this 12 year old girl makes a music video with guy around his 30s

> this 12 year old girl makes a music video with guy around his 30s
> so much controversy because it's a romantic video
> she has to delete all pictures with them together (pic related) and the music video
> ends up making some gay ass vid with a little faggot

Why can't society just let young girls have fun with older men? Any Brazilian fags know if they we're in a relationship or anything?

Attached: 12yoMel.jpg (1439x1752, 1.37M)

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Likely so. Bitches don't hang off friends like that. Unless they some cruel roastie

where's the video.
i must see for research purposes

This is her and the little faggot she most likely was forced to do a vid with.

Also yes she is 12.

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Young enough to be my daughter but looks enough to call mami

whats her name

Like I give a shit about your two-bit third world shithole outside of rekt threads.

Same can be said about yours, you're working your 9 to 5 to buy shit you don't need, to impress people you don't like, with money you don't have, all just to wind up forgotten.

She seems to much prefer being with older men anyway.

Usually I'd never recommend a 12 year old to hang out with older guys but little fags around her age don't suit her. She's beyond her own age.

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I'm actually really disappointed her most recent music video with that guy got so much controversy. I thought in Brazil they don't give a shit about that stuff.

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Look at that face when she's with these dudes compared with

She looks 12.

All we need is the name

Mc Melody

How did u find her out?

R u a Brazilian too? Or r U just a pedo too?

Or are u both

Yes. Yes they are.

Her boobs I would shoot on

Google > 12 year old brazilian singer > profit

I wouldn't mind watching the two of them fuck. That'd be pretty hot tbh.

Not poster you "you'd" but yes. Am pedo. Would nut in her and give her little Brazilian babies.

video in question

thats not worth anyones time

Any Brazilian here can translate?

What does this music video actually mean

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There was a behind the scenes video if her literally shaking and twerking right in front of him. Only lasted a few hours on Instagram until it was deleted.

Man why can't people just chill she's obviously been with older guys countless times.. fuck moralfags

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It sucks she deleted that and all the pics and vids she had with this guy.

She seemed to be having lots of fun

Becuase shes 12 you dickhead.

She is one fine 12 year old girl. She shouldn't be hanging with little faggots around her age tho. She obviously prefers being with older dudes anyway

Attached: 12yogirl.jpg (1413x1743, 1.34M)

>Why can't society just let young girls have fun with older men?

because women get assblasted when a guy attracts the youngest girls

As long as the guys are under 18.

How Long she needs to get her shoes on?

Literally all these guys she's with at 18+. Next comment?

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How the fuck is this twelve?! This 'female empowerment' shit is really getting out of hand, I bet 90% of the people in this thread get turned on by her. She looks like she's 15 AT THE VERY LEAST.

Then its wrong.

I'm actually interested and bumping for this

Why is it wrong

Oh go back to l3ddit u fucking autistic sjw moralfag cuck

Child and adult. Shes a kid.

Kill yourself faggot

Eh it's not like they're having sex or anything. Or atleast I don't think they are.

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Go get triggered elsewhere moralfag

Grooming is wrong.

Let me in on something. By 11 I was jacking off. By 12 I was already flirting with teachers (they knew what I was doing) and fantasizing about fucking MJH/Sabrina. By 13 I got my first hand job/gave my first fingerblast. By 14 I got my wish of being fucked by/head from a nasty neighborhood chick in her 20s.

>Let me let you in*

Sexual abuse explains alot.

How is that in any way grooming? They’re literally just making music videos together (except the last guy who I think she actually did do shit with)

You answered your own question.

12 year old girls are great in bed. Can u fuck off out of Sup Forums fucking sjw moralfag

And you belong in jail.

having sexual attraction for girls around 12 years and older is perfectly normal because this is when their body is biologically ready and they have sexual features that men look for.

The only reason why people disagree with it is because society and feminists made it 'wrong and immoral' and many of you mindless sheep follow along the bandwagon, seriously just look at the fucking media.... Most of those who disagree are ugly fat older women and white knights. Also fags that disagree love to yell insults, threats and the word 'pedo' like a bunch of mindless seagulls but never any factual arguments.

Prove me wrong.
Pro-tip: you can't

You need mental help.

Youve actually never fucked a 12 year old girl in your life. Get off the computer fag, you’re too used to seeing pictures of 12 year olds who appear to be mature, go out and talk to a 12 year old. They are actually retarded. Maybe it would be a good fit for you though, being retarded yourself

Uh no. That is when their bodies start to develop their sexual features. Go knock up a 12 year old and see how fucking retarded the kid comes out if they even make it out without killing said 12 year old mother. Don’t talk about biology when you know nothing about it

> literally supporting what user just said

Some 12 year old teens are more mature than 20 year old girls

>not even a little

12 year olds aren't teens.


The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

We live in the tiniest sliver of human history where it's illegal to fuck 12yos. Unless you're rich.

Pics or it didn't happen

Nah its still illegal for them too.

12 year old girls are amazing

And you should be shot you pedo fuck.

Leave these kids alone

Look at all the pedos. Sup Forums really is just a cesspool these days

You're pretty fucked up. God. You need help.

These days? You should have seen those day. Those glorious days.

Or. She's an aspiring artist that wants to create a sense of allure and sexiness for marketing. Perhaps she's getting Weinstein'd. Who knows for sure?

Agreed though, it's been one for some time

I'm gonna translate that shit for you guys

All of you, Fucking Pedos, Sons of Kinsey : you won't win ! Humanity is stronger than U.