I used to get upset everytime I saw a beautiful white girl with a black guy but now I've accepted it

I used to get upset everytime I saw a beautiful white girl with a black guy but now I've accepted it.
They're taller,stronger,more attractive and more charismatic than us white boys, and that's just a fact.
Now that that's settled i think the most advantageous thing we can do as whites is steal their most high quality men to breed our wives and daughters.
They'll think they're cucking us but in reality we'll be absorbing their biggest and strongest into our race.

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Think about it logically for a second. We could actually win the race war.

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Shut up, nigger

i think there might actually be some truth to this, at least in america.
you guys are the biological mutts of the world. a big mix of everything from so many parts of the world.
it makes sense that black people might be stronger and taller on average when the proportions are evened out.

im 6'5 and from europe, my family hasn't fucked anyone outside of this country or moved outside at least 500 years. there's proof of this in my grandmother's house. whenever i meet someone with the same family history from ANY european country, they are always a few inches taller or shorter than me.

shut up discord tranny

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Unless you're Sardinian do shut the fuck up. Europeans aren't now, and never were pure you started out a mix of people coming from different regions of the world and since then you have intermixed with each other extensively, you are not pure. If Scandinavians aren't even homogeneous, Western and Eastern Europeans stand no chance as being such. You are mutt, you're not pure, stop memeing yourself to be, because biologically false in every measure.

I used to think the holocaust was real. But I looked into it and found out that it was bullshit.

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I fucking hate it.

Europeans are pure you fucking idiot, there is literally no where near the amount of immigration seen in there as in New World countries (with the exception of UK lol) and it is literally almost 99% homogeneous.

Fucking idiot.

Stay jealous of our purety

(American whites are not white)

Stay mad faggot

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women just want the healthiest, strongest and best genetic material for their children. that is all

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Oh god yes I want black men to fuck and breed our white women that way we all win

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Wow, Jews sure are terrible. Why do we let them control our banking, media and finance?

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this size is not for reproduction purposes
this size was developed with the sole purpose of humiliation of whitebois and to provide proper orgasms!

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When can we start putting Jews in gas chambers for real?

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Oh fuck yes my little whiteboi clit is going to squirt so hard knowing just how superior big black cock is

How does these dudes fit into the BLACKED narrative?
Do you just ignore them, call em race traitors, say they're not true black people?

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Honestly, can I please ask why do you post this black stuff? I'm genuinely intrigued into the psyche of someone who sits and does this. Are you black yourself?

>white boys shoot up schools

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No you're not. Even Sardinians are mutt to an extent and they're the most homogeneous in Europe. ALL of you have slavic admixture ALL of you have mediterranean admixture ALL of you have northwestern admixture. The south of Italy is literally ethnically distinct from North. So is South France from North. East Germany from West. You're mutt.

Muh haplogroup means, this just tells the paternal heritage faggot. Nothing to do with purity, a fucking pure nigger can have a European Y-dna idiot

We already kicked their ass in the last race war and we will do so again, no wonder it is hard to cope being a nigger

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They're trannys from discord servers that think they're "owing the alt right" by posting nigger dicks on Sup Forums.
Truly the most pathetic human existence imaginable.
This is all they have to keep from coming suicide for being freaks.

Christ, you're just as bad as those BLEACH fellas
Get a job, a black man or a switch but fuckin hell
You know what you doing 'ight? Feedin into this 'WHYTE MEN GOIN EXTINCT' narrative that Sup Forums is pushin, but you're on the 'ther side of it.

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Committing suicide ****


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Imagine all your ancestors lol. How ashamed they would be knowing that a white man bows down and licks the ass of the most ignorant and lowest ranked IQed race. Where nothing in their brain, conciousness, or subconscious works except their penis and testosterone. White males get knocked down and stay down, but somehow you find a way to absorb self hatred as a race and belittle yourselves enough to now worship the brainless blacks. Kys beta male. And everyone who agrees with him, hope you join him. :3

Literal gorillas are stronger than us humans too. Do you suggest we should find a way for them to breed our women?

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Black females have just as much testosterone as black men. That's why it's incredibly easy for black men to "transition" to females, all they really need is a boob job. It's so easy for them, that you cant even tell the difference until they show you their dick. They're a disgrace to humanity.

kys nigger lover

Daily reminder that killing jews and non-whites is the duty of any decent human being and should be viewed as the highest honor!

I'm just tendra spencer m8

black people aren't more attractive and they are still wondering what trees are like they were 50,000 years ago