

Attached: 7.jpg (1126x1154, 355K)

Are you from the UAE?

I go drink in public place now

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New thread, yay.
Judging by the picture, your nervous.

Attached: warspite_azur_lane_drawn_by_nosuku__sample-0d6269310ef6e05380cd396cc9366902.jpg (850x1202, 293K)

I am afraid of not look good or not drink good in way

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I don't really drink so I can't advise you how to do that properly. Try not to overthink things, just relax and have a good time. That's what I did once at a cousin's party when I did drink.
Don't get wasted if your concerned about looking good in front of others.

Attached: Warspite and Queen 5.jpg (566x800, 122K)

Thanks for the advice!
I didn’t think of this

I think alcohol will help relax

Attached: A1D9A9EA-3CFD-4C54-9C40-5B2D03A72CE7.jpg (477x258, 53K)

Alcohol can be sweet and not taste alcohol..

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Have fun.
Exactly, it depends what you order like the blue lagoon is fruity. It doesn't have to be just vodka by itself.

Attached: Warspite 12.jpg (900x1100, 231K)


Very easy drinkk tasty alcohol

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I want more relation now, to be vulnerable and be feel safe
Would be good

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Sounds nice, especially with someone you like.

Attached: Warspite 5.jpg (1003x1417, 445K)

This place has games everywhere!

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I am over now

I drink a lot, 6 drink
But I was drink friend drink but they want leave before I can finish..


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You had fun though right?

Attached: Queen and Warspite.jpg (1500x969, 368K)


You aren’t helping my headache. At least try to talk. Makes lurking easier.

I live, show was great. Hope you are all having a great Sunday night/Sunday morning

Attached: 70537791_p0.jpg (1120x1120, 82K)

Sorry I didn't know I was here to help you

that's mean

You are not posting with your image type, and you do not seem to remember me. Either something is wrong, or you are someone else. Either way, the eternal headache has been ravaging my mind for multiple months now. You didn’t cause it. It’s a mystery.

Attached: B4B3F8A1-1EF5-4AE6-8336-DDCA723916C8.jpg (350x230, 13K)

who do you think i am

I am responding to a literal dot. I don’t know what is considered mean to dots. I don’t question the emotional well-being of zero-dimensional entities often. Closest I’ve gotten was in a dream once, and that hardly counts.

I don’t know anymore.

You must have been attempting to talk to someone. Who do you think it was

Hmmm...Soo...he was behind that..!?

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Pink, what do I win?

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A hug

Attached: Riamu227.jpg (1400x991, 140K)

I'm doing good. I decided to give Fate/Go another try, glad I did, I just got Ishtar.

Attached: Warspite 13.jpg (1102x1000, 162K)

Correct hue. Incorrect saturation. Returning to lurking.

I hope you are enjoying yourself. I'll probably do the same

Attached: Riamu228.png (827x1170, 1M)

I try to, no matter how things change.

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Interesting person. I wonder if I've spoken to you before

Attached: Riamu226.png (992x1403, 311K)

I accept friend.
Luckchads get the cross.
Seriously congrats though she is a top their archer. Are you enjoying the game so far?
I'm not here to bully you. Please enjoy yourself.

Attached: 74927199_p4.jpg (1200x900, 334K)

Yay, hugs are nice

Attached: Riamu31.jpg (848x1200, 154K)

Make hug not fug

Attached: 70644675_p0.jpg (1100x1000, 65K)

Them Dubs.
I'm having fun with again. It's nice not have to rely on Alexander and Siegfried. Now it's an Ishtar and Medb combo.
Hello pink friend.

Attached: Warspite.(Azur.Lane).full.2228048.jpg (566x782, 220K)

I want more drink
I like drink now

There was a lot of people in the place
I want play house of the dead 2 but persons were playing it a lot


Attached: 1E6C661A-CAC4-4F73-A752-EFAAA63F5BBB.jpg (1021x1199, 583K)

Medb is definitely an underated servant. I'm glad to hear you are enjoying it again. Here is my friend code if you have room: 736,655,759
Together we can make sweet buster memes

Attached: 15b32d54c95fb5330f8d94b8aaf7a023.jpg (1200x1028, 282K)

Hello :) I hope you're well Warspite fren
Hello! Bunbun gave me a picture to give to you

Attached: Riamu13.jpg (687x1200, 677K)

A picturr? Of a draw?
Sorry about yesterday! I sleep again right after picture, very weak will!!!

Attached: A6B52A21-4D00-41E0-A333-FABC203058CA.jpg (600x600, 114K)

You're fine don't worry about it friend. Not a drawing, bun just wanted me to give this to you since you might like it and seems to have lots of manga pictures only.

Attached: IMG_20191117_122853.jpg (1806x2048, 738K)

Good to hear, try not to drink too much. I remember House of the Dead. I use to play that at Dave and Busters.
Medb might be a haughty, arrogant bitch, but I still like her. I'll add you, I'm a low level though.
I'm good, played COD with some friends earlier. How are you?

Attached: Warspite.(Azur.Lane).full.2231840.jpg (1500x1370, 1.38M)

Cute picture! Thank you!!!
I have a little bit of picture that is not manga! But I hope that is not annoying
Some are cute!

Attached: 4968BBC5-CDF6-4C6B-9B73-19C1095448AA.png (1000x1104, 310K)

Yes!! House of the dead is scary as kid but now it’s silly and very arcade shooter!

Attached: C271C78B-6014-4D2B-B77C-2861086A7AFD.jpg (868x1224, 202K)

discord..gg/eGbMS4R delete extra dot, Sup Forums based server, nudes, lolis and fagotry in one place.

That sounds like fun, I'm good thanks just resting around
I'll tell bun you like it! It's not annoying don't worry, all you pictures are cute :)

Attached: Riamu217.jpg (850x1348, 324K)

I hope night is more lazy night again!
I am wanting more cozy feeling
I say before, But cozy warm, leaning against partner would be more cozy and good feeling

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That anime needs her butt sniffed ASAP!


Attached: schrodinger-from-hellsing.jpg (1920x1200, 209K)

I would greet really but I am sleep and wake a lot right now? I think I can’t talk many time before I sleep for night

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discord gg/TPVYpX

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Get some sleep i just woke up

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Godnight friend!

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I joined vhere ru?

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That picmreminds me of my cat


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it's okay, you don't have to

Where's OP? Haven't spoke to him in ages

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