WWYD if she was your leader? 10 wwyd's and I will post her bikini pics, yeah

WWYD if she was your leader? 10 wwyd's and I will post her bikini pics, yeah

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I would take her into the boys cabin/tent late at night and we’d all pile on, fucking every hole we could at once

What is this, a mix of west jet and boy scouts

she's enjoying your comments and I'm enjoying those braids

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ask her to explain the difference between stoats and weasels

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I'd support her in that heavy responsibility to the best of my abilities. And then hold hands with her.

Looks like ZHP, basically Polish scouts

get her to help me with ironing, I really need to learn I'm getting to old

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Stage a mutiny, take command.. take turns to take her. what else ofc.

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ask her where the power outlet is so i can plug in my computer

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*mouth breathing intensifies*

careful with your suggestions coz she's a tough one

Attached: Viola.webm (640x1136, 899K)

Give bikini

Find out all about knots, so i can get better at them

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bikini time, mother fucker.

I'd give myself a shallow (but bleeding) stab into inner thigh with a sharp stick and ask her for help with dressing the wound. In private, of course. She looks like things would go smoothly from there on.

He said 10, we're at 8

i like this guy

nearly there..

Attached: 11 Viola.jpg (2122x1592, 794K)

The tough ones are always the most fun to break.
I’d strap her down and let vibrators do their jobs for a few hours before finally giving her a bit of sweet release, only to stick my cock inside. She’ll be so broken by the end

task her with helping me figure out how to fix the BSA, since the BSP seems to be fine and dandy

Get her to go rock climbing with me, Know one wants go rock climbing with me :(

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Woo we’re at 10

Deflower her bareback and threaten her with cumming inside

Oh she really looks like she sucked so many boyscout dicks. I want to be her Endgegner and simple use her body

I would hunt worms 4 her, make a rope from the worms, and then bet on tying her up or just hang myself for even trying.

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So nothing special. I like it

the most fun anyone ever had while passing a water bottle

OP, were over 10 where is the promised bikini pics?

Also, dem thighs. Hnnnnnnng

id fap in my bed at camp (were all sleeping in private tents) under the sheets when shes checking if everyone is sleeping
then when she gets to my tent ill continue fapping secretly so she could possibly see im fapping but cant be sure
when she is staring i say im cold and ask if she has an extra blanket for me
she gets and extra blanket, and when she returns i act like im sleeping with sheets all messed up so she can see my underpants
she then gets in the tent to cover me again but i wake up from my fake sleep and grab her titties
meanwhile she was getting a bit horny already from seeing me fap earlier, closes the tent, and cuddles next to me while saying "be quiet"
she then removes her clothes and lets me grab her naked boobs and asks me to feel her pussy
she grabs my penis as well and kisses me
i cum all over her hand and get sleepy, she lets me sleep on her boobs
next morning wake up and crawl under the sheets and lick her pussy

My cock is raging OP

beret off

Attached: 12 Viola.jpg (2353x1765, 1.77M)

fuck me you're a mean tease lol. go on.

uniform off

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finally. Some proper fap material

Any more OP?

in the sun

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did I mention she's a babysitter too?

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tell her a good scout leader serves, so I'd get her to serve me a sandwich like a good girl

She can babysit for me any day. Everyone knows the babysitter is always fucking the dad

watch less porn

This is taking too long, I'm getting off with the baby

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I would if I could user... would if I could

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Is there any more OP?
Looking to nut sometime soon but want some more bikini pics

The kid knows what he's doing

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here, cum buckets

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Ah, what appears before me?!
Is that a tit I do lay mine eyes upon.
Such grace, such beauty,
I must unsheathe my holy scepter and destroy!
My grand and genuine thanks to thee

yes but more in uniform than out of it

Whatever you have that’s sexy I’ll take it

maybe they should be banned from wearing uniforms?

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Never, uniforms with short skirts like that are the best. Any that show off her legs in uniform?

Krzyż jako piercing na sutku, sznur drużynowej uwiązany a'la bondage?

Używasz jej jak fińskiej dziwki?

'bang, she shot me one time'

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Moar op!

bonus of the girl on the left of this pic

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I’d be down for any pics of the three of them

bitch is a scout and still glues those fucking disgusting fake nails on her fingers... she takes none of this seriously.

OP, do you have kik or Wickr? I’d love to chat and share more of her

rear view

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Well god damn I got a baby she can sit on.its not really a baby it's my erect penis but you know what I'm inferring

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there must be more, interesting pictures to share

the skirt's not very flattering here, shame

bonus scout

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Good posture across the board, not great but good, I'm happy to see youths not slumping


perks of the job

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she'll get pretty serious after she's doxxed

where are all the non white people, you bigot ;)

I bet. Any more you’re willing to share. I want to see a lot more. Or even chat somewhere else if you don’t want to post on here

you mean...

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...like these?

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Oh fuck, exactly like those

>WWYD if she was your leader?
Well I’d follow orders faggot. Wouldn’t you?

Omg yes

110/10 would vote legate

'be happy...'

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'...and smile'

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Are your ancestors smiling down on you user?

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the thread started off really well but now it's getting seriously pedo in here

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Eh who cares,
OP post more!

when you start something that you just can't stop

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the alphabet boys usually

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scouting keeps them off the streets

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leaders wear whistles

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focus on the prize

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that's a kid ffs, no saving throws allowed

that's more like it

This is very boner inducing

any more?

I got this one?

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signing out

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No keep posting! She’s hot af