ITT: Poorly describe vidya; anons guess

ITT: Poorly describe vidya; anons guess

>Collect bones.
>Become a ninja, wizard, athlete.

Attached: 1200px-NES-Console-Set.jpg (1200x652, 68K)

mindcraft or forknigh

Poopy peepee die then poooooooooooooop LOOOOOOOOL

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Nightmare on elm street dream warriors.

Easy. Next

A Nightmare on Elm Street



That sounds like...

Ah, beat me to it.

>Pay Money
>Wow, graphics look good
>Press button of your choice
>Watch movie
>Press button of your choice
>Watch movie

> be ninja
> use funny twirly sword
> radical hair

This is probably too easy but... oh well.

pi pi pi we have an intruder

Death Stranding

Yes. Huehuehuehue

>Bigass head to smash with.


>be young male cop
>going to work
>shit goes down
>meet grill
>get separated
>meet spy grill
>she hacks shit
>big dude chases you
>meet first grill
>UwU shit game



That's a really good guess actually but not what I was thinking of.

Didn't even think of strider hah.

New re

Getsu Fuma


>fight werewolves, zombies and beasts
>meet big boss
>kill him, the end??
>shit turns upside down
>but who was boss??

Another good guess but no

> was arcade but ported to NES

>Be snobby tourist
>Drink snobby tea
>Place tea comes from blows up
>Turns out its a clown

Ghosts and Goblins?

> Or ghouls and ghosts or whatever?

another hint
>the character you control has long white hair

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What is a man!?


> wear robot gloves
> shoot aliens

I was thinking that but I couldn't remember the subtitle. Nice job.

>Slut party gets ruined by ninja murderers.

>2 funky aliens rebuild their spaceship.

Toejam and Earl?

>Has phone numbers to call people like this cunt chick with black hair who clings onto your shit for multiple games


>Living in a virtual world.
>Helmet give you different powers.
>Holy shit so many levels.

Same guy.
Kid chameleon?

Also its funny cuz I never played either of them. Had sega channel and everything lol. Just know vaguely of them.

many final fantasies

Kid Chameolon was an awesome game but super fucking hard without using a guide or anything like that.


>Haunt a house.
>Get power from green slime.
>90s goofy vibe.

Haunting starring Polterguy. That game actually freaked me out as a kid and I sucked at it lol.

I played a crapload of boogerman on sega channel But at that time the only RPG I had ever played was like Phantasy Star 2 and I didnt understand it I was a retarded kid lol.

>be edgy guy
>work for fex ex or ups
>make lots of friends
>adopt a kid
>manage balance

FUUUUCK YOU!!... Correct!

>Be a cat.
>Have a spring punch gun.
>Levels are TV channels.

I want to say Rockin Kats I feel like I could be wrong that time but I feel like that is right.

Almost sounds like Skyrim lol

Naw dawg I would have said "yell loud with a cooldown "


>cut down trees
>Not fucking Minecraft
>Dig straight down
>Eventually kill alien man with no legs

Oh it's Rockin Kats... You win!

Said this one before in a previous thread a few months back
>Man literally too angry to die goes to hell to avenge pet rabbit

>throw bomb
>level entire city block
>minigun hooker bodies
>snipe hover car
>it falls down and explodes
>love this game

>Drive really fast
>Hit weird electric walls
Probably too easy this one

I would say GTA V online but you can't destroy buildings lmao


>Yell at people
>Yell at lizards
>BE lizard
>Get yelled at by lizards

Ding ding correct

>crazy planet
>Crazy guns
>Crazy people
>Crazy one eyed tentacle monster
>Good job you did it do it again

>Explore spooky house, an evil residence even
>Look for missing person
>Perhaps defeat/suck off some evil on your way

Broken Sword

Resident evil 4?

Nah, close


I used to furiously beat my meat to the little animation of the wife's dress falling down to show that fat ass in black panties.

Pre-internet days were a shitty time.


I dont even remember that... lol.. Find me a screenshot.

not ummmmm, The Lion King?

Not even close my guy

Part of me is glad I didn't start jerking it until after the internet was a thing. Sure dealing with the dial up sounds in the middle of the night was sketchy and waiting for images to load sucked but it was better than underwear models in a catalog.

well you yell at lizards a lot in that and I haven't played it in 20 years

nigger find it yourself

> 2D
> aim with mouse
> hard as fuck
> creepy as fuck

ok boomer.

Yes lol

what is Clocktower?



I played that game on PS1 that shit was impossible


>Characters name is Joshua.





>Dad dies
>Burn forest
>Kill mother
>Revive dad

Soo...he was behind that..!?

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>get airdropped in jungle
>fight russian cowboy
>some guy shoots darts at you
>old guy with gun croaks in middle of fight
>climb ladder
>fight spaceman with flamethrower
>get captured and tortured by electric man
>escape and jump off a cliff
>fight dead guy
>blow up tank with electrical man in it
>blow some bitches brains out
>cry about it
>become bad guy


Just Cause

You are dueling an opponent with the same weapon. Neither die but one must win. Simplicity is key

Mgs3 I know it by heart


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I haven't actually played it
Zoomer here

A miserable little pile of secrets!

Hell yeah

Close but no

All FPS titles since 2013

Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past

>no legs
stay tuned.