What does Sup Forums smoke?

What does Sup Forums smoke?

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Call me a faggot but I do parley.

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Why don't you just kill yourself at this point. That'll be less painful than lung cancer


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The smooth rich taste of cock



Royals without a dobut, faggot



The duality of Sup Forums

Nothing because the Jews run the tobacco companies

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uhhh weed man

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The best high in the world

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Turkish silvers

You faggots couldn't afford it even if I told you

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OK Boomer

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>OK Boomer
Why would you smoke cheap shit?

Why would you smoke cigars at all? Status symbol much?

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>Why would you smoke cigars at all?
Because I like how tobacco tastes and smells without all of the additives.
I like hanging out in a leather armchair with a cigar with some friends.

>Status symbol
Bitch a decent cigar can cost as little as 8$

Lol why would you brag about smoking such shitty cigars?

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phillip morris

I have to agree with this guy. Hell I can grab a Bandelero for $7.21, made by the same company that makes Atabey and Byron, a great smoke.

Is dressing nicely and enjoying a good stick with friends fun? Yeah, but it doesn't make a cigar a "status symbol". Hell, the only people I know that always have a cigar in their mouths outside of a lounge or home are usually dirt poor motherfuckers just enjoying life.

Kamel reds
Camel reds filters if no kamels but I’m starting to hate them
other reds idk Newport reds are pretty decent use to smoke luckys alot

Mavericks cause Marlboros are like 9 bucks a pack here. We buy Mavericks from the Indian reservation and pay half what we would buying Marlboros from Circle Ks.

>smoking cigars
Just transition to nigger dick and stop pretending.

Same as you apparently

I quite and you all should to.
used to smoke pyramid orange like a fucking junkie till I started quitting.
partial pack of pic related still hanging out in my humidor

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Found the sexually insecure racist asshole.

>thinking price = good cigar
unless up to a point and unless you're rich or its a special occasion you're just a tool

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> humidor
> for cigarettes

Fuck off my Sup Forums

Olivas are a garbage cigar. You might as well smoke a fucking Gherka.

no. for cigars.
nothing says I can't store a partial pack of luckies in my humidor since it's alert here for my cigars. have 2 humidors actually.
>old pic of the beginning of one humidor

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>olivas are garbage
>Oliva Serie V in the top 5 highest rated cigars in 2018
yeah. buddy. garbage
seriously thought. even a flor de Oliva shits in most other $2 cigars

> thinking ratings = quality

Alright then buddy.

> shits on $2 cigars

That's not much of a brag.


then what does quality mean if ratings are a completely unrelated metric

you realize flor de olivas are the mixed fill burger cigars from oliva that retail somewhere around $2 a stick that blows
most of the competing budget cigars away

All you guys are faggots

This is the only acceptable answer

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Belmont small king

No thanks
I do drugs with real effects

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and yet you still call them faggots

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Ratings are subjective, what determines quality is:

Quality of leaf
Quality of process
Length of aging
How good the blend is
How good the roll is
How long the cigar is aged after it is rolled

After that, it's all subjective, some people like shitty $2 cigars, it doesn't make them good lol.

I smoke Turkish royals, same as OP. I switch between those and Marlboro reds, depending on what mood I'm in.

marlboro red. anything else is faggotry


okay, buddy. enjoy being a cigar snob by yourself.
you faggots are the worst
be sitting there in the cigar lounge with my bros when one of you comes in and starts critiquing our smokes...ruins he whole experience.
and your suggestion for a good cigar?
>you couldn't afford it of I told you

damn. I just ran out of troll foo-

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mah nigga, Chadwickfag here because poorfag.

luckies were my go-to, stopped a little over 3 months ago though.

Having knowledge and trying to be a snob are two different things.

At the lounge I just want to enjoy a smoke with the other members and shoot the breeze, maybe have a drink, pass a bottle around. We often share cigars with each other if we have similar tastes, but most importantly we respect each other's opinions, even if we disagree.

Sharing a stick with someone is about friendship, not who knows more about cigars. Good conversation over the leaf is always the goal in my opinion.

I usually get the dark green jawn. They burn for awhile too

good smokes but expensive.
the non-filter American spirits are a much better value. easily get 20 or more minutes out of a NF spirit if you're not junkie huffing it

>20 min
What the fuck

On the rare occasion I will smoke a cigar with a bourbon.

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Was this taken at the ICC lounge?


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Chesterfield reds

Only cocks

churchill cigars

>Olivas are a garbage cigar. You might as well smoke a fucking Gherka
>not a snob

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I smoke the old ones. The red ones taste like shit imo

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No idea what that stands for.

crack. snap crackle and pop.

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Camel Crush bro

I freebase cocaine, smoke cigarettes, and meth

the only choice for non-homos

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Malboro black menthols, they’re just so good

without a filter and if a holder is used you can go beyond 20 minutes.
properly humidifier of course. a dry spirit probably sits around 15+