Holy fucking shit guys I need you’re help please

Holy fucking shit guys I need you’re help please
Short story but I just started dating this girl a couple months ago and I had her and some other friends over the other night. One of the friends is sexually confused and stayed later than everyone else. At the end I was lying down on a bean bag and it was just me and her and she came and curled up next to me and sorta lied on top of me. Then she started grabbing my hand and putting on her chest and holding it down. Obviously I’d feel terrible if I cheated on my girlfriend so I was pulling my hand away, but she would keep grabbing it back. I’m so fucking ashamed but I kinda felt it up and then kept pulling back. After a little bit I just told her she should probably order an Uber and she left. Seriously I feel so fucking bad, am I a shitty person for this? I can’t get it out of my head I feel like total shit please help me yall

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She instigated, you retracted and she pulled you back in. You felt up her tits sure but you also stopped it from going further (I assume). I'd say you're in the clear but I would be honest to your gf about that evening. Explain what happened and that you feel guilty even though you neither instigated it, or wanted it. Realize your gf will be jealous of this chick (warranted obviously)

Jesus Christ u fuckin softie, DONT tell ur gf shit, it will only cause problems, ur in the clear bro, u did the right thing

she forced you to touch her. shes the one at fault. imagine if this was a guy grabbing a girls hand and shoving it on his dick

Telling his gf confirms his side of the story before random chick decides he raped her because she wasn't fullfilled and goes around telling everyone

I really don’t want to tell her cause I feel like it’ll only cause more problems and hurt her, should I really?

Yeah that’s true, thank you for the response

don't go with this guy's advice, this is how shit builds up
be honest with her and just tell whatever the fuck happened and how you truly felt. If she gets mad and starts throwing tantrums then she a dumbass anyway who doesn't understand you. good luck fren.

She’s not really like that, also her and my gf are kinda acquaintances so she probably wouldn’t say just to avoid conflict and she probably wouldn’t want people to know either

If your girl is the type of girl who you don't want to tell the honest truth to, maybe she ain't the one. I'm not trying to be mean, I'm just being real.

Tell her what happened and be honest.

jesus christ what a weak ass gigantic fag you are, grow some fucking balls and MAN UP

Damn what should I do then

either kill yourself or forget about it, nothing else

This girl is confused on more than one level. Tell your girlfriend, this freind is not a good freind to her if shes pulls this shit. There's a high probability she could pull the rape card and attempt to steal your girl. Nothing brings two people together faster than a common enemy. The enemy of my enemy is my freind.

You were loyal to your gf and didn't give into seduction by a thot. You did good. Pat yourself on the back.

>The enemy of my enemy is my freind.
Wrong. The enemy of my enemy is my frenemy.

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Thank you for the comfort man it actually really helps

Normally I'd call you a retard for worrying about some whore, but this seems genuine enough


hehe... "cum fart"

Whatever you want to call it, can't count how many times girls/women fought viciously over some dude only to become besties after.

Haha good one

I think you did well, OP

whatever you do don't fukkin tell your gf about this. women will hold this over your head until the day you die because they can't control their own emotions

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there are hot singles in your area

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Kill yourself faggot

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Just tell your girlfriend her freak of a friend tried to get you to tussle her titties. You control the narrative. That is the secret to most fucked up situations in life. Take vietnam. The counterculture was aggressive and controlled the narrative, so nobody else has a fucking clue what really happened unless they actually make an effort to learn. Control the narrative. Secret to life, my man.

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