

Attached: 7.jpg (1126x1154, 355K)

Having a good night?

Attached: Seven.jpg (711x989, 123K)

cute and wholesome
i'll go be in my corner now

Attached: EAuNYr1U4AAPshh.jpg (1107x1380, 112K)

Stay comfy

Attached: Konata920.jpg (480x854, 94K)

Hey guys

Attached: warspite_azur_lane_drawn_by_mimelond__sample-5754507432d0729a9bf92157c9c30932.jpg (850x1214, 113K)

i guess

Attached: 5.jpg (4500x4500, 571K)

you, too
cute girl

Attached: 74444146_p4.jpg (1000x1415, 450K)

how do you make smoked cheese

Attached: 32.jpg (929x981, 359K)

you put cheese in a smoker and smoke it

Attached: 74444146_p6.jpg (1000x1415, 443K)

Good evening, who is she?


Attached: 1533942393481.png (540x304, 79K)

Blue car*

Do you like baseball?

Attached: Konata1247.jpg (724x1023, 365K)

It's a it chilly outside, but I'm comfy.
Thanks. I like the hat.
That looks like lasterk's work.

Attached: Warspite and manjuu.png (714x1000, 525K)

Idk who he is but saucenao say yes

Attached: Konata1168.jpg (850x600, 359K)

best girl is my background

Attached: 2560x1600-5056386-konata-izumi.png (2560x1600, 284K)

Best girl, best background

Attached: Konata1010.jpg (2048x1152, 344K)

i want your whole konata file. i see you all the time and steal a few but i want the whole thing ;-;

Thats pretty cool
But i cant post all konatas
I have 1384 images and some of them are nsfw
Maybe i can upload it to drive

Attached: Konata1394.jpg (1824x1200, 741K)

gimme on discord ;-;

He's a good artist, I recommend checking out his stuff.

Attached: Warspite and Queen 2.png (747x700, 241K)

or you could upload it to a drive and gimmi

good movie
put pants on then

Attached: 173.png (684x662, 373K)

I can send it tomorrow im playing a game right now
Beeg Racoon#2931

Lewd but cute
Thank you for the recommendation

Sorry, i didnt see the lewdness, i just saw the plushie and i posted it

Attached: Konata1232.jpg (1127x1600, 374K)

>Beeg Racoon#2931
send you a request. nicotine#2536