Doge turned 14 yesterday (this is the real doge)

Doge turned 14 yesterday (this is the real doge)

Good luck and prosperity will come to you, but only if you type "Happy Birthday Doge" in this tread.

Attached: doge.png (1600x1026, 1.6M)

Other urls found in this thread:

happy birthday doge

Attached: doge.jpg (680x510, 35K)

Happy birthday doge

happy bday doge

fucking dog gonna die soon bitch

gotta love me some dogg time

listen here you piece of shi-

Happy birthday doggo

happy bday doge

Happy Birthday Doge

Come here and let me cut you

Attached: 2u7dmx.jpg (640x622, 31K)

Happy Birthday Doge

Happy birthday doge

Happy Birthday Doge

Happy birthday Doge

habby 14 burbday doge!!!!!1111!!!!!1!!

Happy birthday doge

Happy birfday doggo

Turned 14 on November 2nd. Post timestamp with Kabosu to prove it or gtfo fag

I thought it already ate the dirt sandwich?

Um, I think the owner of the dog knows when its birthday is, not the first unsourced shit that pops up when you google Doge

Happy Birthday Doge

Happy Birthday Doge

So OP should post a timestamp with Kabosu. How hard can that be considering they fucking own her?

Ah shit I’m rarted, OP never said Kabosu is his

Attached: 9DA8A6A0-9EE1-43C5-80EE-1403B884BA9A.gif (500x446, 1.85M)

Doge's owner is some 60 year old Japanese guy, not exactly the demographics of the average /b user.

Happy Birthday Doge

Happy Birthday Doge

happi birday doge

Happy Birthday Doge

happy birthday doge !

Happy Birfday Doge!

Attached: 1573817498678.jpg (586x702, 68K)

Happy birthday Doge

He is cute as fuck.

Attached: 1553963906327.jpg (500x350, 42K)

Happy Birthday Doge!!!

Happy Birthday Doge

Happy Birthday Doge

Happy fucking birthday

Attached: 1442765271939.gif (257x214, 1.83M)

Happy Birthday Doge!

Attached: gillem (4).png (167x196, 43K)

"Happy Birthday Doge"