Now recording for personal purposes? No harm no foul.

yeah, this is probably the high point of your life. When she starts fucking other guys again you're going to wish you were dead

Ah, but I didn't mention that his family is Catholic. And loaded.

You are a retard.

About two years ago I was out hunting deer with three friends of mine. We came across this beautiful fawn lying in the grass. And when I say beautiful, I mean it. She was so elegant, and soft-eyed, and inviting. She wasn't afraid at all, that was the thing. She let us go up and pet her, and her fur was so soft. We cuddled her and made baby talk. Then one of us, jokingly, said we could have some fun with her. We were a bit drunk (very stupid to do while hunting, I know), and it seemed like an idea at the time. So we all took turns, you know, with her, and then went back to camp, no deer killed. Went home the next day and haven't talked about it since.

You think? Cause I figure I can blackmail him to both his family, who wouldn't approve of this premarital activity, as well as to the rest of his track team, who would laugh at him for dry humping instead of intercourse.

youre living the life user. at first i thought this was a larp, but the snapchat and lack of porneque ending makes me say good job instead

It's because you want attention, that's why they don't care. If you didn't want the attention, you'd have offed yourself by now


>I put my pee pee in a girls pee pee
>My pee pee felt good

I got to first and a half base with a woman by telling her that I'm Daniel Stern's son.

Can you afford a lawyer when they sue you for extortion? If their family is loaded, then they'll definitely sue you. Do you hate him?

you forgot one
Larp about whitechapel murders

I wonder how many people go to prison falling for this FBI glow nigger shit ?

reddit is one of the best places to get OC porn, and half these retards will never know the joys of that place.

It's not as bad as they think, and most newfags have no idea why Sup Forums even hates reddit in the first place. They're just parroting hostility they picked up from oldfags, who got it from olderfags, who got it from someone else, etc. They think hating reddit disguises the fact that they're new, and know what they're talking about.

No, he's actually my best friend at school. But money is money and I have an opportunity. I probably won't go through with it, but if he tries to sue, he's shooting himself in the foot.

If the FBI tried to get people in trouble with this, they'd get sued for defamation a dozen times.

Plus, only a fool...

What’re you, like 8?

Reddit the platform is fucking amazing
Reddit's userbase is what ruins it for the fags among us. The normie side is too insufferable for them to deal with, but the porn side is fucking incredible. Being able to hit it off in the PMs w/ girls who willingly post wins is a luxury Sup Forums will never match up to

Well, my iq dropped by about five points from reading this

More like 20.

i thought they banned all the good porn subs

What do you call good?

No, all the best users left the site for whatever reason (being suspended, doxed, not giving enough of a shit anymore)

I am the hollywood insider/fixer/blueman who posted on Sup Forums a couple of times.

>bananas bananas

I love how all that shit got thrown on someone else's ass, I laughed my ass off that day.

I have more dirt on Los Angeles "Celebrities" than the entire internet combined.

most places ban the subs you're thinking of. You couldn't find what you're looking for on even mless.

the chills that you spill up my back keep me filled with satisfaction when we're done satisfaction of what's to come

Like what kind of stuff?

Attached: nightathemuseum.jpg (480x200, 12K)

Part of me feels like an anarchist.

my roommate lets me jerk him off even though he has a girlfriend

at least with reddit you can block specific people, and you can pick and choose which subs you want to be a part of.

I'll agree there's some real fucking faggots and retards on that site. I'm sick of seeing the same fucking posts some loser makes for some cheap karma, but even then there's more original posting than there is on Sup Forums. How many "pics you shouldn't share" threads are up right now? How many pics are the same old god damned shit?

Reddit also does a fair job at weeding out cancerous comments. I can go there and laugh without having a thread derailed by some yellow crusaders or an MLP poster or futa pics or some old ugly woman with the poster asking WWYD

I don't see a single post about some psycho obsessed with Jeanine Garofalo.

Reddit is an amazing place if you're tired of the bullshit here and need a vacation.


Ask, who do you want to know about?
If I know, I'll share, if not I'll tell you.
